
Why don't Marvel movies give the widow a decent funeral? In fact, it is related to actress Scarlett

author:Marvel Cinematic Intelligence

The Development of the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been more than 13 years now, and in these 13 years, Marvel has also launched 20+ film works, using the back-and-forth linkage of these movie plots to gradually form the framework of the movie universe that we see now.

Why don't Marvel movies give the widow a decent funeral? In fact, it is related to actress Scarlett

But at the same time, in this huge plot framework, although some of the movie-laid Easter eggs and plot questions will be explained and unfolded in other movies, there are always some plot settings that look a bit similar to "unsolved mysteries".

Why don't Marvel movies give the widow a decent funeral? In fact, it is related to actress Scarlett

So, today we will briefly talk about the plot that is regarded by countless Marvel fans as "the unsolved mystery of the Marvel Universe":

[1] Why doesn't Marvel give a decent funeral to a widowed sister?

In fact, I believe that many fans who have watched Marvel's "Reunion 4" should know that in the movie, Widow Sister and Iron Man have sacrificed their lives in order to complete the reversal battle against Thanos, among which the death of Widow Sister is a difficult intention in the hearts of countless fans.

Why don't Marvel movies give the widow a decent funeral? In fact, it is related to actress Scarlett

Because Marvel has not given an official funeral to the widow sister after giving Iron Man a funeral.

Earlier, some people said that it was because Iron Man did not have a movie plot after "Avengers 4", but widow sister had a "Black Widow" after "Avengers 4".

Why don't Marvel movies give the widow a decent funeral? In fact, it is related to actress Scarlett


In the widow's single soldier movie "Black Widow", Marvel still did not give the widow sister a funeral, but only let the widow sister appear in the widow's graveyard in the Easter egg.

Why don't Marvel movies give the widow a decent funeral? In fact, it is related to actress Scarlett

So why?

In fact, the answer to this "unsolved mystery" is not in the movie but outside the movie, "Black Widow" director Kate Sautlland was asked a similar question in an interview with the media, and the answer given by director Kate at the time was:

"Scarlett had talked to me about it, and she didn't think her character would want to have a public funeral, so I thought it would be nice to bury her in a very private, very remote place."

Why don't Marvel movies give the widow a decent funeral? In fact, it is related to actress Scarlett

Obviously, both the widow actress Scarlett Johansson herself and the director of "Black Widow" are from the perspective of the character itself, not from the perspective of the fans, thinking that the role of "widow sister" does not want to have a public funeral.

Why don't Marvel movies give the widow a decent funeral? In fact, it is related to actress Scarlett

In this regard, in fact, stephen McPhilly, the screenwriter of the earlier "Avengers 4", also said something similar:

"Tony had a funeral and Natasha didn't, in part because Tony Stark was a public figure, and she (the widowed sister) had always been just a nameless person, and it wasn't so appropriate to hold a funeral for her."

Why don't Marvel movies give the widow a decent funeral? In fact, it is related to actress Scarlett

But no matter what, it is still painful for the widow sister ~

[2] How was the Rainbow Bridge in Thor 1, which was smashed by Thor's hammer, repaired?

This question has actually been raised by many fans a long time ago, and for fans of this film at the time, Thor directly destroyed the rainbow bridge with full fire in order to prevent the planet of the Frost Giant from being destroyed in "Thor 1", which is also the reason why Thor did not return to Earth in time to meet with Jane Foster.

Why don't Marvel movies give the widow a decent funeral? In fact, it is related to actress Scarlett

But the problem is that in the second part of the movie, fans found that the "Rainbow Bridge" in this period has been repaired, so many fans have proposed how this rainbow bridge was repaired.

Why don't Marvel movies give the widow a decent funeral? In fact, it is related to actress Scarlett

In this regard, many fans gave the answer at that time that the Rainbow Bridge was not the core of the movie, and the movie did not say that it was an irreparable device, so the big chance was that Marvel was weakened in the background plot of the world view, after all, Asgard could build the Rainbow Bridge and naturally repair the Rainbow Bridge.

In fact, this answer can only be said to be half right!

