
Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess


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Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

Ma Li grew up in a wealthy family, and after her mother was tricked into losing her family property, she began to work as an actress.

In the audience's impression, it is felt that Ma Li's personality should be as big as Ma Dongmei in "Charlotte Troubles".

However, what everyone does not know is that Ma Li is actually a full-time actor, catering to the role and audience as a comedian, which made her fall into a state of depression for a time.

Fortunately, during the period when she was in a low mood, Ma Li met her current husband, Xu Wenhe.

Xu Wenhe, who was 11 years younger than Ma Li, had been with her when she was depressed, and later after the two married and had children, they spoiled her like a princess.

It is said that the end of comedy is a tragedy, what kind of person is Ma Li in reality?

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess
Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

Born in 1982 in Kuandian Manchu Autonomous County, Dandong, Liaoning Province, Ma Li is an authentic Manchu girl.

Until the age of 8, she always thought she was the happiest child in the world, with a father who hurt and a mother who loved.

When she was 8 years old, her mother held her thin arm with tears in her eyes: "My baby, my mother is going to be separated from my current father." ”

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

Young Ma Li looked at her mother confusedly, she stared at a pair of round eyes, as if she understood.

The mother cried even harder when she saw this, and she promised her daughter over and over again: "You will have a new father, he will be very good to you, better than the current father!" ”

After that day, the former father disappeared and a strange man came to the house.

In the 90s, the county town was still very closed-minded, and the neighbor's parents saw that Ma Li's parents were divorced, and Ma Li's mother soon brought a man home and showed a disdainful look, not letting her children play with Ma Li.

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

Ma Li can only play with herself, she does not speak for days, and a "low self-esteem" emotion gradually arises in her heart.

Mary's stepfather was a kind man who loved children and treated his wife as well as her ex-husband's children.

Whenever Mary stuffed herself at home, her stepfather went to enlighten her and invited her to go outside with him.

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

Father and daughter go out on outings together, play badminton together, and have dinner together.

Teenage children can have any overnight feuds, and gradually friendships are established.

In addition, Ma Li's mother is in business and has a relatively well-off family.

And the economic base determines the superstructure, and as soon as Little Ma Li looks at herself, she has both a good life and enlightened parents, and she is confident that she will return immediately.

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

By chance, Mary fell in love with acting.

She looked at the little girls who could perform on the school stage and felt envious: Why can't I be like them?

In 1996, the Liaoning Provincial Culture and Art School came to enroll, and Ma Li wanted to apply for the exam, so she told her parents what she thought.

Unexpectedly, this idea was strongly opposed by her mother, who spoke fiercely: "What do you have?" Do you have a beautiful face or are you strong? You are still too young to dream of eating! ”

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

Ma Li bowed her head, so depressed that she even began to doubt herself, at this time her stepfather reached out to her.

The stepfather first encouraged Mary not to fall into the mire of self-doubt, and then turned her head to do his wife's thought work.

Ma Li didn't know what method he used, and finally got his mother to finally agree to let her apply for the exam.

Looking at her stepfather's face, the gratitude in her heart was indescribable, and she could only spit out two words dryly: "Thank you." ”

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

In 1996, Ma Li entered the Liaoning Culture and Art School to study performance.

Three years later, she was admitted to Liaoning Culture and Art Staff University with excellent results and continued her further studies in acting.

The years in college have made Ma Li's vision wider and her dreams farther, and she does not want to nest in this small place in Liaoning.

She wanted to go to Beijing, to Shanghai, to the most central city, to be the best actress.

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

In 2001, Ma Li targeted the Beijing Film Academy and the Central Academy of Drama.

After unremitting efforts, she was finally admitted to the Central Academy of Drama and began a new chapter in her life.

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess
Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

Ma Li had thought that the years in college would be a few years of self-enrichment and carefree, but she did not expect to be tested one after another.

The first to be questioned was her appearance.

Ma Li asked herself if she was a beautiful-looking little girl, although she was not a great beauty in the world, but it was enough to see.

