
Beijing Winter Olympic Torch Relay Point Announced The Beijing Winter Paralympic Games Urban Fire Collection Office was determined

author:Beijing News Network

At a press briefing held by the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee yesterday, Xu Zhijun, deputy secretary general of the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee, gave a briefing on the overall situation of the torch relay work of the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.

Xu Zhijun said that the torch relay is one of the important cultural activities of the Olympic Games, which is of great significance for displaying the national image, disseminating the concept of hosting the Olympic Games, enhancing national cohesion, and stimulating the enthusiasm of the masses to participate. The torch relay work of the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games adheres to the olympic concept of "green, sharing, openness and integrity", implements the requirements of "simple, safe and wonderful", streamlines the scale and innovates the form, and creates a good atmosphere for the successful holding of the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games. The entire torch relay work adheres to three principles, namely: simple and wonderful, to ensure safety; innovative form, outstanding characteristics; two Olympic Games, equally wonderful.

Beijing Winter Olympic Torch Relay Point Announced The Beijing Winter Paralympic Games Urban Fire Collection Office was determined

Data chart Courtesy of Xinhua News Agency

Introducing the torch relay arrangements for the Beijing Winter Olympics, Xu Zhijun said that the Beijing Winter Olympic torch relay will be held from February 2 to 4 in three divisions of Beijing, Yanqing and Zhangjiakou, including 11 closed transmission areas outside the closed loop and 1 independent transmission area within the closed loop. Among them, there are 4 transmission areas in Beijing, 2 transmission areas in Yanqing Division, and 5 transmission areas in Zhangjiakou Division.

On February 2, the launching ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympic Torch Relay will be held. Subsequently, the torch will be passed in Beijing Olympic Forest Park and Beijing Winter Olympic Park;

On the morning of February 3rd, it will be passed on the Badaling Great Wall and the World Grape Expo Park in Yanqing, and in the afternoon, it will be passed on the Yangyuan Nihewan Ruins Park in Zhangjiakou, Zhangbei Desheng Village, Zhangjiakou Industrial Culture Theme Park, Chongli Fulong Ski Resort, and Zhangjiakou Dajingmen Ruins;

On February 4, the transmission will take place at the Summer Palace, Beijing Olympic Forest Park and Grand Canal Forest Park. The february 4 relay at Orson Park is a closed loop where about 50 torchbearers from the Olympic family will complete their torchbearer mission. After the torch relays on February 2 and February 3, there will also be evening displays of the city in Beijing and Zhangjiakou.

Xu Zhijun specifically mentioned that the Beijing Winter Olympic Torch Relay will integrate technologies with wide application prospects such as robots and automatic driving into the transmission scene. On the afternoon of February 2, Beijing Winter Olympic Park will be carried out by amphibious robots and underwater variable structure robots underwater torch relay. This will be the first underwater torch relay between robots and robots in olympic history; on the afternoon of February 2, in Shougang Park, self-driving cars will complete a section of torch relay according to the established route.

The torch relay of the Beijing Winter Paralympic Games is divided into three parts: urban fire collection, fire collection and torch relay.

Among them, the urban tinder collection session will be completed on March 2, collecting a total of 9 urban tinders, namely from the urban tinder of Mandeville, UK, and 8 urban tinders collected from beijing, Yanqing and Zhangjiakou. The eight urban fires in China are collected from the Temple of Heaven Park "Summer Fire", "Bright Fire" collected from Beijing School for the Blind, "Fire of Mutual Assistance" collected from the warm home of Wangjing Street in Beijing, "Fire of Hope" collected from the Chinese Braille Library, "Fire of Source Flow" collected from the Caoyun Wharf of the Grand Canal, "Fire of Peace" collected from the Ancient Great Wall of Yanqing, "Fire of Hydrogen Cleanliness" collected from Zhangjiakou Chuangba Park and "Fire of Civilization" collected from Zhangjiakou Yellow Emperor City.

After the urban fire collection is completed, a fire collection ceremony will be held in the Temple of Heaven Park on the afternoon of March 2, and the 9 urban fires will be collected as the official fire of the Winter Paralympic Games.

