
Mental health of college students: no one is willing to be responsible, anyone can intervene


As an important channel for school psychological crisis intervention, the psychological counseling center of colleges and universities will provide free counseling services for students, which is also the first choice for many students.

At present, most of the psychological counseling centers in colleges and universities are subordinate to the Ministry of Academic Engineering. This makes the teachers of the psychological counseling center of the university have a dual identity, they are neither independent professional psychological counselors nor administrators, but they also assume the functions of both - both "serving the interests and well-being of the client" and "for the good of the students".

The two functions, which seem not to contradict each other, are contradictory in their implementation. Students, on the other hand, may pay a price that is difficult to turn around.

"Don't die, it's over"

In the summer of the Pearl River Delta, there is still a trace of heat at 9 o'clock in the evening. After work, some people gather on the side of the road to drink, and some people are leisurely cooling off and enjoying the evening breeze. Yu Qunsi (pseudonym), who was working overtime in the office, received a call from the counselor and went straight to the student dormitory. As soon as she arrived at the dormitory, she heard the security guards and the housekeeper aunt advising the students not to do stupid things for a lovelorn, and let the students think about what to do if they had an accident with their parents.

Yu Qunsi hurried to stop the security guards and the housekeeper aunt - because love frustration and family conflicts are common stressful incidents that cause students to commit suicide. Yu Qunsi took over the conversation, from seven o'clock in the evening to eight o'clock, the evening wind that blew her face turned into a wind that seemed to be able to bring people down at any time, and she finally persuaded the students to get off the balcony.

This is what happened in Yu Qunsi's first year as a counselor at a college psychological counseling center. Recalling the scene, she used the phrase "nervous and calm" to describe the mood at the time — nervousness was bound to be tense, but she had to force herself to remain calm. Emotions are contagious, and her nervousness, if passed on to her students, can have unimaginable consequences.

In addition to the above-mentioned TV-like scenes, some students improved their psychological counseling status due to Yu Qunsi, and some students wrote thank-you letters to her when they graduated, thanking her for her company along the way. Saving lives and changing the course of life, the sense of achievement can not be described as strong. But more often, Yu Qunsi experienced the difficulty of surviving in the cracks. When it comes to daily work, she is blunt: "At present, the vast majority of mental health education in colleges and universities , I dare not say 100 % — only cares about this situation: don't die, it's over." ”

Psychological crises are broadly divided into three levels. The first level is suicidal thoughts, verbal expressions, but no action plan or actual action; the second level is action, but there is no substantial life-threatening behavior; the third level is life-threatening behavior, such as jumping off a building to commit suicide, stabbing and injuring people, etc.

Yu Qunsi gave the example of a student who expressed world-weary ideas in the circle of friends. After a series of assessments, using 1 to 10 points to represent the likelihood of suicide (the higher the score, the greater the probability), the student has only 3 points, and there is still a long way to go before the actual suicide behavior is committed, and psychological assistance and intervention are more appropriate or sufficient for the student. However, the attitude of the college leaders is basically "take away" - give students a long vacation of 2 to 3 months, and the credits will be almost given, and if they have been in the fourth year, they will almost give the graduation certificate.

The reasons for advising students to take long vacations sound very good, "for your future considerations", "adjust to your state and come back", "will not affect academic and future development"... Such students go to the hospital to see a doctor, because they do not meet the diagnostic criteria for mental illness, the specific diagnosis is often ambiguous, "depressed mood", "bad mood", "stress state". The result may be that students leave school without the intervention they deserve and without receiving the most basic psychological services.

"You can also say that this is for the good of the students," Yu Qunsi said, "anyway, it is always for the good of the students, but it is not right to do it." ”

Take a long vacation, and be "lucky". Students with psychological problems may also receive a one-year suspension.

