
Because of the 3,000 yuan vicious poisoner, absconded for 22 years mixed into a big boss, when he was caught: finally went home

author:Red Rabbit History

On October 31, 1995, a man surnamed Wang reported that his son Wang Moumou had mysteriously disappeared.

On the night of the disappearance, Wang Moumou rode out on a motorcycle and told his father that he had made an appointment with Niu Moumou to go out, and the result was gone!

What's even more bizarre is that Niu Moumou, who went out with him, also disappeared at the same time!

Why did two young men disappear without a trace at the same time?

The police investigated that Niu Moumou, who disappeared at the same time as Wang Moumou, was in his twenties.

Because of the 3,000 yuan vicious poisoner, absconded for 22 years mixed into a big boss, when he was caught: finally went home

Two missing men

Working as a technician in a construction company, in addition to working on weekdays, I would go out with a classmate to earn money for private work. However, because of the work matters, Niu xxx and Wang xxx intersected, and there were contradictions later. According to the contract, Niu must pay 3,000 yuan to Wang.

On the day the two disappeared, Wang and Niu agreed to negotiate together. Therefore, Wang Moumou and Niu Moumou met at that time in order to ask Niu Moumou for debts!

So, is the disappearance of Wang and Niu because of a debt dispute?

In 1996, Niu's brother-in-law was arrested and imprisoned for robbery. During the interrogation, he told the police what happened on the night Wang was killed!

That night, Niu X's brother-in-law came to Niu X's home, and saw Niu X and his parents very panicked, it turned out that Niu X had already beaten Wang X to the ground, and Wang X had lost his breath.

The Niu family saw that their brother-in-law was coming, so they discussed how to deal with the aftermath together.

After some agreement, they decided to carry Wang moumou to their wooden cart, and then buried Wang moumou's body in their own orchard.

After the end, Niu Mou absconded overnight!

Because of the 3,000 yuan vicious poisoner, absconded for 22 years mixed into a big boss, when he was caught: finally went home

Wooden trolley

According to her brother-in-law's confession, the police rushed to the burial site to find the victim's body.

Because of the passage of time and the erosion of the rain, the police worked hard to find the body of the victim Wang Moumou at a depth of more than one meter underground!

The body of the victim, Wang Moumou, was all tied with ropes, and there was a layer of plastic sheet wrapped around the outside. According to the clothes wang xxx left home, it was identified that this was Wang xx's body. After an autopsy, Wang Moumou's head was hit by a sharp object, resulting in death.

But the victim found it, but the murderer went unpunished and was never heard from!

During this period, Niu's parents were sentenced to five years for harboring, and his brother-in-law was also sentenced to 11 years in prison. But Niu Moumou is still missing!

At that time, the police immediately issued a warrant for the arrest of the major suspect Niu Moumou.

Generations of investigators have been inquiring and visiting in various ways, and all kinds of relatives and friends of Niu Moumou have been investigated and monitored, even if they are vague clues.

However, because the suspect Niu XX has not had a trajectory of action, and the technology was not very developed at that time, the whereabouts of Niu XX have not been found, and the query work has continued for a long time without any progress.

Capture the murderer!

In 2017, the police set up a special case team to comb through the fugitive cases again, and they relied on a photo of Niu Moumou found during the previous search to conduct a big data portrait network comparison!

In the collision comparison of big data, according to Niu Moumou's previous photos, many photos of suspects were found.

Because of the 3,000 yuan vicious poisoner, absconded for 22 years mixed into a big boss, when he was caught: finally went home

"Yu Mou" is compared with Niu Mou

After a large number of investigations, the police found that a middle-aged man named Yu Li from Guangdong and Niu Mou mou looked very similar. Not only are the hairline, bones and facial features similar, but the two are similar in age.

What makes the police feel even more suspicious is that the man not only moved his household registration many times, but also his birthday and the birthday of the suspect Niu Moumou are the same day.

Investigators believe that a coincidence in one place is a coincidence, and a coincidence everywhere is not a coincidence. So they cling to this clue and investigate the man.

After investigation, Yu opened a design company in Guangdong, with multiple houses and a wealthy life.

Will such a successful person be a criminal suspect Niu X? Will the police be able to apprehend the perpetrators who have been absconding for 22 years?

The police increased their efforts, and through more than a month of analysis and judgment, Niu's identity hidden for many years was finally revealed, and successfully locked in Niu's current residence.

After confirming that Yu was Niu, he immediately went to Guangdong to investigate and organize an arrest operation.

Because the anti-reconnaissance ability of the criminal suspect Niu XX is very strong, in order not to hit the grass and snake, the investigators found the foothold of Niu XX, disguised for investigation, continuous squatting, and silently in the dark, waiting for the appearance of Niu XX!

