
In 1996, the police caught a "double material cargo" and accidentally cracked a foreign-related case that had been deposited for 2 years

author:Song of Daqin
In 1996, the police caught a "double material cargo" and accidentally cracked a foreign-related case that had been deposited for 2 years

At 12:25 p.m. on June 10, 1996, A room in Building 5, Linyuan Street, Yuhong District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province.

An old man came to the door, trembled and pulled out the key and inserted it into the keyhole.

The door had just opened a slit, and the old man suddenly felt a cool breeze behind him, and before he could look back at the situation, several strong men pounced on the room like tigers.

In the back room, on a wooden bed, a man and a woman were asleep.

A silver lone light flashed, and the man's wrists were locked in the dream, and when he opened his eyes, he found that several cold barrels had reached the door of his head.

The man's name is Xu Qingguo, 25 years old this year, and he is currently the agent of Yantai Douzhi Property Co., Ltd., and it is he who single-handedly created a major foreign-related gun murder and robbery case.

The "May Fourth" pistol that killed the foreign businessman and the victim's passport were seized in Xu Qing's state bookcase.


Two years ago, at about 5 p.m. on November 23, 1994, on the second floor of a star-rated hotel in western Shanghai, guests and waiters who were eating suddenly heard a loud "clanging" sound, and someone looked out the window and saw a large pile of broken glass in the aisle at the bottom of the building.

It turned out that the glass had fallen from the upper floor, and it was the loud noise of the glass falling on the ground that masked the bloody scene, and a young Korean businessman was shot by Xu Kyung-kuo in the hotel room at the sound of glass breaking.

In 1996, the police caught a "double material cargo" and accidentally cracked a foreign-related case that had been deposited for 2 years

The day before the accident, on November 22, Xu Qingguo, who had just illegally purchased a pistol and eight rounds of ammunition from a gun dealer in Yunnan, arrived in Shanghai by train and stayed at an airport guest house. He was prepared to wait until the next day when the South Korean plane arrived in Shanghai, waiting for the opportunity to rob South Korean guests with guns, so as to raise funds to run a private enterprise in his hometown of Shenyang.

The next morning, Xu Qingguo checked out and went to the exit of the terminal building to find the target of the crime. At 10:30, the Korean flight arrived in Shanghai on time. Among the disembarking passengers who poured out like a tidal wave, Xu Qingguo glanced at a Korean guest carrying a small bronze lockbox. The tall young South Korean man, Lee Sang-bong, hangs a Nikon zoom camera on his chest. Accompanied by Li Xiangfeng was a Miss Qiu from a travel agency. The two talked and laughed and walked out of the flight building.

Xu Qingguo concluded that the "gold content" of the lockbox was not low, and he followed Li Xiangfeng all the way. Since Heo Kyung-kook also speaks Korean, when he occasionally hears Lee Sang-bong talking to Miss Joo in Korean on the way, he "knows" that Lee Sang-bong is Korean.

After arriving at the hotel, Miss Qiu completed the accommodation procedures for the Korean Lee Sang-bong, and the two went upstairs together. Because Miss Qiu and Li Xiangfeng have always been together, xu Qingguo is difficult to start. Xu Qingguo was anxious when he saw Li Xiangfeng and Miss Qiu go downstairs together to recruit a taxi and go out. So he simply sat in the lobby of the hotel and waited patiently for the opportunity.

More than four hours passed, and Xu Qingguo finally saw The Korean guest Lee Sang-bong returning to the hotel alone and taking the key to room 1408 from the front desk to go upstairs. Xu Qingguo also followed upstairs, came to the door of Lee Sang-bong's room, and opened the door in Korean. The Korean guest Lee Sang Bong Man thought that he was "known from other places", and not only opened the door, but also welcomed Xu Qingguo into the room to receive him. However, he never expected that Xu Qingguo, who had been mistaken for a "fellow countryman" by him and warmly received him, had already made up his mind to rob him at this moment.

When Li Xiangfeng just turned around to get a cigarette, Xu Qingguo saw the opportunity, suddenly took out a pistol, and slammed Li Xiangfeng's head with the handle of the gun. Before Li Xiangfeng could figure out what was going on, he was knocked to the ground by Xu Qingguo. Xu Qingguo did not stop for a second, firing several shots at Li Xiangfeng's body. South Korean guest Lee Sang-bong was lying in a pool of blood unknowingly.

In 1996, the police caught a "double material cargo" and accidentally cracked a foreign-related case that had been deposited for 2 years

Xu Qingguo picked up the lockbox, camera and a plastic bag of items, descended the building's fire staircase, and disappeared into the night.