Mental health of college students: no one is willing to be responsible, anyone can intervene

Take a long vacation, and be "lucky". 丨Pixabay

Zhao Yun (pseudonym) works in a psychological counseling center at a university in Beijing. At the beginning of the new semester, the vice president of a certain college contacted her to say that a new student showed great aggression and had called the parents to come and ask her to go with her to persuade the parents to take their children home. Zhao Yun took the opportunity to chat with the student, and found that most of the student's aggression was reflected in his words, and he was not inferior to the vice dean and counselors. After learning about the so-called aggressive performance and growth experience, Zhao Yun believes that the student has no serious mental illness, no risk of suicide and injury, and has clear thinking and independent thinking ability. The students also agreed on the spot and were willing to come to the psychological center every week to find Zhao Yun for consultation.

Zhao Yun told the vice president of his judgment. However, the vice dean still moved out a bunch of school regulations and leadership orders to urge students to go home. Eventually, the students were suspended.

What Zhao Yun couldn't forget was the expression of the student's parents. The look on her face when she was suddenly called to school and unprepared to learn that her child had a "serious mental illness" and the look of relief when she told her parents that their children were fine.

For the average person, school and teachers mean authority. The "authority" thus throws a heavy label of "serious mental illness needing medical treatment" on students and parents. "But no one cares what such a simple and rude treatment means to the students and parents involved." Zhao Yun said.

Zhao Yun also mentioned the more cruel reality, respect or fear of schools and teachers, easy to be persuaded, do not know how to fight for the legitimate rights and interests of individuals, students and parents, their family conditions, economic ability is often not optimistic, she encountered many such children and families in her actual work. Children who are admitted to college may be the only hope for the whole family. And these children are not able to undertake hundreds or even thousands of psychological counseling services in external commercial institutions. The counseling room in the school may be their best and only option.

Whose mental health?

Li Lin (pseudonym) works as a counselor at the psychological centers of two universities in Sichuan. In his opinion, suspension from school is not necessarily a bad thing.

For some students with severe mental illness, completing schoolwork according to school requirements is beyond their ability. At this time, instead of struggling at school, it is better to press the pause button. Whether it's going to the hospital for treatment or slowly adjusting with the support of their families, suspension gives them respite and a chance to start over. Li Lin believes that the school's persuasion of these students to suspend their studies is for the good of the students and is in their interests.

But on the other hand, referring to the example of "I could have not taken a break from school, but was asked to be suspended by the school", Li Lin used the term "too much to count". In his view, the way colleges and universities deal with it is basically "risky, just rest". Some students and parents will be very resistant to suspension, and the school will also make concessions, requiring parents to rent a house near the campus to accompany them.

Li Lin said bluntly: "There was a problem during the period of renting a house outside, and the school can at least say that the students did not have an accident in the school." The responsible school still has to take responsibility, but at least not the overall responsibility. ”

If a student has an accident in the school, from the dormitory management building to the security office, to the psychological center, the counselor, to the leader in charge and the school leader, each floor has responsibilities. Not only that, if a student commits suicide in a college, the evaluation of the college in which he is located will be in vain; the work of the school's student engineering department for a year will be in vain, because the evaluation of the student's work will be rejected by one vote; if the school happens to be rushing "double first-class" recently, it will definitely be affected. Li Lin said that persuading students to suspend school is zero cost for the school, the school does not need to do any follow-up work, "does not need to take any risks, but also solves the problem."

Students are treated as "problems," and "problems" are not easy to get back to school. Yu Qunsi heard a counselor say that he would drag a student for six years, because he could only take a six-year break at most. After six years of grinding, I automatically dropped out of school. When Li Xiang (pseudonym) was studying at a university in Beijing, he took a year off for psychological problems. When he applied to resume school a year later, he was asked to prove that his "mental state had returned to health." To this end, Li Xiang ran to a number of hospitals, but the doctors all expressed the same meaning with embarrassment: it is easy to prove that people are sick, and it is difficult to prove that there is no disease. Finally, at his strong request, the hospital performed a series of examinations including cerebral blood flow mapping, and with the normal results of this pile of examinations, he finally returned to school.

