
Harvesting True Feelings with Kindness - "Two People's Station" Movie Record Harvests True Feelings with Kindness - "Two People's Station" Movie Record

author:Photo appreciation

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > harvesting true feelings with kindness - "Two People's Station" movie record</h1>

Harvesting True Feelings with Kindness - "Two People's Station" Movie Record Harvests True Feelings with Kindness - "Two People's Station" Movie Record

(1) Introduction

I went out at eight o'clock in the morning on Saturday — when most people were still sleeping, and I was also wrestling with the alarm clock and struggling with the pain for a long time before getting out of bed.

Ride half an hour to the station against the cold breeze of the early morning, and then take a bus for half an hour to the theater. In the meantime, I can't help but stare at the flowing scenery outside the window in the bumps. The warm and unobtrusive sun has generously cast thousands of beams of light. It's early spring, and the dappled twinkles of light between the sparse leaves create an illusionary trance.

The old movie salon, the organization that I joined by mistake on Douban at the end of last year, has become an unexpected surprise for me today. They're finally going to release the old translator!

Such a big hall, a water of red seats, warm colors. Dozens of people gathered in the middle of the densely packed, like a belt on a red dress, leisurely and calm, neither ostentatious nor lonely. No one brought any snacks, no noise, which was a great thing for me who demanded a quiet viewing environment.

Or is it that everyone hasn't woken up yet?

When the background sound of the old movie's slightly scornful film rotation began to flutter, when the full-color, slightly reddish picture was spread out with jumping points of light, my mumu thinking was a little more active.

After the chaotic roll call at the beginning, the soothing piano music sounded in silence. The bold yellow bold subtitles present the names of the voice actors. It occupies almost the entire screen without stinginess, enough time for you to see and remember; the main actors and protagonists are listed separately; translation, directing, recording, and editing are all complete.

No rush, no rush.

A station for two people. ...... Long Shadow Translation Studio Translation Production.

There was some commotion around. Maybe the little girl knew for the first time that there was a translation studio, and maybe the grandfather remembered that in addition to the Shanghai Translation Studio, there was another one in Changchun.

And I woke up when I saw the clear words "dubbing" and "translation staff" and other familiar and unfamiliar words.

(2) Encounter

Tall Pradon, silver gray hair, Caucasian nose bridge, a pair of Georgian bright and innocent eyes. Suits, sunglasses, briefcases, fragile stomachs, stubborn tempers, the image of intellectuals is at a glance. And his voice is also thick, gentle, modest and cautious, but righteous and stern.

The skinny Vera, the withered figure, the tired dark circles of her eyes and the obvious lines at the corners of her eyes, could not in any way be associated with the white, tall, plump beauty of Russia. When she first appeared, she was sophisticated, unsympathetic, and habitually sneering in the midst of a group of noisy girls, and her voice was not only slender, but also very sharp. Even the humming and laughing is annoying.

"Give you three roubles, I haven't eaten—money for meals." Platon couldn't bear it and suppressed his anger.

"The few stinky money he has left, ahem, I'll find him as much as I can, and we'll settle the bill." Vera bent down, sprinkled down to find change, twisted her waist, stepped on the slippers, and hummed a little song to leave leisurely. My anger was extreme, this little woman, unreasonable, actually issued such a contemptuous "hum"?!

Dramatic conflict continues to unfold easily in this man-woman fight. "I would like to ask you to tell me which tables are not in your control, so I can sit down"; "If you didn't eat, how do you know it's disgusting?" On the one hand, the male intellectuals maintain the stability of dignity; the restraint of wanting to attack and unable to have seizures; on the other hand, the playful ridicule of the waitress, always with a hint of triumphant upliftment at the end of the sentence. Don't fight and don't know each other, let alone a small couple of one or twenty, or a middle-aged person in forty or fifty, the drama always has to be noisy to look good.

I could feel everyone in the audience around me smiling and smiling continuously without closing their mouths. Happy notes jump in the air.

The appearance of Vera's lover Andrei completely swept up a storm of laughter.