After the tinder collection ceremony, a torch relay will take place. The torch relay will be held in Temple of Heaven Park, Zhangjiakou Citizen Square, Chongli Taiwu Ski Resort, Nuanquan Ancient Town in Weixian County, Huailai Guanting Reservoir Wetland Park and Beijing Shiyuan Park, Beijing Municipal Cultural and Sports Guidance Center for the Disabled, China Sports Management Center for the Disabled and the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee. The Beijing Winter Paralympic Torch Relay will continue until the afternoon of March 4.

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The torch relay point of the Beijing Winter Olympics has characteristics and highlights

Yang Haibin, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Sports Bureau and deputy director of the Torch Relay Special Team Operation of the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee, and Sun Haidong, director of the Zhangjiakou Torch Relay Special Operation Team, respectively introduced the characteristics and highlights of the torch relay points of the Beijing Winter Olympics at the press briefing yesterday.

Yang Haibin said that Beijing is the "City of The Double Olympic Games", and when choosing the transmission point, it fully takes into account the characteristics of the "City of the Double Olympic Games", focuses on the dissemination and inheritance of the Olympic spirit, and displays the achievements of Beijing's ice and snow sports and national fitness development. Fully implement the olympic concept of "green, sharing, openness and integrity", and fully display the achievements of green Beijing, humanistic Beijing, and scientific and technological Beijing. To this end, the 6 delivery points selected, each with a unique theme and connotation.

The theme of Beijing Olympic Forest Park is "Central Axis Shen Yun", and the core connotation is to embody the concept of the Green Winter Olympics, show the realistic scene of the Olympic Movement flourishing in the city, and is the intersection of the ancient capital's history, culture and Olympic spirit on the central axis of Beijing.

The theme of Beijing Winter Olympic Park is "Ice and Snow Show Belt", and the core connotation is to reflect the unique charm of the City of the Two Olympics, display the achievements of 300 million people participating in ice and snow sports, and is a symbol of the balanced development of summer and winter sports in Beijing.

The theme of the Badaling Great Wall is "The Ridge of the Nation", and the core connotation is to embody the open and peaceful Chinese attitude, show the national spirit of not fearing strong enemies and being brave and indomitable, and is the spiritual symbol of the Chinese nation daring to fight and dare to win.

The theme of Yanqing World Grape Expo Park is "Public Ice and Snow", and the core connotation is to reflect the characteristics of inclusiveness, integration and sharing of the Olympic spirit, display the unique Spring Festival culture and ice and snow culture of the Chinese nation, and is a symbol of people's unity with ice and snow as a bond.

The theme of the Summer Palace is "Huaxia Garden", and the core connotation is to reflect the charm of the ancient capital style and world cultural heritage, show Beijing's profound historical and cultural heritage, and be a witness to the historical situation and the pearl of the Yongdinghe Cultural Belt in Xishan.

The theme of the Grand Canal Forest Park is "Ancient and Modern Thoroughfare", and the core connotation is to reflect the history and inheritance of Beijing City, show the long-standing cultural charm of the Grand Canal, and is an important symbol of Beijing Changlian International.

Sun Haidong said that the five points of the Zhangjiakou Competition Area closely focused on the theme of "Greeting the Covenant of Ice and Snow and Running to a Better and Future", highlighting Zhangjiakou's rich and colorful cultural heritage with their respective characteristics, showing the fruitful results of Zhangjiakou in deeply practicing the concept of ecological civilization, comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, actively developing new energy industries, and fully promoting urban modernization, showing the enthusiasm of the people of Zhangjiakou to care about the Winter Olympics, support the Winter Olympics, participate in the Winter Olympics, and welcome the Winter Olympics, and to hold a "simple, safe and wonderful" session. Zhangjiakou contribution made by the Olympic games.

The theme of Nihe Bay is "the hometown of oriental human beings", which is praised by scholars as one of the earliest footholds of human beings and one of the important origins of human civilization, which fully reflects the magnificent process of the ancestors of the Chinese nation to multiply, create culture, and finally ignite the spark of human civilization, and become the common cultural treasure house of mankind.

Zhangbei Desheng Village, with the theme of "Toward Revitalization", is an advanced collective in poverty alleviation in the country, a vivid demonstration of the fruits of development shared by the whole people, and a reflection of China's responsibility and responsibility in the common mission of all mankind to eliminate poverty.

Qiaodong District Industrial Theme Cultural Park, the theme is "urban trajectory", here retains the first railway independently designed and constructed by the Chinese - the Beijing-Zhang Railway, telling the story of China's railway from standing up and getting rich to becoming strong, singing the song of high-quality development of Zhangjiakou's traditional industrial dedication struggle and green transformation.