Mental health of college students: no one is willing to be responsible, anyone can intervene

Students are treated as "problems." 丨Pixabay

Yu Qunsi believes that the doctor's approach can be understood: "The doctor saw it two or three times, adding up to less than an hour, and then concluded that the student was not safe and would not commit suicide, which was very difficult to do." Doctors don't dare to take such a big responsibility. ”

Therefore, Yu Qunsi will not ask for such "excessive", and will not require the certificate of return to school to have the clear words "the student's situation is suitable for returning to school". "It is definitely better to have it, which is equivalent to direct exemption from responsibility," Yu Qunsi said, "but if not, the doctor said vaguely, such as 'the current state is temporarily stable', 'you can try to contact society', 'suggest increasing social interaction'." Yu Qunsi was impressed by a doctor with excellent language skills, and the doctor wrote that "in medicine, no serious problems have been found at present."

Even with the relevant certificate issued by the hospital, the school can still block the process of returning to school. This is not difficult to understand: when students are advised to take a break from school, the school does not require students to go to the hospital first for diagnosis.

A mother brought her child back to school, and the hospital diagnosis said "stable state.". Zhao Yun chatted with the student and also thought that the student had the ability to return to school. She used the email to inform the parties of their judgment, but the vice president of the student's college saw the email and immediately called her to amend the email, and the meaning was very clear - the college did not want the student to come back. Zhao Yun once again wrote down her judgment and the hospital's diagnosis in the email, emphasizing that she believed that students had the ability to resume school, and as for not letting students come back, see the college deal with it. She copied this email to all the leaders involved. Eventually, the students returned.

In the process of chatting with three college counselors, talking about the mental health of students, the frequent words are "responsibility": who will take responsibility, who dare not take responsibility, who cannot take responsibility... Responsibility hangs in the air, and no one wants to touch it. The personal choices of psychological counselors sandwiched between the school and the students sometimes affect the fate of the students.

Protection and betrayal

Zhao Yun once took over a case of a student with severe depression and serious absenteeism. She judged that suspension was a better option for the student. But when communicating, the students expressed strong opposition, insisting that "going home for another year will be crazy." Through many consultations, Zhao Yun was well aware of the student's family situation and knew that the school was his last refuge. She agreed with the students to register at a psychiatric hospital that week. Going to the hospital, taking medicine, taking medicine, each process students have to communicate with Zhao Yun, but also continue to do regular psychological counseling. In this case, Zhao Yun chose not to inform the counselor and the department. Because she knew that once she was told, the students would not be able to stay in school.

With sufficient counseling knowledge and technology to support, professional psychological counselors will choose the most beneficial treatment method for students according to the actual situation. In Li Lin's words, the psychological counseling centers of colleges and universities must be responsible and have to hold up a piece of the sky for students.

But the question is, what if students don't meet a professional and responsible counselor at school?

If you search for "do you want to go to the school counseling room" on social platforms, many of the answers recommend not to go. One of the reasons is that the counselor will tell the counselor about the student's personal privacy, and the counselor will notify the hospital. As a result, there was a long vacation or a suspension of school, and some students never returned to school. In fact, this statement is not entirely accurate, because some counselors are also counselors themselves.

College counseling centers are filled with a large number of non-counseling professionals. Full-time teachers with backgrounds in pedagogy and basic psychology, as well as part-time teachers who are played by counselors and ideological teachers, have all played the role of counselors in college psychological counseling centers. Zhao Yun has participated in several salons and supervision of psychological counseling teachers in Beijing colleges and universities, and she was shocked by the lack of basic knowledge of psychological counseling by her peers, and some consultants from key colleges and universities who have been practicing for many years even know nothing about basic theories.

In September 2021, entrusted by the Clinical Psychology Registration Committee of the Chinese Psychological Association, Professor Qian Mingyi of the School of Psychology and Cognitive Science of Peking University led a group of young teachers to jointly draft and complete the standardized common documents of the Psychological Counseling Center of Colleges and Universities. Under the "Responsibilities and Obligations of Counselors" in the "Informed Consent For Psychological Counseling in Colleges and Universities", the first article is "confidentiality". The second article is the "confidentiality exception": 1. when the visitor is in serious danger of harming himself or herself or harming others; 2. when minors who do not have full capacity for civil conduct are sexually assaulted or abused; 3. When disclosure is required by law.

