
"The Coming of the Pregnant Woman" "Ten years in prison, she should have relented" "Boss, the lady is long gone"

author:Positive trolley

Dear readers, hello everyone ~ Recently, many fans have reacted to falling into the situation of book famine, and as an old book fan, the editor also feels the same way. Today, Xiaobian continues to introduce good novels to fans, and let fans and friends watch addicts without sleeping in minutes! If you are optimistic, remember to collect, and you are not afraid of the book famine in the future!

Today's xiaobian recommends to everyone: "Wife does not say happy" "Ten years of imprisonment, she should converge" "Boss, the lady has long been gone"

The first book: "Why the love is deep, not into your heart" Author: Mu Bee'er

Introduction: There is no regret medicine in the world. He and she were destined to pass by, and the heavens and people were forever separated. Lin Nuo loved Leng Ranfeng for ten years and kept their marriage for seven years. "I was wrong, I'm sorry, it's okay for you to come back." Not all mistakes in this world deserve to be forgiven, and not all people can be undone.

Pit Entry Guide:

Luo Tianyi finally called him back.

"Lino asked me to take her away, and she wanted to get away from you completely."

Leng Ranfeng clenched his phone, and the suppressed anger revealed his voice:

"What are you counting?" Where is Linno, let her answer the phone! ”

Empty room, alone. The cold wind stood in the middle of the dusty furniture, shrouded in a dark fog, and made a roaring sound, as if it were a trapped beast roaring.

Luo Tianyi listened, smiled softly, and looked out of the window in his eyes, but they carried crystals.

"You can call the police, and I'll help Linno win the divorce lawsuit."

After saying this, Luo Tianyi hung up the phone and stood alone in front of the hospital bed, facing the hazy night.

The cold wind was full of anger, poured through this answer, the water quenched the fire, and also aroused his sanity.

With a feeling of not being able to start, Leng Ranfeng finally faced his abnormal emotions for the first time: the company's whispers in recent days were not unheard by him, it was a moody emotion, and it was also because of his dispute with An Yan.

"The Coming of the Pregnant Woman" "Ten years in prison, she should have relented" "Boss, the lady is long gone"

The second book: "The Coming of the Pregnant Woman" by Xi Yan

Introduction: "The Coming of the Pregnant Woman", "Ten years in prison, she should have converged" "The boss, the lady is long gone" A woman who is about to get married but is snatched away by someone, a person who has lost his beloved, the two began a dewy love affair on a luxury cruise ship. He, with a secret in his heart, approached her with this secret in order to avenge it.

However, according to his understanding of Leji, Leji is not such a weak person at all, although she looks gentle on the surface, she is actually a stubborn person. Coupled with her family's wealth, even if the gods unknowingly killed the child or was born to raise it alone, it was not a problem, why would she run to commit suicide. He had always suspected that there must be a big secret behind Leji's suicide. But the police ended the case with her suicide. Because according to Leji's friends, she had never seen Leji alone with other men, and she didn't even have a friend of the opposite sex.

However, Ran Zuosi did not believe that Le Ji would commit suicide for love. He pulled the ring out of his hand and looked into the light at the English abbreviations of his and Leji's names embedded in the inner circle. With thoughts and doubts about Leji, he fell into a deep sleep. It wasn't until he woke up that it was late afternoon, and he got up and pushed open the door and walked out.

In the main European restaurant, he saw the white sea peach again, and several times tried to talk to her, but she changed her face, turned around with a plate of food, and left. He didn't dare to disturb her again, and saw her silently find a place to sit down. The gaunt and pale appearance revealed a bit of chuchu and moving charm.

At this time, a man came from outside the door, the man was wearing a gray jacket, a straight figure, his hair was cut short, his facial features were very distinct, and his skin appeared a little too white. He called her name in his mouth, and Ranzos saw her stand up in panic and try to escape, only to learn that her name was Sea Peach.

"The Coming of the Pregnant Woman" "Ten years in prison, she should have relented" "Boss, the lady is long gone"

The third book: "You are cooler than the clouds" by Teng Xiaoxi

Introduction: Inexplicably, for their own interests, they became rivals. By chance, their dog bloody night of greed. Afterwards, they learned that they were jealous of each other's identities and hated each other at the same time. But I don't know that the beginning of hate is also the beginning of love.

"Get her a full body exam!" Don't let her make any mistakes! ”

Yun Mohan gave an order to the dean, and although the dean doubted the relationship between this woman and Yun Mohan, he also knew that now was not the time to inquire about things.

Yin Fan was pushed into the emergency room, and Yun Mohan waited restlessly in the corridor.

After Wang Lin parked the car in the hospital parking lot, he hurried over and stood quietly to the side, waiting for Yun Mohan's dispatch at any time.

"Where did you find her?" Yun Mohan suddenly opened his mouth, Wang Lin paused slightly, and quickly replied: "On the way to Yan's side, at that time I just explained the reason, she did not refuse, very cooperative on the car, I did not know that she was sick ..."

Wang Lin explained a lot, and thought in his heart, where are the young people who are still fighting like this, they are sick and can't rest at home, and they even run to work.

After Wang Lin finished speaking, Yin Fan was also pushed out by the medical staff.

"How's it going? Why hasn't she woken up yet? ”

Yun Mohan seems to be always emotional when facing Yin Fan, and the stability of the usual days has dissipated at this time, and the eagerness to care for Yin Fan is like a young man who has just fallen in love.

"The Coming of the Pregnant Woman" "Ten years in prison, she should have relented" "Boss, the lady is long gone"

Today's recommendation is here, do you have anything you want to say to the editor? Comment in the message area below at the end of the article, Xiaobian can see Oh, look forward to your message ~

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