
With the outbreak of World War II, why did Roosevelt's credit be greater than that of the US military? 4 decisions are admirable

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With the outbreak of World War II, why did Roosevelt's credit be greater than that of the US military? 4 decisions are admirable

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the first U.S. president-elected to be re-elected for four terms, but the name is remembered for the correct decisions he made in World War II, including the introduction of the Lend-Lease Act, the breakthrough of the Central Legislative Constraints, the rejection of Churchill's borrowing of troops, and the surrender of the attack on Berlin to the Soviets. Let's take a look at what Roosevelt and the U.S. military made in World War II after the outbreak of World War II.

01 With the introduction of the Lend-Lease Act, Roosevelt did a good thing for self-interest.

Some argue that the United States took advantage of World War II and could quickly end the war in Europe if troops were sent to Europe after Pearl Harbor. In fact, Roosevelt did not expect that the US military would participate in World War II in the way of participating in the Pacific War, and it was even more unexpected that the US military would fight in the two theaters of Europe and Asia at the same time.

However, from the perspective of historical process, before and after the outbreak of World War II, the United States actually participated in World War II in more or less different ways, but its participation methods were various, and even before the war, the United States was left and right, and the Axis powers got a lot of energy materials needed for the war from the United States, of which Japan was the largest customer.

With the outbreak of World War II, why did Roosevelt's credit be greater than that of the US military? 4 decisions are admirable

However, on January 10, 1941, during the critical period of the rapid decline of the European battlefield, the United States made a decision that was beneficial to both sides, and introduced the Act for further promotion of American Defense and Other Purposes, the Lend-Lease Act, the greatest advantage of which was that Britain could obtain the materials urgently needed for the war from the United States without the use of means of payment. As the battlefield of World War II continued to expand, this bill gradually evolved into a military aid bill followed by the Allies, benefiting all countries except Britain.

According to data, throughout World War II, the value of material aid to the Allies through the Lend-Lease Act amounted to more than $50 billion, of which Britain accounted for 60%, the Soviet Union accounted for 32%, and other anti-fascist leagues accounted for 8%. A total of 38 countries have benefited from the Act.

From this point of view, the Lend-Lease Act was not that the United States made a lot of money from it, when the world economy had just come out of the Great Depression cycle, without the support of this bill, it was difficult for Britain and the Soviet Union to replenish the needs of the war in such a short period of time.

With the outbreak of World War II, why did Roosevelt's credit be greater than that of the US military? 4 decisions are admirable

02 Broke through the legislative constraints in China, and the Japanese army helped Roosevelt a big favor.

When the Soviet-German War broke out on June 22, 1941, Germany most hoped that the Japanese Kwantung Army would move north to Siberia at the same time, so that the Soviet Union would be attacked in four directions, southeast, and northwest, with Japan in the east, Germany in the west, Finland in the north, and Romania in the south. But japan did not do as Adolf had hoped, and on December 7, at the most critical time of the Battle of Moscow, it chose to sneak attack the US Pacific base pearl harbor, thus dragging the US military into World War II.

In fact, in terms of the threat that Germany fears the most, the participation of the United States in the war is the last thing Adolf wants to see. But there was nothing he could do about it. On the one hand, before the outbreak of World War II, or during World War I, the United States wanted to land in Europe through various channels, and after the First World War was rejected by Britain and France, American merchant ships have always approached Europe through the Atlantic Ocean and sent a small number of warships to escort them. After the outbreak of World War II, the US military sent more escort fleets and has become a relatively large military force.

On the other hand, there was a disagreement within the Japanese army, and the Admiralty wanted to go north to the War Department to the south, and finally the adventurous attack on Pearl Harbor broke out. And this is the best medicine for Roosevelt to seek to break through the legislative constraints, and to some extent, the Japanese army helped him a lot.

With the outbreak of World War II, why did Roosevelt's credit be greater than that of the US military? 4 decisions are admirable

In this sense, the impact of pearl harbor on World War II was very large, and the participation of the United States in the war not only strengthened the strength of the Allies, but also laid the foundation for the United States to become the world leader after the war. For the United States, the participation of the US military in the war can legitimately land in Europe to fight, and there is no place in the world that the US military cannot reach.