"Ah, my darling, hurry up, hurry up, let's come ourselves, like a cafeteria, busy ourselves... The nature of my work is like this, can you blame me dear? Take it off! ...... Yeah, I'm a sports car, you're a runner, what's the solution? Vilyuchka, hurry up, my dear I beg you. ...... You love me? Let's start with a gong! ...... What the fuck, how nice it would be if the car were on time! Wait until I put on my pants, honey, don't worry, I'll have to kiss you. ”

Looking at the old man's positive strength of untying his clothes, everyone was amused to lean forward and backward. The voice is Wu Yongqing. What a great voice actor this dad who dedicated his daughter to an excellent translation director was. Just such a short paragraph, fast-paced, large amount of language, and the tone of the tone is also twists and turns, from the beginning of joy, eagerness and naughtiness, to pleading, questioning, roundabout, until the disappointment and anger after rejection, all in one go. Don't forget that there are still kisses and hugs in the middle, and the mouth shape and breath must keep up. Quite difficult! It is completely comparable to the "passionate" classic passage of the conductor in "Tiger's Mouth".

The translation is also fantastic. Not to mention the painful "really fucking", "cafeteria", "busy with your own", "playing gong opening" is fun, and "sports car", "running hall" such a coincidental battle is simply a stroke of God. Vivid language is a joke even today.

And Vera, the skinny monkey-like impersonal Vera, won my favor for the first time by rejecting her lover's request for pleasure. She was a woman with a personality. We all understand that some things, the time is not right, the place is not right, the mood is not right, it cannot be settled. Women can't mean themselves.

(3) Mutual acquaintance

In the late-night ballroom, Pradon sat quietly in the corner, his melancholy and confused eyes staring at the busy Vera. So together we witnessed her weaving through the interplay, unable to catch her breath; she patiently guided a drunk man away, and remembered that he took care of his huge family and took only two rubles as a tip (he insisted that she take three rubles)...

The mood began to soften. I am in awe of everyone who struggles on the front line of life, works hard and is essentially kind. Reality is harsh, and everyone who soaks in it has reason to be indifferent, doesn't it?

Pradon and Vera exchange information about each other. Pianists, touring performances running from place to place; waiters, husbands leaving, and raising their families alone; none of them are easy, they are all hard. "Actually, the whole life is like being in the waiting room." Pradong spoke quietly, indisputably, and even with a sense of fatalism. This polite and introverted intellectual, a man who was born moral and did not complain about his wife's sins, was interpreted by Sun Ao's mellow voice, and people respected and sympathized from beginning to end. At some point, I had the strange illusion that this was Bicker talking?! Not the similarity of timbres, but temperaments —integrity, self-discipline, sincerity and calmness, the same.

"I'm afraid your highest specifications are in quotation marks." Pradon's sarcastic tone could no longer provoke Vera to fight back. She was tired. "All day long, lying in bed at night, alas, the eyes are like a marquee, serving food, customers, trains, hi, noisy, I am dizzy." 」 The guard and toughness against "beastly" customers is gone, and the sharp, high-pitched modifiers are gone. The daytime banter "Ah, ha" transforms into a frustrated "Uh-huh." Li Zhen replied to the weakest tone of a single woman. She was so tired, her voice low, full of bitterness and helplessness.

"It's not fun to be alive."

"Yes, we thought of going together."

From the street quarrel to sleeping on the same stool, the two strangers met dramatically and approached. The pressure of life is as usual, but their stories are getting better.

(4) Acquaintance

"Uncle Misha" is another super big supporting character. I found that soviet actors were quite dedicated, and even a small supporting character with only a few minutes of scenes could try to be so vivid and unforgettable.

This rural upstart aunt, cleanly patting the flies with her hands, can be seen in the rough atmosphere. She was vulgar but not stupid, and she looked at her face very well, "Don't be sarcastic! She knew the scientific theory: "People can't do without vitamins." "I am not a speculator, I am the link between the land and the people." "The remarks that exposed the ills of state-run stores, though simple, had the effect of inspiring the deaf." Because it's not personal, no one cares "to the point."

Voiced by Ma Yuling, the boldness and strong voice deserves the title of "uncle". As soon as this sound came out, it was very convincing. Personality, movements, expressions, such as the tone of the "face is heavy", are all perfectly fitted. Thinking of Pan Iyuan of the translation factory, the two were far apart in timbre, but the style of acting with a big grin and talking unscrupulously overlapped. Irreplaceable features of the sound.