At eleven o'clock in the evening, the police found a middle-aged man wearing a white shirt appear in front of his eyes, and after confirming the appearance characteristics, the police immediately arrested him.

Because of the 3,000 yuan vicious poisoner, absconded for 22 years mixed into a big boss, when he was caught: finally went home

Arrest scene

At first, the criminal suspect Niu Moumou did not admit it after hearing his name, and was still resisting and arguing. The second time he called his name, he resisted even more, even indifferent to the photos of his family provided by the police!

So at first, the police were a little suspicious of whether they had caught the wrong person!

But soon Niu Moumou could not deny it, and could only admit his identity!

Absconded to Guangdong and bleached identity

Niu Moumou in the interrogation room calmly explained the whole incident!

On the evening of October 31, 1995, Wang went to Niu's home to ask for the remaining three thousand pieces of steel, but Niu had no money at this time, and even the workers' wages could not be paid.

Niu moumou said that because the steel provided to him by Wang moumou had serious quality problems, his project had problems. Niu Moumou originally planned to earn more than 100,000 yuan of profits, but it was in vain. Not only that, he also owed the workers wages, as well as Wang Moumou's steel surplus of 3,000 yuan.

Therefore, after Wang X went to Niu X's house, the two had a verbal altercation and beat each other.

Niu Moumou saw that there was a sharp axe at home, so in a hurry, he slashed Wang Moumou's head, and Wang Moumou died on the spot!

Because of the 3,000 yuan vicious poisoner, absconded for 22 years mixed into a big boss, when he was caught: finally went home

Niu moumou confessed

However, Niu's family did not persuade the child to turn himself in and atone for his sins, but helped Niu. Use a trolley to transport the body to your own orchard for burial! And treat the crime scene in a targeted manner and rinse it with water!

It can be said that Niu Moumou's family is also very sad!

So on the day of the crime, the criminal suspect Niu Moumou walked to Weifang Railway Station, and then took the train to Qingdao and Nanning, Guangxi.

In November 1995, Niu secretly returned to Weifang, during which he also met with his family, learned about the case, and immediately returned to Nanning, Guangxi, to live for three months and then went to Guangzhou and Dongguan in Guangdong Province, until he returned to Guangzhou in 2000.

In 2005, Niu Moumou knew in his heart that he was carrying a human life, so in order to escape his identity, he bought a fake ID card in a remote mountainous area of Jiangxi Province on the Internet, and since then he has become a Jiangxi yu. Soon Niu Moumou moved his hukou to Guangzhou, and married and had children in Guangzhou.

And since then, Niu Moumou's life path has been opened all the way, not only in the more prosperous places in Guangzhou City, he has a number of properties, as well as millions of deposits, and is the boss of an architectural design company.

Wang Moumou died tragically and was buried by Niu Moumou, but Niu Moumou became a successful person, the family was happy and happy, and lived a rich life, which was really regrettable!

Because of the 3,000 yuan vicious poisoner, absconded for 22 years mixed into a big boss, when he was caught: finally went home

A photo of a certain cow

Although niu xxx, who has cleared his identity on the surface and has achieved little success, is a winner in life and a successful person, in these twenty-two years, Niu xxx misses his family very much and wants to go home to see his parents.

Because he was carrying human life on his back, he felt very scared in his heart, so Niu Moumou tossed and turned every night.

Absconding for 22 years, Niu Moumou was finally arrested!

During the 22 years of absconding, niu Moumou, even if he missed his family, did not go home and did not contact his family. When he killed Wang Moumou, because the information was not developed and there was no mobile phone, there was no way to contact his family.

Later, I had a mobile phone, and I didn't know the contact information of my family!

Niu's father said that Niu had never returned home, and they thought that Niu was dead! At first, the couple still missed their son, but then they slowly got used to it, so when he didn't exist.

What makes people feel sad is that Niu Moumou absconded for too long, and when the police showed him the photo of his father, he could not recognize his father!

Because of the 3,000 yuan vicious poisoner, absconded for 22 years mixed into a big boss, when he was caught: finally went home

Niu and his mother

When Niu Moumou was taken to his home by the police to identify the location of the crime, he also returned to his long-lost home, which is also his root.

When the criminal suspect Niu Moumou, after 22 years, finally returned home. When he saw that his mother had gray hair, he didn't know where to start for a thousand words, and his emotions suddenly collapsed.

Because he was only in his twenties when he left home, his mother was only in her forties, and now he is middle-aged, and his mother is already old.

When he saw such a big change in his mother, he immediately couldn't help but fall to his knees, shouted "mother", and cried bitterly in front of his 71-year-old mother!