After receiving the report, Wang Jun, deputy chief of the Criminal Investigation Corps of the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau, first led the police to the scene, read the accommodation registration form and learned that the deceased's name was Li Xiangfeng, who was the agent of the Comprehensive Research Institute of the Food Business Headquarters of The South Korean Three Lakes Products Co., Ltd., at the age of 35.

At this time, the investigators found two shell casings and four bullets in the deceased's room. Multiple blood stains were found on the building's fire staircase, a blood palm print was still left on the handle on the 12th floor, and there were widely distributed glass fragments at the bottom of the building.

Subsequently, Yi Qingyao and Mao Ruikang, deputy directors of the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau, and Zhang Shenghua, commander of the Criminal Investigation Corps, arrived at the scene and quickly set up the "11.23" Foreign-related Gun Murder and Robbery Investigation Command Center, and set up a special case group headed by Ling Zhifu, commander of the three detachments of the Criminal Investigation Corps.

When Wang Jun learned from the general service desk that there was also a travel agency tour guide Miss Qiu who came with Li Xiangfeng, he ordered the investigators to quickly find Miss Qiu.

When the criminal technicians reported on the on-site investigation, the police officer who searched for Miss Qiu, the tour guide of the travel agency, returned, and he said to the leaders present: "Miss Qiu has been found." According to her, Li Xiangfeng arrived in Shanghai from South Korea at 10:30 a.m. on the 23rd, and she went to Hongqiao Airport to pick her up. At about 12:00 noon, she accompanied Li Xiangfeng to the hotel to check in for accommodation, stayed in room 1408, and accompanied Li Xiangfeng to dinner, and then took her to the Bund to take photos and play, and later called a taxi for her at the entrance of the Shanghai Building and let him return to the hotel alone. ”

Captain Zhang Shenghua asked: "Is it now clear how much money the deceased has been robbed?" ”

The police officer said: "Miss Qiu recalled that Lee Sang-bong brought a small Korean-made bronze lockbox and a Nikon zoom camera. When Miss Qiu dined with Lee Sang-bong, she saw that the wallet he carried with him had a lot of DOLLARs and won, the exact amount of which was not clear. ”


Senior engineer Ming Demao carefully observed the shell casings and bullets seized at the scene, and he was already confident, and he said unhurriedly: "This gun is a 'May Fourth' pistol, which originated from Yunnan and can be verified in Yunnan." ”

In 1996, the police caught a "double material cargo" and accidentally cracked a foreign-related case that had been deposited for 2 years

The next day, Engineer Ming demao, accompanied by scout Gu Yaoming, flew to Yunnan. The five-day investigation not only confirmed the judgment of The Mentor Engineers, but also. The source of the gun was found. The gun was stolen from the home of a township cadre in Xuangang Township, Luxi County, Dehong Dai Autonomous Prefecture, on October 28, 1992. That night, the township cadres returned home from a strike and hung the gun on the window wall, and in the blink of an eye, the gun disappeared. Eight bullets were also stolen.

After the theft of the gun, the local police organized personnel to search for it, but there was no result.

As soon as the Shanghai police arrived in Yunnan, they found the gun owner and fired the first cannon to break through the whole case.

Just a few days after Mingdemao flew to Yunnan, the investigators found in the course of investigation that two days before the crime, another South Korean guest named Li Xiangfeng was also on the 14th floor of the hotel, the same age as the deceased, of similar stature, but he stayed with him on November 21 and checked out of the hotel on the 23rd.

The "11.23" case is complicated enough, and now there is another person with the same name, the same nationality, the same age, the same body, and the same accommodation, and this person left Shanghai on the day of the crime and returned to South Korea. What's going on here? This paints the "11.23" case with a mysterious color.

On November 25, 1994, the task force held a meeting of taxi leaders in the city. After introducing the case to everyone, the leader of the Ling Zhifu detachment said: "Now we are anxious to find the silver-gray car of the star-rated hotel that carried the passengers at the entrance of the Shanghai Mansion (Miss Qiu only remembered the color of the taxi, but did not write down the license plate). In addition, because the murderer must be eager to escape after killing people and looting money, and the quickest way to escape by taxi is because the murderer is stained with blood. So, please go back and check which car has blood on it. ”

In 1996, the police caught a "double material cargo" and accidentally cracked a foreign-related case that had been deposited for 2 years

After the meeting, the investigators went to more than 300 taxi companies in the city to investigate one by one. After several twists and turns, the driver who sent Li Xiangfeng back to the hotel on the afternoon of the 23rd was finally found in the friendship motorcade. The driver said, "I did take a foreign guest to that hotel, and he paid the bill and didn't take the bill." He said and picked up the bill. The investigator Xiao Gu took a look, and it was clearly marked that the time of arrival at the hotel was 4:45 p.m. that day.