03 refused Churchill's loan, and Roosevelt played chess.

Some people must have questioned this question, is the landing of AMERICAN troops in Europe to open a second battlefield not what Churchill and Stalin dreamed of? Why borrow soldiers? In fact, there really is such a thing, mainly Becky Churchill is worried that the American landing has taken the British hegemony.

To say that the British did fight very hard in World War II, participated in World War II for a long time, and suffered no less losses than the Soviet Union, but Chamberlain and Churchill both left a careful eye. Before the outbreak of World War II, the anglo-French policy of appeasement paved the way for the re-emergence of Germany, and after the Polish Campaign began, Churchill was very eager for the German army to move eastward and wanted to lead the battlefield to the east.

With the outbreak of World War II, why did Roosevelt's credit be greater than that of the US military? 4 decisions are admirable

For the Soviet Union, after the Battle of Moscow began, Stalin continued to send telegrams to Churchill, asking him to seize the opportunity to open up the western front to relieve the pressure on the eastern front. This situation did not improve until the United States joined After World War II, and the final result was that Roosevelt made a correct decision, that is, to first Europe and then Asia, and then to return to solve the Japanese problem after defeating Germany.

However, from 1942 to June 6, 1944, the Allied landings in Normandy, in the past two and a half years, Britain and the United States have been delayed again and again because of the question of when to land and where to land, so that the most heated discussion has emerged, and the landing of American troops is to seize the fruits of victory in the European battlefield.

In fact, Churchill's heart at that time was very conflicted, he wanted the United States and the Soviet Union to help defeat Germany, but at the same time did not want the United States and the Soviet Union to seize his hegemonic interests in Europe. Churchill also asked whether the United States could send both troops and supplies like the Lend-Lease Act, and anyway, after the war, Britain would calculate the general ledger together. However, Roosevelt's onlookers could clearly see that neither agreed to borrow troops for Churchill's command, nor did he choose a side between Britain and the Soviet Union, and he had to decide on landing in Europe, not only sending troops but also paying money, but also to create a problem of standardizing the world order, and later Churchill could only come up with the reduction of colonies to make them independent to meet the landing of the US army, and the positive significance of World War II also lies in this.

With the outbreak of World War II, why did Roosevelt's credit be greater than that of the US military? 4 decisions are admirable

04 Barton was not allowed to attack Berlin, roosevelt was brilliant.

As long as Zhukov is mentioned to attack Berlin, people talk about the tactics of the sea of people, believing that Zhukov will not be worth the loss of attacking Berlin with 300,000 casualties when the Allies have absolute superiority. In fact, if Zhukov did not do this, the US army would take advantage of the situation, and it would not be so easy for the Soviet army to take revenge.

Roosevelt died of a sudden cerebral infarction on April 12, 1945, but before his death, he had already thought about the outcome of World War II, and three meetings with the British and Soviet heads of state not only proposed a plan for the establishment of a new world order, but also made the correct arrangements for how to end World War II.

According to the deployment of the heads of state of the three countries, if the Soviet army can not occupy Berlin within the specified time, then the British and American allies will cross the Elbe River to Berlin, and most of the German troops would rather surrender the American army than fall into the hands of the Soviet army, which has the eastern front is in full swing, and the Western front Is negotiating with the Allies for the back road.

With the outbreak of World War II, why did Roosevelt's credit be greater than that of the US military? 4 decisions are admirable

And the reason why Roosevelt did not let the US army attack Berlin, he saw a farther interest, the United States landed in Europe is not to get any territory, or to sit on an equal footing with Britain and the Soviet Union, he needs the whole world, is to give orders.

From the above analysis, it can be seen that there are often questions asked about which country contributed the most in World War II, and who would fight the war among the leaders of britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union. In fact, Roosevelt was the most intelligent, and the US military not only landed in Europe at the most critical moment, but also cleverly solved the problem that Britain and the Soviet Union did not want the United States to have the final say in Europe. At the end of the war, it was difficult for the United States to think of the wrong boss, and everything was logically implemented according to Roosevelt's arrangement.

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