
A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky

author:Aika car

[Aika Automotive Car Culture Original]

Since experiencing the fun of motorhome self-driving trips in New Zealand's South Island, my daughter-in-law and I have planted grass on motorhome self-driving tours, and it is precisely because of that caravan self-driving trip that the family has more sons. Originally planned to take the child to New Zealand before the child went to kindergarten, I thought of using the opportunity of the self-driving tour to cultivate his ability to solve problems independently, and I could enjoy the fun of the motorhome self-driving tour again. The pandemic has completely ruined plans, but the convenience of work has made motorhome travel no longer limited to New Zealand. Why not take a family motorhome road trip around Beijing? Not only can you truly experience the quality of domestic caravans, but also realize the plan of parent-child caravan self-driving tours. As a result, such a completely different self-driving tour plan was put on the agenda, and the previous static shooting of the crowd caravan freedom gun became the first choice.

A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky

Parents will feel the same way, once the self-driving trip is attached to the prefix of "parent-child", there is a great possibility that the attribute of the self-driving trip will become "change places with a baby". Not only that, but the parent-child trip also means that what could have been a little bit of eating, drinking, and sleeping has become completely uncompromising. This undoubtedly adds difficulty to this parent-child caravan self-driving tour, and the domestic caravan supporting facilities are not sound. To be on the safe side, I set the goal of this motorhome road trip as a successful one-night camping trip.

After a night of camping outside, there is almost no need to consider the camp overnight, after all, the water and electricity storage capacity of the Freedom Cannon is fully able to meet the normal use needs of two days and one night. After searching for outdoor locations around Beijing that are suitable for camping by motorhome, the Kangxi Grassland adjacent to the Guanting Reservoir became the first choice.

A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky

Beijingers must not be unfamiliar with the Kangxi Grassland, as a former national AAA-level tourist attraction, it is the closest grassland to Beijing, but at present, the scenic spot has been abandoned, and the car can drive directly through the grassland to the shore of the Guanting Reservoir. The Guanting Reservoir, once Beijing's main source of water, was later withdrawn from the city's drinking water system due to deteriorating water quality, and it is one of the few reservoirs around Beijing that can drive directly to the shore.

A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky
A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky
A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky

Just in time for the day of blue sky and white clouds, with the governance of the environment in recent years, there are more and more good weather like this in Beijing. Another reason for choosing the Concey Prairie is proximity. Before the Jingli Expressway was opened to traffic, the Only way to go to kangxi grassland was to take the Beijing-Tibet Expressway, which had a speed limit of 60km/h. With the full opening of the Jingli Expressway, it will take only one and a half hours to drive from Beijing to the shore of the Guanting Reservoir.

A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky

The driving texture of the Freedom Gun is very different from that of the Great Wall Gun, although the Freedom Gun uses the chassis of the Great Wall Gun. The curb weight of more than three tons and the height of the body of more than three meters made the Freedom Gun obviously much heavier to fire than the Great Wall Gun. The center of gravity of the freedom gun is significantly higher, the inertia is also greater, and whether it is steering or braking, the amount of advance must be taken into account. The forehead bed in front of the windshield is also a factor that needs to be considered, and the height limit has become a problem that needs to be paid attention to at all times.

A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky
A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky

With more and more wind power equipment in front of us, the Guanting Reservoir also appeared in front of the eyes. Known as the "most beautiful wind farm", beijing Lumingshan Guanting Wind Farm was built for the 2008 Olympic Games, and it is also the first large wind farm in Beijing. Unlike other places where wind farms are mostly built on tops of mountains, many of the wind turbines here stand in the reservoir.

A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky

Our campsite is just below a wind turbine. The sound of the wind turbine whistling shows that the wind is indeed not small here, in order to be able to open the awning without being overturned by the wind, the right side of the body installing the awning must be on the leeward side. This way, the body can make the wind under the awning less, but also avoid the wind blowing the open awning over and damaging.

A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky

The Freedom Gun was equipped with a manual awning from FIAMMA. FIAMMA is a globally renowned brand specializing in the production of motorhome awnings, which also offer electric awnings in addition to manual awnings. At present, most of the domestic caravans use this brand of awnings. The awning can be easily opened with the joystick that comes with the car, and the support rod is hidden inside the awning, which can be fixed to the ground by means of ground nails.

A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky

Near noon, after setting up the camp, we began to cook on the fire. Since the test drive does not have an air tank, it is not possible to cook with the gas stove that comes with the car, so a Kohlerman's propane camping stove was specially brought, which has two stoves, so that one can make rice and one cook.

