
Can anyone get the third shot? Officially given the answer, there are "4 types of people" or need to pay attention

author:Dr. Jiang Feng

The coronavirus has existed for nearly two years, and since the outbreak of the epidemic, it has brought serious impacts to many countries and regions in the world, not only endangering people's lives, but also affecting the economy of a country, and due to the arrival of the epidemic, the economic development of some countries has stagnated. #健康迎新年 #

Can anyone get the third shot? Officially given the answer, there are "4 types of people" or need to pay attention

At present, the coronavirus disease is still raging, everyone's heart is very afraid, so the mainland has taken active and effective measures, from the initial discovery of the spread of the virus to the later control of the disease, it took a short time, which also proves our strength and unity of the masses.

And the vaccine has been introduced for nearly a year, and the vaccine is progressing well, most people have completed the first and second doses, but the virus is also mutating, for which the mainland has developed a third dose of enhanced vaccine.

However, what should we pay attention to when giving the third injection? Why does some say that not everyone can be vaccinated?

Can anyone get the third shot? Officially given the answer, there are "4 types of people" or need to pay attention

First of all, why do we need a third injection?

At present, the third dose of vaccine vaccinated by the mainland is generally a recombinant protein vaccine, after three vaccinations, the vaccine can sustainably enhance the immune effect in vivo, and obtain sufficient antibody strength in the body, the production process of recombinant protein vaccine does not involve live virus, but makes the cell mimic the virus, stimulates the body to produce antibodies, relatively safe.

After two injections, the positive conversion rate of the neutralizing antibody can reach 83%, and after the third injection, the positive conversion rate of the neutralizing antibody can reach about 97%.

Can anyone get the third shot? Officially given the answer, there are "4 types of people" or need to pay attention

Can anyone get the third shot? Officially given the answer, there are "4 types of people" or need to pay attention

According to the National Health Commission's response to a reporter's question, the intensive injection of the new crown vaccine is currently in the promotion stage, calling for universal vaccination and improving the defense against the new crown, however, the following groups of people may have an impact on their health after vaccination, so vaccination is not recommended.

Pregnant and lactating women cannot be vaccinated because there are not enough samples to prove whether the COVID-19 vaccine will adversely affect pregnant women and infants.

Can anyone get the third shot? Officially given the answer, there are "4 types of people" or need to pay attention

2. People with a history of allergies cannot be vaccinated. For example, people who are allergic to influenza, hepatitis B, HPV, and other vaccines because the COVID-19 vaccine and the above vaccine belong to the same antigen vaccine.

3. It is strictly forbidden to vaccinate patients with fever, acute disease, acute onset of chronic diseases or out-of-control serious chronic diseases.

4. People with out-of-control epilepsy and other serious neurological diseases (such as rhabdomitis, demyelinating disease, etc.) cannot be vaccinated.

What do I need to pay attention to after vaccination?

1. Stay and observe for 30 minutes after vaccination

After the third vaccination, you need to follow the doctor's advice, observe the place of vaccination for about 30 minutes, see if your body is abnormal, if there is an abnormality, you must notify the medical staff as soon as possible.

Can anyone get the third shot? Officially given the answer, there are "4 types of people" or need to pay attention

Don't underestimate this short 30 minutes, if you leave immediately after the vaccination is completed, if something strange happens to your body and can't be detected in time, it will seriously threaten your life and safety.

2. Reasonable diet

After the first and second injections of the new crown vaccine, the doctor told everyone that we must eat a reasonable diet, do not eat spicy food and seafood, and avoid reacting to the new crown vaccine, after the third vaccination, everyone should comply with this requirement, maintain a light diet, and stay away from spicy foods and seafood.

Can anyone get the third shot? Officially given the answer, there are "4 types of people" or need to pay attention

3. Observe the physical condition, if there is any abnormality, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible

After the third dose of the enhanced vaccine, if it is found that the body continues to have a high fever, more than 38.5 ° C, the injection site is red and swollen, more than 2.5 cm, at this time, we must go to the hospital as soon as possible to do relevant examinations, so as not to delay the condition and threaten our health.

Can anyone get the third shot? Officially given the answer, there are "4 types of people" or need to pay attention


In fact, like other vaccines, the new crown vaccine can not achieve 100% protection effect, so even after vaccination, we still have to insist on wearing masks, maintaining distance from people, and paying attention to the prevention of personal hygiene, only in this way can we control the spread of the virus.

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