Mental health of college students: no one is willing to be responsible, anyone can intervene

Informed Consent for Psychological Counseling in Colleges and Universities

A classmate and Li Lin said he wanted to die. Li Lin discussed death with him, "How are you willing to die?" How long have you wanted to die? ”。 The more silent the student, the more likely they are to take action. Only at such times will Li Lin inform the department of the student's situation.

Yu Qunsi specifically mentioned, "It is not to break through secrecy, or to betray students." If a student's psychological problems are serious enough, it is not necessarily a bad thing to inform counselors and parents. Yu Qunsi believes that when the relationship with student counseling is established well, informing parents and counselors is actually a breakthrough in counseling work. However, before informing, she will definitely communicate with the students first, tell the students that they will inform the department of their status, ask for their opinions, ask the students what aspects they think need more attention, and what content the students want to help convey to their parents.

However, the non-professionally trained counselling teacher is not capable of judging the severity of the student's psychological problems. Yu Qunsi believes that it cannot be said that these teachers do not consider students. Inform the department of the student's privacy, "he is for the sake of the student's consideration, and he finds that he cannot handle it, so he can only ask for help." Therefore, it is the safest thing to do to inform the department of students who may be in danger.

But the problem is that everyone can commit suicide. Even professionals cannot guarantee that who will not commit suicide, cannot judge whose psychological condition is absolutely healthy, and may not be sure how much psychological counseling can play a role. Psychological counselors can't make a judgment that "there is no risk of suicide" on any person, in the words of Zhao Yun, "I can't guarantee myself." It is precisely because of the ambiguity of the psychological problem itself that the relevant aspects have a lot of room to deal with. Some colleges are relaxed, some colleges are strict, and the different ways of handling different colleges are directly related to the personal style of the leaders in charge of student work.

In Yu Qunsi's view, the question is: "What is personal mental health?" Mental health is a dynamic concept, and judging a student's mental state requires a lot of time to observe, understand, and evaluate in order to draw conclusions that are as relevant as possible. According to some performances, it is said that students are mentally unhealthy and have psychological problems. In addition to serious situations such as mental disorders or cognitive impairment, does the visitor's words not count? How did it become the outsider who had the final say? ”

There are always people who are young

Students' mental health is never just a matter of personal "decision-making" Looking back at the short history of psychological counseling centers in colleges and universities, it can be found that from the beginning of its establishment, college psychological counseling centers have been part of the ideological and political education work of colleges and universities.

"There are many people who advise me why should I think hard and meditate, saying that to live is to live, and many people do not understand it, do not live well as well? But I can't, life, meaning, these words, from time to time in my head, as if with a noose around my neck, forcing me to choose immediately. ”

"Whether I sink into the book or return to reality, all I see is a figure of The Grace and Nekhlyudov. I tossed and turned in bed, thinking, thinking hard, thinking bitterly. Slowly, I calmed down and became indifferent. ”

"The road of life, how to go narrower and narrower, but I am already very tired alone, as if as long as I breathe a sigh of relief, it means complete destruction." 」

The above implicit depressive tendencies, and even suicidal tendencies, if it is a college student's remarks in the circle of friends, he will most likely be called to the school psychological counseling center. These words originated from a 1980 letter published in China Youth magazine titled "The Road of Life, How to Get Narrower and Narrower". The letter ignited a six-month-long national debate on why people live, with more than 60,000 young people writing to the editorial board to participate in the discussion. This event was later called "the spiritual first love of an entire generation of Chinese youth."

In the 1980s, with the introduction of a number of classic Western philosophical works, "Satre fever", "Freud fever", "Nietzsche fever" and so on appeared in the university student group. In a way, the search for personal value has the potential to be the beginning of a spiritual crisis.

In this context, in September 1985, the Yiyou Service Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University was established, which opened the prelude to psychological education in mainland universities. The center is led by teachers of ideological and political education, and employs psychologists, educators, and psychiatrists to regularly open psychological counseling clinics in the school. In addition to individual interviews, the centre also held lectures on "Sexual Science Knowledge" and "Mental Health". In 1986, more than 30 domestic universities, including Beijing Normal University, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, and Shanghai Tongji University, carried out psychological counseling activities for college students.