Pradon, dressed in a suit, wrapped around the waist, tied sleeves, awkward pestle in front of the melon stall, somehow opening his mouth. Intellectuals going to the countryside to experience life? Love his shy look!

Forced to no way back by the slander and calculation of a group of rude country vendors, after a short period of struggle and silence, he shook his head and opened his mouth: "Hey ~ ~ I am also open-minded, come and buy it, the melon of the middle class of Char, oily and slippery like a big girl!" Hmmm (kiss) it's as sweet as a honey can! ”

The moment he looked up and opened his mouth, it was as if he had changed as a person, and his voice had changed its tone. A long,whirling "Oops" roared away from the reserved and steady, replaced by exaggeration and boldness, almost wild and uninhibited. I laughed, I don't know if this is one of Sun Ao's few face-changing performances? It's wonderful!

Then Vera also staged a good play. She performed the old maid Violetta who immediately became energetic when she heard a man coughing, imitating it beautifully. Actor Gulchenko's body movements are exaggerated and interesting, and voice actor Lee Zhen's statement is naturally appropriate. Vera turned out to be so humorous. Suddenly, I found that she hummed a little song and twisted her waist to walk, which was still a bit sexy. The voice is also enchanting. I was a little moved :)

(5) Love

Pradon invites Vera to dinner as a man. During the banquet, the two embraced and danced. Close-up shots of them wandering across their faces. I have to admit that the blonde curls and chic bangs are very much in line with Vera's petite face. Her dry, cold heart, crushed by the harsh reality, was projected into her eyes, and she was gloomy. "It was a heavenly life for me! I, for my part, took a tip and picked up leftovers on the table; some people were ill-intentioned and rude to the waitresses, especially on our station. Vera smiled bitterly, no choking, no sadness, just habitual to numbness.

The door of the heart opened, pouring out the facts that could not be looked back. Sincerity has an irresistible power. "Don't say it soon..." Said Pradon bitterly. Yes, he was in pain, and I was in pain, and for a moment, his nose was sore and his eyes were moist. It's hard to imagine that this is still the woman who is arrogant during the day, you only see her fierce side of the customer, where to understand the pain of her being bullied and tears swallowing back into her stomach!

Suddenly, they could not stay in the reception room for foreign guests, so the two had to go to the empty carriage.

The rails glow with a cool metallic glow in the night, and silver lines crisscross each other: straight and parallel, curved and swimming, intertwined into a beautiful pattern of dynamic and static, rigid and soft. Simple light and line play an incredibly beautiful geometric melody. In the distance is the front of the parked car, with a huge warm searchlight. Two black figures squirmed on the trajectory of the silver wire, forward, all the way forward...

I never knew that the railway at night was so beautiful, exuding a mysterious and intriguing atmosphere. Life is like a moving train, everyone has their own set track. Perhaps, two tracks that were once distant met unexpectedly and have been walking side by side ever since; or they still go their own way after an accidental collision and gradually drift away; or a parallel line that is close to each other, even if it is within reach, is helpless, and there is no fate of contact.

With the long tracks and vast life, do you know who you will meet at the next station? There are many tracks, which one is worth keeping?

This allegorical scene is sure to be one of the movie scenes I will remember for the rest of my life.

Now, Pradon and Vera were in a dark, quiet carriage. Two lonely hearts appreciate and attract each other. "I won't have a good result with you, I won't." The sighing voice was so faint that it was almost inaudible. "Because you're —the pianist, I am —the waiter." Vera, who had not been in tears, finally choked up and sobbed. Wanting to love, but not being able to have it, is a pain in the heart! Li Zhen's slender and weak voice, fading the release of true feelings under the mask of strength, is so precious and moving.

"Oh, stupid things." Gentle comfort. "Vera, you must have promised me... I, please, don't go, this is very important to me, you are to me..." These few words Sun Ao almost groaned from his throat, and murmured incoherently. Platon, who has always been gentle, silently endures the fate of fate - the selfish wife shirks the blame and puts him in prison. He didn't argue anything because he didn't care about the woman he didn't love. Only in the presence of his beloved Vera, his self-esteem crumbled and disintegrated, and he was like a helpless child, begging for the warm embrace and protection of his lover.

The ambiguous air was suffocating. My heart was tormented with their painful struggles, waiting for a passionate indulgence. I'm used to the 20th century's wind and snow moon model. In that moment, I want something to happen to them. But Vera said, "No, no." I don't want to.

