
Doom deceives people? Is the dog-headed Lolita selling miserable people, or is it for the sake of eyeballs?

author:Mr. Road Fish

"I will die if I lack someone to love me, as long as you show love for me, a little like me, I can do anything." 」

I still like the fat house where I am short and ugly and fat and have no money, so that they will cherish that I will not abandon me

Like a lot of men talk about me being "that whore."

I've only wanted to make everyone happy for so long (referring to taking pictures)

I did lack money, but I also refused the temptation to go to the sea, including bunting and selling pictures

Doom deceives people? Is the dog-headed Lolita selling miserable people, or is it for the sake of eyeballs?

Doghead Lori, formerly known as Xia Kaixuan, 26 years old, well-known Internet celebrity coser, game anchor.

Mainly relying on live broadcasting to earn most of the income, once settled in Huya, the result was banned to douyin, with high value and cosplay attracted millions of fans.

On top of that, the large-scale photos, videos, etc. she posted were jokingly called "female bodhisattvas" because she never charged her fans.

Some netizens also think that she is like the heroine of the movie "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily".

Most people may think at first glance, such a beautiful girl, why is it bad, but to do this?

This all needs to start from her original family, summing up her previous life, the novel does not dare to write like this!

Doom deceives people? Is the dog-headed Lolita selling miserable people, or is it for the sake of eyeballs?

First, the dark childhood that cannot be told

In the third grade of primary school, he was molested by his father, and at first he secretly intensified in the back, and his waking state did not let go, and his mother knew but tolerated it.

It is conceivable that a little girl who has just gained autonomy, insulted and hurt by her own relatives, even ignored her biological mother who gave birth to her in October, and even acquiesced to this dirty relationship, it is difficult not to doubt whether she is biological.

I have a fatal weakness: I will not refuse, no matter who you are, what you ask for, the servility of my bones does not allow me to say no

From the third grade onwards, he knew that he could not get married in this life, and had become a plaything and a tamed "slave".

When other children are still arguing with their parents for candy, she can only try to hide in school, for other students, the school may be a cage, but for her salvation is freedom and safety.

After 18 years, the tamed "slave" finally had a chance to escape.

Doom deceives people? Is the dog-headed Lolita selling miserable people, or is it for the sake of eyeballs?

II. The "Coming of Age Ceremony" for 18 Years Old

As soon as she graduated from high school, she immediately severed ties with her family, thinking that she would have a hard time getting rid of the nightmare, but she passively learned the first lesson of adulthood.

What if I don't have money and want to go to school?

Work to earn money!

What if I only have a high school degree?

Into the assembly line factory!

I thought that I could earn money by working hard for two months, so that everyone would look up to her, and it would be fair to anyone by relying on her own hands.

Doom deceives people? Is the dog-headed Lolita selling miserable people, or is it for the sake of eyeballs?

But that same night, she was dragged by the team leader to the small black room and raped.

No one heard her cry for help, and perhaps someone heard it and turned a deaf ear.

In order to earn college tuition, the 18-year-old girl withered from the green seeds that had just broken through the ground.

The flower girl has just started a new life, but she has broken her dreams fiercely.

Therefore, no matter how much salvation of the rotten life, it cannot cover up the rebirth, so it is better to indulge and fall like this!

Doom deceives people? Is the dog-headed Lolita selling miserable people, or is it for the sake of eyeballs?

For the cost of college tuition and living expenses, she has come out beautiful and moving, and chose to be kept in captivity.

The first and second year of college talk about online dating is included, and the package fee is the annual tuition fee + 300 living expenses per month

Junior year started live streaming to make money, was pit by unscrupulous brokers, and had no salary.

Not only that, Huya Live's account was blocked, and it was claimed 6 million yuan for Douyin.

The online love object was dissatisfied with her posting large-scale photos on the Internet, and was ashamed and angry to publish a sex video of the two of them on the Internet, and had not yet coded.

So, she started a lawsuit with her partner.....

Is her life "depraved" or "deserved"?

Doghead Lori said herself

I should have been rotting in a dark corner

I admit that there is something wrong with my three views, but I don't know how to correct it

I couldn't control myself from not flattering others

The hurt of the original family, the terrible lust of men for her, and her own fall have made her a "chicken" in the eyes of the public.

Do not persuade others to be good without suffering from others.

We have no right to comment on other people's lives, and we can't treat others the same way.

Doom deceives people? Is the dog-headed Lolita selling miserable people, or is it for the sake of eyeballs?

"Don't learn from me, squat there, no work, real thing, let people nag for a lifetime." To be honest, I'm a joke now, and I've got to make people pay attention to it for the rest of my life.

I tell you that the name on my back will never be erased. It's not like I can wipe off the lipstick after I take the paper, that is, from the moment I squatted in the pit to the present, not that I will always carry it until now, that is, I am a person who eats.

I know in my heart what kind of person I am, but I don't care. I am happy to have you, for you, and to think of you. Thank you, nothing more nagging, I'm really happy to have you guys. ”

Go find the sunshine and power! Everyone who strives to live deserves to be respected!

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