Judging from the professions of psychological counseling staff who advocated, prepared, and promoted at the beginning, most of them are ideological educators, including moral or ideological and political teachers, members of the Student Work Department, and counselors. An important reason for this setting is the limitation of objective conditions. The psychology major in mainland China was only revived in 1978, and the psychological counseling major was only established in the mid-1990s. In other words, the establishment of psychological counseling majors is even later than the beginning of psychological counseling practice in colleges and universities.

Mental health belongs to the category of ideological and political education, and this tradition continues to this day. A survey of psychological counseling centers in 20 colleges and universities in Beijing, Wuhan and Xi'an showed that 80% of the psychological counseling centers in colleges and universities were affiliated with the Department of Student Affairs (Department) and other departments, 11% were attached to faculties and departments, and 5% were attached to the ideological and political teaching and research office. Before working as a full-time counselor at a college psychological counseling center, Li Lin worked as a counselor for several years, and he believes that there is no essential difference between the two. At present, most of the psychological counseling centers in colleges and universities are affiliated with the Ministry of Student Affairs, which can be regarded as "another form of ideological and political education."

But is it the same thing to do psychological counseling and doing ideological work?

With the deepening of the understanding of the psychological counseling profession, professional talents and teams have gradually been cultivated, and problems have slowly surfaced - are the goals of ideological and political education and the goals of psychological counseling unified? Going deeper, what is the relationship between thought and psychology?

If a classmate is absent from class continuously, the counselor will generally recommend that the student go to a psychological center for counseling. If the student does not cooperate or the condition is more serious, the counselor will further recommend that the student take a leave of absence to adjust. Counselors and students are not equal in status. As a school spokesperson, counselors can directly convey "you have a problem, so you go.") But the psychology teacher should give the student support. Counselors should explore the reasons behind the students' absenteeism and set out to help them solve what has been accumulating in their hearts for a long time.

Mental health of college students: no one is willing to be responsible, anyone can intervene

The debate never stopped. 丨Pixabay

There are always people who are young, there are always people who are helpless, wandering, and losing their way. In the 1990s, with the establishment of the market economic system, society once again underwent great changes. This is accompanied by the development and growth of psychological institutions in colleges and universities. In 1994, the "Several Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Strengthening and Improving the Work of Moral Education in Schools" was issued, which began to emphasize the importance of strengthening psychological quality education. At the same time, this has also caused a debate about how to do psychological counseling, and it has not yet been conclusive.

Jiang Guangrong, professor emeritus of the School of Psychology of Central China Normal University, wrote in review of the controversy in the 1990s: "At that time, during the annual meeting of the Psychological Counseling Professional Committee for College Students of the China Mental Health Association, a group of people were divided into two verbal battles, one was that 'psychological counseling is a new way of ideological and political education in the new situation', and the other was that 'psychological counseling and ideological and political education are fundamentally two different things'. ”

Some scholars with a background in psychological counseling regard the value intervention problem as the key point to distinguish psychological counseling from ideological and political education. Value neutrality is a methodology of psychological counseling, which advocates that "any empirical discipline cannot tell others what they should do, but tell others what they can do", and will not interfere with the value orientation of the parties from the content. Ideological and political education is to shape people's hearts with a set of established and unified world outlooks, which has obvious ideological colors.

Scholars with ideological and political education background believe that psychological dilemmas are often due to the conflict between self-values and the outside world, resulting in emotional and emotional imbalances, and through a fuller understanding of the outside world and values, visitors can get rid of the limitations of self-knowledge. Moreover, in different countries and different social systems, psychological counselors cannot be unaffected by the mainstream values of their society.

Some scholars believe that the goal of psychological counseling is to eliminate psychological barriers and promote mental health, while the goal of ideological and political education is to improve people's ideological and political moral level. However, some scholars believe that both are aimed at achieving the goal of cultivation, and both are aimed at creating a new generation of people with sound personalities, so the goals are the same.