Why don't Marvel movies give the widow a decent funeral? In fact, it is related to actress Scarlett

Because in fact, in the process of repairing the Rainbow Bridge, there is also a movie plot that is "Reunion 1"——

Many people think that Thor came to Earth to capture Loki and go to trial, but in fact, another part of the reason is because Thor was assigned by Odin to come to Earth to get back the Cosmic Cube to repair the "Rainbow Bridge"!

This pre-production plot does not exist in the cinematic universe, but originates from the pre-series comic plot prepared by Marvel for the "Thor 2" movie!

Why don't Marvel movies give the widow a decent funeral? In fact, it is related to actress Scarlett

In this plot, the way Thor descended to Earth in "Reunion 1" is actually the same as the dark magic used by Heimdall in "Reunion 3", except that this teleportation method not only causes a certain load on the user itself, it is not a teleportation method that can be used casually, on the other hand, it is also because this teleportation method is also a threat to the teleportee itself.

Why don't Marvel movies give the widow a decent funeral? In fact, it is related to actress Scarlett

Because this teleportation mechanism itself is equivalent to "throwing" the teleporter to the destination, if you watch the movie carefully, you will find that in these several dark magic teleportations, the teleporters are basically not as smooth as the Rainbow Bridge, and the Doctor Strange Sanctuary in "Reunion 3" is smashed by the Hulk.

Why don't Marvel movies give the widow a decent funeral? In fact, it is related to actress Scarlett


In this comic, it is also shown that Thor was "thrown" to the earth in "Reunion 1" and was directly smashed into a coma for a period of time before waking up and starting to look for Loki and the Cosmic Cube.

Why don't Marvel movies give the widow a decent funeral? In fact, it is related to actress Scarlett

Similarly, it is also in line with why at the end of "Reunion 1", Thor and Loki left the earth not by using the Rainbow Bridge but with the help of the Cosmic Cube, and the plot after this is that after the Cosmic Cube was sent to Asgard, it was used by Heimdall to repair the Rainbow Bridge, corresponding to the scene at the beginning of "Thor 2", Thor used the repaired Rainbow Bridge to teleport to other planets in the Nine Realms to help Shiv and others calm the chaos.

Why don't Marvel movies give the widow a decent funeral? In fact, it is related to actress Scarlett

Of course, there are many similar questions in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but some of them have been explained by Marvel at present, and some are not.

Typical explanations are:

Marvel's "Abomination" that has now been re-launched in "Shangqi" has disappeared earlier after "Invincible Hulk", so where is the "Abomination" during this time?

Why don't Marvel movies give the widow a decent funeral? In fact, it is related to actress Scarlett

This setting is actually answered in Marvel's "Fanwai" short film "S.H.I.E.L.D. Consultant", and the answer given in the plot is that after "Invincible Hulk", Hate has been imprisoned in a special base under General Ross for research.

Why don't Marvel movies give the widow a decent funeral? In fact, it is related to actress Scarlett

Similarly, there are some "unsolved mysteries" that have not been explained so far, such as:

When Thor returned to Earth to find a girlfriend in the Easter egg of "Thor 2", he found a monster wandering on Earth, but Thor did not care at the time, so how did this monster deal with it in the end?

Why don't Marvel movies give the widow a decent funeral? In fact, it is related to actress Scarlett

Another example:

In Marvel, Thanos' plan has always been to collect the Infinity Stones, and then use the Infinity Glove to play the Infinity Ring Finger to complete his purpose of destroying half the universe's creatures, so who told Thanos that the way to do this as long as the Infinity Stones can be collected?

Why don't Marvel movies give the widow a decent funeral? In fact, it is related to actress Scarlett

At the same time, does the fake "Infinity Glove" that appeared in Odin's treasury in the movie "Thor 3" mean that Odin once collected infinity gems, and is there a connection between Thanos knowing the power of the Infinity Gauntlet?

Why don't Marvel movies give the widow a decent funeral? In fact, it is related to actress Scarlett

In fact, these are all unsolved mysteries that Marvel has not yet explained, and I don't know if there will be a pit-filling plot in the future movies.

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The pictures in this article originated from the Internet, invaded and deleted ~

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