This confirms that the time judgment made at the case analysis meeting held on the night of the crime was completely correct.

In just a few days, the internal investigation materials of the hotel were secretly visited; the duplicate accommodation materials of the guests of the star-rated hotel in the city; the materials of the business travelers and accommodation personnel from Shanghai, Sichuan and Yunnan; the investigation materials of the taxis in the city; the materials for the verification of credit cards; the materials for the collusion of the same type of case; the materials for robbers in the city since 1989; the materials of all outsiders who stayed in the Shanghai hotel from the 22nd to the 23rd; and the materials for the notification between China and south Korea, all of which were collected at the fastest speed.

At the same time, the special case team, in close cooperation with the city's criminal investigation and public security systems, suddenly produced 14,000 detailed personal information cards.


On December 15, 1994, 22 days after the incident, Wu Guoqing, a bureau-level researcher at the Fifth Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, arrived in Shanghai and presided over a meeting of criminal investigation chiefs of public security departments (bureaus) in 17 provinces and cities, including Beijing, Tianjin, Jilin, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Shaanxi, Jiangsu, and Yunnan.

The participants re-surveyed the scene and determined that the perpetrator was one person, who was committing the crime across provinces and cities. He also affirmed the preliminary investigation work and investigation ideas done by the Shanghai police, and believed that the case should be investigated in conjunction with the luxi gun theft case in Yunnan.

The meeting decided to immediately conduct a nationwide investigation of the people and guns involved in the two cases, starting with the theft of guns and looking for the flow of stolen guns.

The police throughout the country acted quickly, combined with daily investigation clues, to discover everything related to the case one by one.

The Ministry of Public Security personally supervised the case, and a boundless iron net was immediately scattered into thousands of mountains and valleys.

The NPC Writers Association meeting was held shortly thereafter. Wang Jun, deputy commander of the Shanghai Municipal Criminal Investigation Corps, Mao Lizhang, deputy captain of the three detachments, and Gu Zhimin, inspector general, flew to Dehong Prefecture, Yunnan Province, and formed a joint task force together with Li Chenggong, deputy commander of the Dehong Prefecture Criminal Investigation Brigade, Song Yun, deputy director of the Luxi County Public Security Bureau, and more than 10 police officers temporarily drawn from the local criminal investigation team and police station to re-investigate the gun theft case two years ago.

In 1996, the police caught a "double material cargo" and accidentally cracked a foreign-related case that had been deposited for 2 years

During this period, the special case team learned that the living Li Xiangfeng had gone to China to do business, and the people had come to Wuhan, so they sent someone to find Li Xiangfeng, and once the two sides came into contact, they knew that this matter was all a coincidence, and the two Li Xiangfeng had nothing to do with each other.

However, the "11.23" case has not progressed since then, and soon, two years have passed.

In April 1996, the "strike hard" struggle was launched throughout the country, and the party committee of the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau put forward a demand for cracking a number of major cases. The "11.23" case is still listed as a major case of supervision. To this end, on May 7, the special case team organized elite soldiers to go to Yunnan to track down the gun theft case. Before the three detachment leaders Ling Zhifu led the team to leave Shanghai, they agreed with Captain Zhang Shenghua to expand the investigation of guns to the detection of drugs, and to find the whereabouts of the stolen guns through the investigation of drugs.

On May 18, the Yunnan police, who have made great achievements in cracking down on drug dealers and gun dealers, obtained a new clue that Zhang Mou, a Burmese who worked in the second branch of overseas Chinese, is an authentic drug dealer, this person is a "double material" who sells drugs and guns, and recently this person is also preparing to arm drug trafficking, but unfortunately, it is difficult to arrest people in Myanmar.

The Shanghai task force believed that this clue was very important, and the comrades-in-arms of the two places quickly agreed on a plan to trap Zhang.

On May 24, Zhang was arrested. After a heart-to-heart battle, Zhang finally began to explain the problem.

According to Zhang's account, in April and May 1994, when Zhang was working in the Golden Triangle Avia Company, a northeasterner came to the company where he worked and looked for Shen Huan, the company's business supervisor, at that time Shen Huan was not there, and Zhang received the northeasterner. The northeasterner, who claimed to be from Shenyang, was named Xu Qingguo, worked as a translator in a company and spoke Japanese and Korean. Xu Qingguo told Zhang that he had come to Shen Huan to buy a gun. Because Zhang did not have a gun in hand at that time, he could not trade the deal.

In 1996, the police caught a "double material cargo" and accidentally cracked a foreign-related case that had been deposited for 2 years

After that, Xu Qingguo lived in the Golden Triangle for a week and left. A month later, Xu Qingguo called Zhang from Yantai to inquire about buying a gun. Still no deal. In November 1994, Xu Qingguo came to Zhang's company again. Zhang mou saw that Xu Qingguo sincerely bought a gun, so he took Xu Qingguo to a family in Xuangang Township, and the man took out a gun and eight bullets and sold it to Xu Qingguo.

