
Sun Chuanfang insisted on killing the prisoner, and Shi Congbin was executed as a violent corpse!

author:Wang Xianzhi
Sun Chuanfang insisted on killing the prisoner, and Shi Congbin was executed as a violent corpse!

In that era of warlordism and war, there was a woman whose story was shocking. She is Shi Jianqiao, a brave woman who avenges her father.

Shi Jianqiao's original name was Shi Gulan, and she was the daughter of Shi Congbin, a general of the Feng department. In 1925, Shi Congbin was defeated in the war with Sun Chuanfang and was captured. Sun Chuanfang brutally ordered the execution of Shi Congbin, and what is even more outrageous is that he actually wrapped Shi Congbin's body in a white cloth, wrote his identity in red letters, and showed his violent body to the public for three days! This kind of dehumanizing behavior is not only an insult to Shi Congbin, but also a humiliation to the entire Shi family.

Shi Gulan, who was only 20 years old, was filled with grief and anger in the face of his father's tragic death, and made a blood oath to avenge his father. In order to achieve this goal, she changed her name to "Shi Jianqiao", which means "the scabbard of the sword comes out of the sword, and only by jumping up can justice be served". Shi Jianqiao knew that as a woman, if she wanted to fight against a warlord like Sun Chuanfang, she had to practice martial arts hard. But her feet are disabled because of the small feet, and it is a problem to walk, let alone practice martial arts.

Sun Chuanfang insisted on killing the prisoner, and Shi Congbin was executed as a violent corpse!

However, the determination of revenge prevailed against all odds. Shi Jianqiao did not hesitate to take a huge risk and found a Japanese doctor to perform corrective surgery for her. Although the operation was successful, she still had to endure the severe pain after the operation and insisted on practicing martial arts. In this way, Shi Jianqiao relied on his iron will to practice a good martial arts.

In order to get close to Sun Chuanfang, Shi Jianqiao hid his identity and blended into the Tianjin Buddhist Layman. On the surface, she is a devout Buddhist, but secretly she always pays attention to Sun Chuanfang's movements and waits for an opportunity to take revenge. During his two years in Jushilin, Shi Jianqiao was like a dormant beast, ready to deliver a fatal blow to his enemies at any time.

On November 13, 1928, the opportunity finally came. On the same day, Sun Chuanfang came to Jushilin as a guest. Shi Jianqiao resolutely stepped forward, took out his pistol in front of everyone present, and fired several shots in succession, killing Sun Chuanfang. Then, she put down her pistol without changing her face, took out the "Letter to the People" that had been prepared for a long time, and announced her true identity and the purpose of the assassination to everyone.

The feat shocked the nation. Although Shi Jianqiao's behavior is illegal, in the eyes of public opinion, this is a righteous move by a daughter to avenge her father. Women's groups in various localities have petitioned for Shi Jianqiao, asking the court to leniently issue him. Under the pressure of public opinion, Shi Jianqiao was finally sentenced to 10 years in prison.

Sun Chuanfang insisted on killing the prisoner, and Shi Congbin was executed as a violent corpse!

However, Shi Jianqiao's deeds touched countless people, especially the senior leaders of the Nationalist Government. Feng Yuxiang, Yu Youren, Song Zheyuan and others all expressed sympathy and support for this brave woman. Thanks to their efforts, Lin Sen, the chairman of the Nationalist government, finally issued an amnesty, and Shi Jianqiao was freed after spending only 11 months in prison.

Shi Jianqiao's experience is a microcosm of an era. In that era of male superiority and inferiority, women had a low status and were bullied. But Shi Jianqiao challenged this unfair world with his courage and determination. She not only avenged her father, but also won the dignity of all women who were unjustly treated.

Shi Jianqiao's story also reflects the tragic experience of ordinary people in that turbulent era. In the chaotic times of warlord warfare, innocent people often fall victim to power struggles. Shi Congbin's tragic death is a typical example. Although he was a warlord, the way he died was completely contrary to the spirit of humanitarianism and fully exposed the cruelty and inhumanity of war.

At the same time, Shi Jianqiao's revenge has also triggered people's thinking about justice and law. In front of the law, Shi Jianqiao did commit a crime. But logically, she is also an innocent person, a victim who has to avenge her father. This conflict between law and human affection reflects the imperfection of the judicial system of that era and people's strong desire for fairness and justice.

Sun Chuanfang insisted on killing the prisoner, and Shi Congbin was executed as a violent corpse!

Although Shi Jianqiao's life is full of tragedy, her spirit will always be worthy of admiration by future generations. With her weak body, she showed amazing courage; She single-handedly challenged the powerful powers; At the cost of her life, she defended justice and dignity. This spirit is undoubtedly the precious spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation, which is worthy of learning and inheritance by each of us.

Today, we commemorate Shi Jianqiao, not only to remember a brave woman, but also to arouse people's attention to fairness, justice and human rights. Although times are advancing, inequality remains. We must take Shi Jianqiao as an example, have the courage to fight, dare to struggle, and make unremitting efforts to build a more just and civilized society.

Let us remember Shi Jianqiao's name and let her spirit inspire us forever. Although this heroine has passed away, her story will be passed on forever and become an immortal legend of the Chinese nation.