More scholars believe that the two are a relationship of seeking common ground while reserving differences. The ultimate goal of psychological counseling is to take human development as the foundation, while the ultimate goal of ideological and political education has long emphasized guaranteeing and promoting social stability and development, ignoring its due functions and goals of serving human development.

Professor Ma Jianqing of the School of Marxism of Zhejiang University wrote in his article "Re-discussing the Relationship between School Psychological Counseling and Ideological and Political Education" published in 1997: "It is precisely this bias in understanding that has led to certain defects in ideological education for a long time, such as 'being accustomed to condescending to put forward various requirements for students from the needs of society, but not good at conducting psychological analysis from the perspective of students and guiding students with psychological counseling methods'. He believes that only when ideological and political education is fully functional in the field of personal relations and in the service of people themselves, "people are not cultivated as tools, but as purposes."

It didn't hurt so much when I fell

"They identify individual struggles, automatically stripping the individual from the relationship between the times, and in the specific context of atomization and fragmentation, the relationship between the individual and the times is easily transferred to the individual's opportunity, fate and effort, and the struggle between the student and the fate at the individual level and the student's inability to fight against fate at the overall level constitute a shocking contrast."

- Yellow Lantern ,"My Second Student"

In 2020, the National Health Commission issued the "Work Plan for Exploring Special Services for the Prevention and Treatment of Depression", which requires: increase the intervention of key groups such as adolescents, and all high schools and colleges and universities will include depression screening into the content of student health examinations, establish student mental health files, assess students' mental health status, and pay close attention to students with abnormal assessment results.

The data from different surveys are not the same, but they are all shocking. A meta-analysis published in the Chinese Journal of Mental Health in 2020 showed that the detection rate of depressive symptoms among college students was 24.71%. A survey of 3609 Zhengzhou University students showed that the detection rate of depressive symptoms among surveyed college students was 48.24%. A survey involving 3195 college students from three universities in Shandong Province showed that the detection rate of depressive symptoms among the surveyed college students was 25.7%, the detection rate of anxiety symptoms was 39.6%, and the detection rate of anxiety combined with depressive symptoms was 22.3%.

Through years of contact with his classmates, Zhao Yun felt that the wide range and severity of students' psychological problems were intensifying, and it was necessary to attach importance to students' mental health and increase screening. But thinking of one student after another who had been persuaded to leave school, Zhao Yun could not agree with such a rough approach.

Yu Qunsi found that in recent years, colleges and universities have paid more and more attention to students' psychological problems, and data statistics and file establishment have spent energy. But the student experience is another matter, "But is the student experience important for the development of a college?" ”。

Based on the experience of his own counselors and psychological counselors, Li Lin believes that some things that seem contradictory are actually not contradictory. Just like family education, many parents only pay attention to whether the child has scored 100 points, do not pay attention to what difficulties the child encounters in school, and do not care about the child's needs, and the child's psychology is naturally prone to problems. The same is true in colleges and universities. Schools can not only make requirements, but should pay attention to students' real feelings and demands, and help students solve practical problems faced by individuals.

Mental health of college students: no one is willing to be responsible, anyone can intervene

Schools should not only make demands, but pay attention to the real feelings and demands of students. 丨 Station Cool Helo

"When we emphasize rules, we can't say that there are only rules," Li Lin said, "and the main point of the work of psychological counseling teachers in colleges and universities lies in this." Let the student comply with the rules and requirements of the school, and let the student know that someone is supporting him. ”

This is also the reason why the three psychological counselors are willing to stand up and take a stand. They are well aware of the problems existing in college counseling centers and are aware of the "demonization" of college counseling centers by social media. They want students to know that there are teachers who leak students' privacy, there are teachers who are willing to persuade students to leave, but there are also teachers who stand with students and are willing to help them, and there are not a few teachers who really think about students.

In the ivory tower, college counselors must not only provide professional services for visitors, but also perform the work duties of college teachers; stand by the window sill to persuade students not to take their lives lightly, but also persuade students to leave school; to protect students' privacy, but also to cooperate with counselors to inform students' parents. Due to the limitations of the conditions, there may not be enough support for students, but under limited conditions, they will try their best to do it.