Her voice was soft but firm and unmistakable. Desire has swelled to the extreme, and it is still necessary to tighten it and fight it with broken grief. I was amazed that the woman who was truly committed to love had once again chosen restraint. At that moment, the frivolous, arrogant waitress transformed into a dignified, holy goddess.

As they hugged and kissed in the corridor of the Neutral Zone, my tormented heart relaxed slightly, but tears of joy or pity still ran down my cheeks.

(6) Get together

The shot finally echoes the opening scene. Pradong, who is already a prisoner of the order, has a plate head, a beard, a haggard old man and a sluggishness, and the musician's demeanor is gone, which makes people look good and sad.

He was allowed to go out to pick up a repaired accordion and meet his long-lost wife. Apparently, like him, we were all very dismissive of seeing that beautiful, fashionable but selfish and ruthless woman.

Chalet, empty. Full table of food. The alarm clock ticked silently. Something to anticipate.

The next 10 minutes will completely challenge my movie-going experience.

Pradon slowly turned his head and saw that it was Vera, first stunned, then coughing violently. (Oh my God, how did you choke at the crucial moment) Vera rushed forward and slammed him hard, and the cough suddenly stopped. (Dude, are you pretending?) Gaze, affectionately looking at each other. Then he got up and helped her undress in a daze. (Khan, is this about to begin?) Hang up your coat and hat. It was looking at each other again, full of resentment and fiercely. Platon looked around behind her and sat down again, nibbling on bread. (Well, I understand, you're hungry.) Vera brought hot soup and went to the bed to pull out the warm meatloaf. As soon as she turned around, Platon handed her an empty disk. (The audience laughed, oops, is this the legendary wolfing?) Vera took out a meatloaf and placed it on a plate. Pradon pulled a few times and finally spoke. At that time, they had been seeing each other for 5 minutes.

He said, "Well, this meatloaf, it's fried!"

A playful tone. It's not that the wrongdoers don't get together. Revenge for the unpalatable fast food we had met.

Why are you looking at me like this? I'm afraid it won't be enough for you to eat. Well, enough is enough.

The two finally embraced each other and kissed passionately. (Well, enough emotions have brewed up here, so what?) )

Pula asked: Well, I'll eat some more, you won't be angry.

Wan'er smiled. Suddenly found that after years of bombardment by Hollywood fast-food movies, the love of a long-term reunion can only accommodate the association of a bed. Thanks to this old Soviet film from more than two decades ago, for refilling my lost rustic imagination with its somber, subtle, and restrained style.

Love doesn't require too many words. Maybe the appearance will change, the identity will change, the situation will change, but the familiar voice will call softly, and each other can understand that the truth is in the chest, and it has not changed. Vera and Pradon's only words when they get together: "Is it delicious?" "It's so fragrant." It has become as natural and warm as the usual couple conversation.

The law is ruthless, sometimes indistinguishable from the criminal or the innocent; life is merciless, perhaps assigned to your inconsistent, even shameless spouse. Kind people always suffer more than others, but good people are also easier to approach and harvest true feelings. After all, in this world, exchanging hearts for hearts is an equal exchange that cannot be influenced by any law of interests. Pianist, waiter; waiter, sweeper, what does it matter?

The last shot. In the snow, the two braced themselves back to back, and Platon laboriously played the accordion to prove that he had not escaped from prison. The long shot quickly pulled off into the distance, and the rising sun burst out from behind them with a dazzling glow, warming a long white snow path ahead.

This is one of the most beautiful film images I've ever seen in a backlit shot. The atmosphere and thickness of the Russians have left me with a memorabilia that I will never forget. The melodious sound of the accordion tugged at the heartstrings again, and I laughed and burst into tears.


The movie ends and the lights come on. I got up slowly and walked to the door with some shame, afraid that others would see the traces of tears on my face. I really cried and laughed home today. I was confused about going downstairs, going out, crossing the street, getting in the car. Sitting on the bus, still unable to get out of the story for a long time, the traffic in front of you and the noisy voices next to you are like blank. I didn't wake up when I came, and I was drunk when I left. Hey, people under 30 years old actually experienced the midlife crisis and love fairy tales of 50-year-olds, and their hearts were heavy but warm, enough to taste for a while.

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