A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky
A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky
A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky

The plan for lunch is fat beef rice with grilled sausages and salad. For a Southerner, rice is the soul of every meal, so I brought a portable pressure cooker to make rice, which has accompanied me to New Zealand and the United States. Fat beef, grilled sausages and salads are bought at Sam on the first day, fat beef with onions can quickly make a topping similar to Japanese fat beef rice, sausages only need to be fried slightly in oil, salad with salad sauce is a good vegetarian dish.

A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky

Cooking is definitely one of the joys of motorhome travel, especially for those who love to cook. Eating your own familiar taste in an off-the-beaten-path place is an experience that no ordinary road trip can match. Motorhome travel is also more suitable for those who love life, and for them, motorhomes can make a difference.

Set off with a lot of anticipation

A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky
A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky
A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky
A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky
A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky

After the belly is the endless time of the baby. As the saying goes, parents are the best teachers, and this is not false at all. Under my ears, children not only have no resistance to any means of transportation with wheels, but also especially like to imitate me with a camera to "shoot the car". For the Freedom Cannon, a means of transportation that is different from other cars, he naturally will not let go.

A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky
A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky
A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky
A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky
A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky

I have to admit that the good reputation of the Great Wall Gun has brought a lot of attention to the Freedom Gun, and the relatively atmospheric exterior design of the Freedom Gun has made many potential consumers of RVs become its loyal fans. At least on the road, its attention and return rate are no less than those of the new models of luxury brands.

A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky
A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky
A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky

You might mistakenly think that the key set came from a mansion, which is actually all the keys to this freedom cannon, a total of more than a dozen. Different keys open different "mechanisms" on the body, including lockers, black water tanks, water injection ports, etc., after all, different suppliers use different locks, which also causes the situation that RVs usually have a large number of different keys.

A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky

What is it like to fly a kite in a place with the strongest wind in Beijing? The difficulty of flying a kite is minimized here, there is no need to run at all, only the direction of the line needs to be controlled like fishing, and the child needs to use all his strength to hold the kite.

A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky

Speaking of fishing, how can you come to the Guanting Reservoir without trying? It is said that freshwater fish used to be stocked here, but then they slowly multiplied themselves, and now some fish in the reservoir weigh 70 to 80 pounds. However, due to the excessive underwater weeds near the camping site, only Jiang Taigong can take the bait.

A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky
A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky
A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky

In the summer, the grassland is full of unknown small yellow flowers, and with the green grassland and the mother and child laughing and playing next to the caravan, a quiet and peaceful picture is presented in front of you.

A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky
A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky

As the sun sets, golden sunlight reflects on the lake. The drone took the view to the sky and found that there was only one car left on the shore. Under the setting sun, the whole golden world seems to be exclusive to us. As we prepared to start decorating the camp with our own LED ambience lights, unintended circumstances were about to break our camping plans.

A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky
A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky
A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky

As a key component of the "ambience group", LED ambience lights are also suitable for motorhome campsites. This LED mood light is powered by the USB socket of the charging treasure, and it is said that the 10,000 mAh charging treasure can support the atmosphere lamp for a full night of power supply.

A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky
A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky

The lights decorate the camp while also attracting a variety of flying insects. We thought there could be no flying insects in such a windy place, and the doors and windows of the Freedom Cannon were equipped with curtains, but we really underestimated the number of flying insects by the reservoir. In particular, after the day was completely darkened, the flying insects that covered the sky finally occupied all the outside light sources. Curtains do keep flying insects out of the car, but we can't completely confine ourselves to the car. Eventually, the interior of the car also began to become dark.

A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky

In desperation, we had to choose to retreat overnight, but the one-and-a-half-hour drive allowed us to get home before midnight. It is worth mentioning that the freedom gun has handed over an average fuel consumption of 11 liters per 100 kilometers, which is remarkable for such a motorhome with a wind resistance coefficient that far exceeds that of ordinary passenger cars.

A "failed" motorhome self-driving tour: people are not as good as the sky

Since the car was completely occupied by various flying insects the night before going to the 4S shop to return the car, we deliberately took a vacuum cleaner from home to clean up the interior of the caravan. In fact, overseas motorhome rental clauses also require tenants to carry out a comprehensive cleanup of the inside and outside of the car before returning the car, otherwise they will be charged a high cleaning fee.

Editor's comments: As the first domestic caravan measured by Xiaobian, the freedom cannon has completed the role it should play brilliantly, and there is no unsatisfactory place in any link, and the failure of the first domestic parent-child caravan self-driving tour is completely unexpected, and the original plan has a starry sky shooting such a link that has not been realized, after all, for children who grow up in the city, if they want to look at the galaxy, they can only take him to the wilderness like the Guanting Reservoir, and the caravan is suitable as a carrier for parent-child self-driving tours. In order to take him to the stars as soon as possible, the next parent-child motorhome self-driving trip is already planned, so stay tuned.

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