The three psychological counselors hope that students will not have too many expectations for the university psychological counseling center, but also do not completely lose confidence, and do not beat the college psychological counseling center to death because of the comments on the Internet.

Although there are various deficiencies, in the current situation that the psychological counselor certification system is not perfect and the market is still relatively chaotic, the probability of encountering reliable psychological counselors on campus is relatively high compared with the external commercial psychological counseling institutions. Teachers who can enter the psychological counseling center of colleges and universities have at least undergone a screening, and with the importance of colleges and universities to students' mental health, more and more psychological counseling professionals have poured into colleges and universities, and the service level and quality of psychological counseling centers are constantly improving. Psychological counseling centers in some colleges and universities have tried to break away from the Ministry of Education and Engineering and become independent institutions that can provide better protection for students. Coupled with the most realistic economic factors, students can still consider trying. It's always good to make a difference, and walking into the counseling room may become an opportunity for students to grow themselves.

Mental health of college students: no one is willing to be responsible, anyone can intervene

Walking into the counseling room has the potential to be an opportunity for students to grow themselves. 丨 Station Cool Helo

During the freshman military training, under the high-intensity training, a student was in a very poor state, and he would cut his wrist and cut his arm to self-harm. Yu Qunsi gave the student psychological counseling and suggested that he go to the hospital for treatment and prescribe medicine. Under the dual effect of psychological counseling and drugs, by the end of the semester, the students' emotions have stabilized a lot. But in a large-scale activity, a teacher pointed out some problems in the student's work, and the student suddenly became emotional, crouched in the corner and cried, and it took more than ten minutes to calm down. The college leaders believed that the student's behavior affected the campus order and asked him to take a long vacation. Yu Qunsi was thus pulled into the "army of persuasion", originally asking her to persuade students to take a vacation, but instead she "persuaded" counselors, directors of student work offices and department leaders.

Start with facts. From wrist cutting to crying, through a semester of work, the student's behavior has improved significantly, and it is necessary to see, care and praise his progress, not just see the problem. It is the complex upbringing that shapes the student's problem, not the student's own problem. The documents of the Ministry of Education are again quoted. In 2017, the Ministry of Education issued the "Implementation Outline of the Project for Improving the Quality of Ideological and Political Work in Colleges and Universities", which clearly wrote "psychological education" into the "Ten Major Education" integrated education system. Educating people is the goal, the fundamental, the starting point and the destination. Finally, the common sense of popular science psychological counseling. General mood problems require 4 to 8 consultations to be effective. Psychological problems such as those brought about by the student's bumpy life experience require more consultation.

Eventually, the students stayed. The counselor had a heart-to-heart conversation, the parents signed the notice and the letter of commitment, and the student promised to take the medicine regularly and come to Yu Qunsi on time for consultation.

Yu Qunsi hopes that students will realize that "many psychological problems, counseling is not necessarily useful, but they also have to work hard." Counselors and students are a partnership, and both sides have to face difficult situations together. Some professional counselors may have the ability to pull a person out of a difficult situation, but under the constraints of reality, college counselors cannot do this.

Yu Qunsi said that what he could do was: "Standing behind the students, so that the students can't hold on to falling down when it doesn't hurt so much." ”


If you go to the school's psychological counseling center, Yu Qunsi suggests that students should first leave some space for themselves, psychological counseling is "a bit useful, but not so useful." Second, it usually takes four times to judge whether a consultant is professional, and not to draw conclusions once. In the end, the consulting work could not go smoothly, and sometimes two people could not be separated. If they don't feel good after getting along, students can also consider changing people.

If you have conducted three or four consultations, the student still feels that the effect is not great or feels that the counselor cannot understand himself well, and can directly bring it up to see the other party's reaction. If the counselor can catch it and discuss it with the student, this consultation may go further. If the counselor does not cope well, the student should choose to change. Students can also ask to see the counselor's consultation records, which is a reasonable request of the client. If there is not even a decent record, the professional level of the consultant is debatable.

Remarks: At the request of the respondents, some of the personal information in this article has been processed.


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Author: Xuezhu

Edit: Li Xiaoqiu

Audit: Emeria

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