After coming to the Chinese opera, in the environment of beautiful women everywhere, Ma Li was anxious about her appearance for the first time.

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

Not only herself, but even the teacher of the acting class felt that Ma Li could change her appearance slightly, and she suggested: "Xiao Li, your teeth are a bit dirty, why don't you have time to improve it?" ”

Mary accepted her suggestion and knocked out four teeth in one fell swoop.

Extracting teeth is too painful, let alone pulling out so many teeth in one go.

In the school dormitory, Ma Li faced her swollen cheeks in the mirror and had the idea of giving up for the first time: Am I really not suitable for this industry?

Just when Mary doubted her life, her mother called and made her completely stop thinking.

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

It turned out that Ma Li's mother was in business, although not very rich, but it was enough.

But since her daughter learned art, the cost has become larger, and she is deeply troubled, so she always wants to invest something and make more money.

Just when Ma Li's mother was distressed, a so-called "acquaintance" came with a thousand layers of routine.

Ma Li's mother was deceived into slag, and in addition to being embarrassed, she was the first to think of her daughter, so she called Ma Li: "Daughter! Mom is bankrupt! Do you have any spare money to lend your mother a turnaround! ”

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

When Ma Li heard this, flowers exploded in her head.

She ignored the pain in her cheeks, forgot the self-doubt she had just had, and thought only about how to help her mother get through the difficulties.

In the end, Ma Li is a nameless and nameless little actor, she can't make much money, she can only run with her head down one crew after another, looking for some dragon set roles to play.

Those days were a period of time that Ma Li still found difficult in retrospect.

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

She couldn't act in a TV series, so she went to play a small supporting role in a drama troupe.

After a hard day during the day, I came home and didn't even have to eat a hot meal.

Coupled with the fact that the landlord who rented the house was not a good person, tossing her all day, Mary felt that she was about to collapse.

Fortunately, behind the dark clouds is a rainbow, and after surviving this difficult time, Ma Li soon ushered in the turning point given by fate.

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

Although she played small roles in the drama crew, Ma Li's professionalism was unanimously praised by the directors.

With excellent word of mouth, in 2005, Ma Li joined the big family of "Happy Twist".

In 2006, she was given the opportunity to cooperate with Pu Cunxin and other big names, and has starred in well-known works such as drama "Master Builder" and "Crazy Stone".

The drama in which Ma Li participated had a large audience, including many well-known people in the circle, than how to jiong.

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

He Jiong watched Ma Li's performance, became fond of this cheerful girl, and invited her to participate in the program he hosted.

Ma Li listened, but she was happy to be broken, after all, "Happy Base Camp" is so red, He Jiong is a big coffee among the big coffee in her eyes.

In 2010, Ma Li appeared on the stage of Hunan Satellite TV's Spring Supper Joy Party and cooperated with He Jiong in the sketch "Super Happiness Insoles".

For a time, it gained the love of countless audiences.

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess
Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

Ma Li's sketch became popular, which made countless directors see her comedic talent and throw an olive branch to her.

In 2013, Ma Li met Shen Teng, the most important "golden partner" of her life, on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

The two cooperate seamlessly, laugh a lot, and can be described as a tacit understanding.

In 2014, the sketch "Can't Help" co-starred by the two won the crown of "Most Popular Language Program".

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

The Happy Twist Troupe holds such a big trump card, and naturally has the idea of "rushing".

In 2015, the movie "Charlotte Troubles" came into being.

With excellent acting skills, a solid script and close cooperation between the main actors, this film became a dark horse in the history of film that year.

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

Shen Teng's sentence "I don't want anything, I only want Ma Dongmei", let Ma Dongmei's actor Ma Li successfully live in the hearts of the audience.

Shen Ma and the two are also called the best "screen CP", and there are fan rumors that they are already talking.

In fact, Shen Teng has his own wife, and Ma Li also has her own little boyfriend.

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

In fact, as early as 2017, there were media reports on Ma Li's love affair.