Ling Fufu immediately asked Zhang Mou: "What model is the gun?" ”

Zhang Mou said: "The gun is 'May Fourth' type, there is a green gun belt, after the gun deal, I and Xu Qingguo rode back to Mangshi, on the way, the two people each tried to shoot a shot." That night, Xu Guoqing stayed in a private hotel and left Mangshi the next day. In July 1995, Xu Guoqing also called me, saying that the bullets for the hare were exhausted, and asked me to provide a little more. ”

Ling Fufu immediately thought that among the 14,000 cards produced by Haichai, would there be a person named "Xu Qingguo"? But the most important thing now is to find out where the gun came from. Is it related to the Xuangang Township gun theft case?

The next day, the police followed the trail and quickly found out that the gun originated from a young man named Lang Xiaosi in Laoguang Village, Fengping Township, Luxi County. It took painstaking efforts to capture Lang Xiaosi, who had been sentenced to four years in prison for theft. After a full six days of delay, Lang Xiaosi began to confide his true feelings. It turned out that on a certain night in October 1992, after Lang Xiaosi sent his friend to the Xuangang Township Government Dormitory, on the way home, he found that there was a room in the back row of the dormitory with lights on, and the window was not related, and then he saw a pistol hanging on the wall of the house. Lang Xiao's four thieves were together, so they used a bamboo pole to "hang" the pistol out.

In 1996, the police caught a "double material cargo" and accidentally cracked a foreign-related case that had been deposited for 2 years

The gun theft case in Xuangang Township, Yunnan Province, has finally come to light! The stolen gun was bought by Xu Guoqing.

The "11.23" case has made a breakthrough since then!

Ling Fufu immediately telegraphed to Shanghai, asking for a quick investigation of whether Xu Qingguo had ever been to Shanghai. After Mao Lizhang received the call, he immediately flipped through the card in a hurry, and when the "Liaoning" first gear reached the sixth one, the three words "Xu Qingguo" came into view. The information on the card indicates that the person suddenly checked out and left after three hours in a hotel in the new passenger station area after the incident. Mao Lizhang jumped up happily.

The Criminal Investigation Corps of the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau decided to arrest the murderer in three ways based on Xu Qingguo's whereabouts in peacetime. Deputy Commander Wang Jun led a team to attack Xu Qingguo's hometown; investigators Chen Wei and Zhan Qingfei led a group of people and horses to fly to the South Korean company where Xu Qingguo was located in Yantai to wait, in order to prevent her from fleeing from Yantai; investigator Xue Yong flew to Yunnan alone to assist the Yunnan police and strictly prevent Xu Qingguo from fleeing from the border in case he was frightened.

On June 5, 1996, Wang Jun led the police to Shenyang, and immediately waited with the local police in Shenyang for five days, without finding any trace of Xu Qingguo.

In the early morning of June 10, the news came that Xu Qingguo had returned to his hometown in Shenyang from Baoding. Together with Wang Jun and others, the Shenyang police quickly agreed on a meticulous arrest plan. At about 8 a.m., a group of armed special police officers were densely packed around Xu Qingguo, and an hour and a half later, Xu Qingguo's father returned home, so there was the thrilling scene at the beginning of this article.

At the same time, two investigators who went to Yantai seized Nikon zoom cameras and other items intercepted from Li Xiangfeng in Xu Qingguo's dormitory.

So far, the whole "11.23" case has been broken, the good news has come, Chinese and foreign people have praised the outstanding merits of the shanghai municipal public security bureau's police, and the Ministry of Public Security has also sent a congratulatory message.

On June 24, 1996, the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Shanghai called Zhu Daren, director of the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau, to express his heartfelt thanks to the Shanghai criminal police and relevant people in other regions who have made efforts to solve the problem. He also pointed out: "With the detection of the case, Korean enterprises and Koreans in Shanghai have a new and high evaluation of the security situation in Shanghai, which will be conducive to future investment in Shanghai." After receiving the congratulatory letter, Director Zhu Daren immediately gave instructions and asked Captain Zhang Shenghua to convey his gratitude to the meritorious personnel who solved the case.

In 1996, the police caught a "double material cargo" and accidentally cracked a foreign-related case that had been deposited for 2 years

On July 8, 1996, the meritorious personnel received the honor they deserved, the "11.23" major case team was awarded the collective first class merit, and 13 police officers were awarded the second class merit, the third class merit and the municipal bureau award respectively.

A two-year-old foreign-related bloody case has finally come to a successful end.

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