Fulong Ski Resort, the theme is "Passion Ice and Snow", here is one of the earliest ski resorts built in Chongli District, Zhangjiakou, reflecting the unique charm of ice and snow culture in zhangjiakou, the winter Olympic city of Zhangjiakou, showing the achievements of Zhangjiakou mass ice and snow sports infrastructure construction, meeting the diversified ice and snow sports needs of the people, and confirming the development process and great achievements of "driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports".

Dajingmen point, the theme is "DahaoHeshan", here is Zhangjiakou landmark ancient building, it is the location of the National Great Wall Cultural Park, is the historical connection between China and Russia trade channel - the starting point of the Zhangku Ancient Trade Road, "Dahao Heshan" inscription shows the splendid beauty of the Chinese land, "Dahao River and Mountain Welcome you" is a sincere invitation to Zhangjiakou and Chinese people.

The 1,200 torchbearers of the Beijing Winter Olympics come from all walks of life

Yan Cheng, director of the Human Resources Department of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, said at a press briefing yesterday that there are about 1,200 torchbearers for the Beijing Winter Olympics, from all walks of life.

These torchbearers are selected by the International Olympic Committee, the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee, the Chinese Olympic Committee, the provinces and cities where the competition area is located and various sponsoring enterprises. Selection criteria include compliance with Chinese laws and regulations; promoting the Olympic spirit and contributing to the realization of the vision of the Beijing Winter Olympics; making outstanding achievements in the industry, in this field, especially in the grassroots frontline, making outstanding contributions, or having educational and motivating significance for others through their own experience; being at least 14 years old and having the physical conditions to complete the torch relay; and completing the COVID-19 vaccination.

Since the launch of the selection work, the selection subjects have carefully organized and carefully arranged, adhered to fairness and justice, and carried out the work of torchbearer candidate recommendation, information registration and review, qualification review and other work in accordance with the torchbearer selection standards and selection rules, and have completed the selection and recommendation of the torchbearer. Torchbearers come from all walks of life, most of them have made outstanding achievements or made outstanding contributions in this system and field, and are quite representative and advanced. Among them, there are representatives of advanced models at all levels throughout the country, as well as advanced representatives and well-known personalities from all walks of life in science, education, culture, and public health, and most of them are "extraordinary ordinary people" who have taken root in the frontline of production and work and made outstanding contributions. Among them, the oldest is 86 years old, the youngest is 14 years old, 53% have won honors at or above the provincial and ministerial levels, and 57% of the front-line representatives in production and work. In addition to Chinese citizens, torchbearers also have international friends from more than 20 countries and regions.

Yan Cheng said that in the next step, the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee will carry out the work of confirming the qualifications of the torchbearer and the allocation of road sections, formulate the work plan for the operation of the torchbearer, and make full preparations for the upcoming torch relay.

Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee Invites You to Become a "Torch Network Runner"

At the press briefing of the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee held yesterday, Zhao Weidong, spokesman of the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee and director of the Press and Propaganda Department, said that the torch relay of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games is a three-dimensional model composed of three links: olympic torch display, torch network propaganda, and traditional route transmission.

Zhao Weidong said that torch network publicity is an important part of it. In 2021, China's netizens exceeded 1 billion, in order to let this huge audience participate in the torch relay and pay attention to the preparation and holding of the Winter Olympic Games, the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee News and Publicity Department designed a torch network publicity plan, with the official website of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee as the initiator, jointly with Weibo, WeChat, Douyin, Kuaishou, B station and other Internet social platforms to launch the "I am the torch network runner" online publicity and promotion activities. Users obtain official electronic certificates with unique numbers by participating in online activities such as the Winter Olympic Knowledge Quiz, making and sharing short videos on ice and snow sports, and participating in the interaction of torch relay topics, becoming "torch network runners", supporting the Beijing Winter Olympic Torch Relay and torch bearers, and focusing the eyes of the whole society on the upcoming Opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics. The Torch Network campaign was launched on January 23 and lasted 13 days.

(Original title: Beijing Winter Olympic Torch Relay Point Announcement Beijing Winter Paralympic Games Urban Tinder Collection Office Determined)

Source: Beijing Daily reporter Wu Dong Zhuoran

Process Edit: u027

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