The other party's name is Xu Wenhe, born in 1993, a full 11 years younger than Ma Li, and is a veritable "little milk dog".

The two met in the "Happy Twist" troupe and belonged to an office romance.

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

Mary was born with a big grin, no matter who it is.

Xu Wenhe, who first met Ma Li, was in his early 20s, and it was a good year when the love sinus first opened, and there was such a considerate, kind, and good personality woman around him, it was difficult for him not to be moved.

Young lads don't have anything to be pretentious about, and if they like it, they will chase it!

Compared with Xu Wenhe's tight steps, Ma Li seems a little restrained.

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

Admittedly, she had a crush on this handsome and sunny big boy.

But what lies between them is an age gap of more than 11 years, even if the other party does not calculate, but he is still sad about this pass.

Xu Wenhe is well aware of Ma Li's concerns, he does not have too many sweet words, but explains everything with actions.

In order to accompany Mary, he gave up the game, gave up k-singing with friends, gave up the way all the twenty-something boys liked to have fun, and turned to a mature "good boyfriend" who brought a sense of security to his lover.

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

Ma Li was touched by this love, she agreed to Xu Wenhe's pursuit and became the other party's girlfriend.

After the relationship, Xu Wenhe did not change a bit, he still revolved around his girlfriend, as if she was the most important part of the world.

Ma Li, who is more than ten years older than her boyfriend, was spoiled into a "little princess".

In April 2018, the two publicly confessed their love and posted a marriage certificate.

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

Even his old friend Shen Teng had a sour look on his face: "Oh! Mary, she's a little princess now! ”

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

In 2020, Ma Li even took the "crystallization of love" to the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

Looking at his old partner with a big belly and stiletto heels, Shen Teng couldn't help but get nervous: "Oh! You can slow down and be careful not to fall! ”

Ma Li just laughed at this and teased him for being too nervous.

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess
Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

After "Charlotte Troubles", Ma Li has always been the "shoulder handle" of the comedy industry, participating in more and more movies every year, and winning awards has also been soft.

Just when the audience thought she was doing well, she revealed to herself: In fact, I had depression.

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

Originally, Ma Li, who was born as a drama actor, has always wanted to try different roles, but after acting in comedy and playing a small poinsettia, she received comedy roles, which were very simple and boring.

She said: "I am a drama actor, a full-time actor, but now no drama dares to use me." ”

Between the words, there is a lot of regret and bitterness.

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

She was depressed for about a year, and during that time, she closed herself off, didn't want to talk, didn't want to pay attention.

During that time, she couldn't even shoot a scene, so she had to go to the doctor, and the doctor prescribed her a lot of antidepressants.

Ma Li looked at the pills, large and small, and was silent.

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

She knew she was sick, but there were so many people around her who loved her, and she didn't want those people to worry, she had to come out.

Comedy is also a kind of comedy performance, and the main drama is the same as comedy, as long as it can touch people's hearts, it is a good work.

Slowly, Mary stopped dwelling on a particular form of expression; she saw the beauty of comedy and the healing effect of comedy.

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

In 2022, The Mary King returns, and she alone occupies the big movie of the opening year.

"Beyond", "Siberian Tiger", "This Killer Is Not Too Cold", etc., all of which have her presence in the movies released at the beginning of the year.

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

From the county seat of Liaoning to the bustling City of Shanghai, from the little girl of ethnic minorities to the queen of the comedy world, Ma Li has not come easy along the way.

There is a saying that the core of high-level comedy is actually tragedy.

Just like Ma Li's experience, she crushed the unbearable family of childhood, crushed the difficulty of north drift, and crushed the sadness of depression and put them into the box of comedy.

Then he turned his head and showed us a unique smile.

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

Nothing in this world is easy.

But we can laugh more, heal grief with grief, and heal brokenness with brokenness.

As long as you're still laughing, no one can beat you.

Happy Twist Ma Li: Comedy to depression, 11-year-old husband spoiled me into a princess

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