
From the scavenger boy to the annual income of millions, the post-80s guys in Shanghai rely on "turning waste into treasure" to achieve a life counterattack

author:Kaifeng Political Law

Wu Yangde, a young man after the 80s

Motorcycle repair technician

Obsessed with transforming discarded items into crafts

And the proceeds from the charity sale will help those in need

Due to quite creative and steampunk style

His works are loved by the public

Known as "turning waste into Baoda people"

Let's follow the camera to see it ↓↓↓

From scavenger boy to millions a year

From the scavenger boy to the annual income of millions, the post-80s guys in Shanghai rely on "turning waste into treasure" to achieve a life counterattack

A street child who dropped out of school from the age of 13

Successful people who earn millions a year

Wu Yangde's life experience is a curve of ups and downs

Like a miracle

In 2000, Wu Yangde dropped out of school and came to Shanghai for family reasons

Stayed near the marina

He saw some of his friends picking up trash in snakeskin bags

I picked it up together for more than a year

In 2003, he entered the factory to install battery cars

In 2009, he opened his own repair shop

Life circumstances changed

From the scavenger boy to the annual income of millions, the post-80s guys in Shanghai rely on "turning waste into treasure" to achieve a life counterattack

Locomotive maintenance, often have to replace many accessories

These accessories are full of natural scratches

It makes Wu Yangde feel very textured

So I collected them all

The more accessories you save, the more you save

He had a clever move, and "waste utilization" made the first table lamp

When the "debut" debuted

It attracted many riders to watch and take pictures

A hidden sense of pride within

From then on, Wu Yangde firmly embarked on the road of "turning waste into treasure."

From the scavenger boy to the annual income of millions, the post-80s guys in Shanghai rely on "turning waste into treasure" to achieve a life counterattack
From the scavenger boy to the annual income of millions, the post-80s guys in Shanghai rely on "turning waste into treasure" to achieve a life counterattack

Wu Yangde told us

Make an annual income of millions now

Wood, iron, ceramic, rubber accessories

They were all "reborn" in his hands.

From the scavenger boy to the annual income of millions, the post-80s guys in Shanghai rely on "turning waste into treasure" to achieve a life counterattack
From the scavenger boy to the annual income of millions, the post-80s guys in Shanghai rely on "turning waste into treasure" to achieve a life counterattack
From the scavenger boy to the annual income of millions, the post-80s guys in Shanghai rely on "turning waste into treasure" to achieve a life counterattack
From the scavenger boy to the annual income of millions, the post-80s guys in Shanghai rely on "turning waste into treasure" to achieve a life counterattack

Benefit from the "Treasure" craft

He gradually entered the public eye

Repeatedly on the stage of variety shows

Wang Yibo, Wu Zhenyu and Xiao Yang all bought his works

From the scavenger boy to the annual income of millions, the post-80s guys in Shanghai rely on "turning waste into treasure" to achieve a life counterattack

In his heart

Craftsmen and artists are very noble words

I'm still in the trial phase

Don't dare to climb high

Use your skills to help those around you

From the scavenger boy to the annual income of millions, the post-80s guys in Shanghai rely on "turning waste into treasure" to achieve a life counterattack

The epidemic situation in 2019 is menacing, and mask resources are scarce

Wu Yangde's home happened to have two or three hundred masks

It was donated to the street

The street custom-made him a volunteer stamp

The reward he received made him feel it more deeply

The meaning of dedication to the public good

From the scavenger boy to the annual income of millions, the post-80s guys in Shanghai rely on "turning waste into treasure" to achieve a life counterattack

The 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party

He expressed his patriotism with his skillful hands

The mailbox made is collected by the neighborhood committee

Placed at the entrance of the community

From the scavenger boy to the annual income of millions, the post-80s guys in Shanghai rely on "turning waste into treasure" to achieve a life counterattack

Wu Yangde not only transforms waste parts into treasures

It has also achieved a broader sense of "turning waste into treasure"

In his eyes, no life should be abandoned

Of all his disciples

Small sea of mental disability of the second degree

It is one of the most unique meanings

When Wu Yangde first met him

Xiao Hai and her mother sell vegetables at the wet market

He dressed very dirty and often rummaged through the trash cans

Same encounter

It reminds him of his childhood self

After mixing

One day, Xiao Hai suddenly said: I want to learn to repair cars

Wu Yangde agreed

A lot of people don't understand

Because it would be very hard to take such a special apprentice

For example, install a hinge

Teach ordinary disciples 3 times 100% meeting

Teach him 20, 30, 40 times

Kung Fu doesn't bother people

Under the patient guidance of Wu Yangde

Xiao Hai finally learned something

I have gained the respect of others by my own efforts

Nowadays, customers will affectionately call him "Little Sea Master"

He had a skill

Become a person who contributes to society

In Wu Yangde's eyes

See the world with an inclusive mindset

Look at everyone

The world is the best and most complete

Source: Labor Daily

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