Niu Moumou's mother also quickly walked to her son who was kneeling at the door, and then told him to explain things clearly with the police and told him not to be afraid.

Although Niu Moumou is now an experienced middle-aged man, in his mother's eyes, maybe he is still a child!

But this reunion is destined to be sad, because Niu Moumou's impulsive impulse has led to never returning home for more than twenty years and never taking care of his parents! Also led to the tragedy of another family!

Because of the 3,000 yuan vicious poisoner, absconded for 22 years mixed into a big boss, when he was caught: finally went home

Niu Moumou was interrogated

Niu Moumou said: "Now I feel like I have finally come home. I haven't been home in 22 years and I really want to go home. ”

And the old man also went from the previous fear of never seeing his son again, to the reluctance to get together for a short time. Their age is also here, Niu Moumou has committed another crime, maybe this reunion with his son is a permanent separation!

From worrying about their son's absence to seeing their son, the two old men had mixed feelings, and they knew in their hearts that this short reunion might be a permanent parting.

In the 22 years that Niu Moumou absconded, even if he got married and had children, he was also tight-lipped to his wife and hid his identity! Not only did he bleach his identity, he even wanted to forget the memories of his previous crimes, forcing himself to forget the bad memories and start over!

Niu's wife said that usually Niu is very family-oriented, very good to his wife and children, very afraid of losing his wife and children, and makes people feel a little sick!

Maybe Niu Moumou has always felt that sooner or later he will lose the happy family and successful career in front of him!

Even if there is a lot of family business, it still can't escape the punishment of the law!

During the review process, Niu Moumou said, "I personally have no right to decide the life and death of others, I was young and impulsive at the time, and I did not understand the law!" ”

Because of the 3,000 yuan vicious poisoner, absconded for 22 years mixed into a big boss, when he was caught: finally went home

Niu Moumou was arrested

People who knew Niu in the past evaluated him as smart and clever, and Niu xxx also got a university degree through study in the process of absconding, which was relatively high for people at that time.

Coupled with the fact that Niu Moumou can become a valuable boss during the escape, with a considerable income, then if he is clean and clean, there should be a better future!

But Niu Moumou hacked Wang Moumou to death with an axe for three thousand pieces, and afterwards absconded, thinking that he could forget the crime he committed, which was simply whimsical!

Niu Moumou said that he regretted it very much in his heart, and although he had lived for 22 years, he had lived a life of the walking dead. But no matter how much he regretted it, he still had to pay for his actions. Niu Moumou's parents also said that this was a whim!

Because of the 3,000 yuan vicious poisoner, absconded for 22 years mixed into a big boss, when he was caught: finally went home

The tragic situation of the victim's family

After the death of the victim Wang Moumou, his family was completely destroyed! His mother can't take care of herself, his wife lost her husband when she was in full swing, but she still helped Wang To take care of his parents for the sake of her inner responsibility, and raised her young son alone!

Maybe wang moumou's wife suffered a lot of pain only she herself knows! Wang Moumou's wife especially wanted to see the murderer, and she wanted to know why she wanted to kill her husband without revenge.

When Wang Moumou died, the child was only five years old. The whole family felt that the sky had fallen, because of this accident, the family was torn apart, leaving only orphans and widows to take care of the sick elderly!

Wang Moumou's father was still asking whether he had caught the murderer until his death, and the result was blind!

Wang Moumou's mother is also because Wang Moumou can not withstand the blow shortly after his disappearance, resulting in mental disorders and unable to take care of himself!

Wang Moumou's wife said that even if she takes care of her mother-in-law every day, her mother-in-law has long since stopped knowing her. Because of incontinence, Wang's wife had to wash her diaper every day. This is really not acceptable to ordinary people!

Because of the 3,000 yuan vicious poisoner, absconded for 22 years mixed into a big boss, when he was caught: finally went home

Wang Moumou's wife

Wang Moumou's wife's mother was also 93 years old at the time, and her heart was a poor daughter, for the sake of her daughter's future, she always wanted her to find her other half again, but her wife still couldn't let go of Wang Moumou's mother, and she couldn't let go of the responsibility and kindness in her heart!

It can be said that Niu Moumou absconded for 22 years, was at ease, and even lived a dashing and wealthy life. But Wang Moumou and his family lived a very miserable life!

At the time of arrest, the phrase "the blood is strong and impulsive" cannot make up for the pain of the victim and his family!

This incident is a wake-up call to calm when talking to people, we must pay attention to safety, avoid conflicts with others, and even escalate into fights!

We must not kill people because of impulse, which is ruining the lives of others and our own lives!

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