
The pilot experience of "Piping Hot Life", the big change of blood in the brother group, and the "riot operation" of the program group were questioned

author:Ding stared at entertainment

In the latest issue of "Our Piping Hot Life", the brother group began a third professional experience - the pilot professional experience. This episode is very interesting, but it has been controversial after it was broadcast.

Brothers' first professional experience was as a firefighter. At the Urumqi Fire Brigade, the brothers had a three-day, two-night professional experience. The whole experience was relatively challenging.

The brothers not only carried out daily physical training, but also carried out training with difficulty coefficients and dangers, including real fire training. After the program was broadcast, it caused heated discussion among netizens. Through the presentation of the brothers, the audience also realized that the daily training of firefighters is very arduous.

The pilot experience of "Piping Hot Life", the big change of blood in the brother group, and the "riot operation" of the program group were questioned

The second professional experience is that of a rural teacher. This episode should be more of a tribute to the profession of rural teachers. Through the program, the audience saw the teachers who dedicated their youth and enthusiasm in the depths of the mountains. Because of the efforts of these people, children will get closer and closer to their dreams.

Although the professional experience of rural teachers is not long, the brother group still brings joy to the students. Zhang Jin prepared gifts for the students, Zhang Zhilin also helped a student with difficulties to solve the problem of hearing aids, and the brothers also played football games with them. In short, the experience of rural teachers is full of positive energy.

The pilot experience of "Piping Hot Life", the big change of blood in the brother group, and the "riot operation" of the program group were questioned

The third professional experience is piloting. In this professional experience, the members of the brother group changed again, namely: Chen Xiaochun, Zhang Jin, Zhang Qi, Lee Seung-hyun, Gao Hanyu, Hu Haiquan, and Ricky. It is worth mentioning that Hu Haiquan and Ricky are joining for the first time, and Lee Seung-hyun belongs to the return, but what the audience does not understand is that Zhang Zhilin did not participate.

The pilot experience of "Piping Hot Life", the big change of blood in the brother group, and the "riot operation" of the program group were questioned

Pilot professional experience, if you want to choose the most adaptable brother, it should be Zhang Zhilin. Zhang Zhilin filmed "Rushing into the Clouds", and his pilot appearance in the play is impressive.

In the final stage of "Brother With Thorns and Thorns", Zhang Zhilin and his brothers also showed the audience a pilot group show. Therefore, the audience still hopes to see Zhang Zhilin experience pilots. But it just so happens that Zhang Zhilin is absent from this episode, which is somewhat regrettable.

The pilot experience of "Piping Hot Life", the big change of blood in the brother group, and the "riot operation" of the program group were questioned

However, Lee Seung-hyun's return has added a lot of points to the show. During the professional experience of firefighters, Lee Seung-hyun contracted almost half of the show's laughs. Training passwords is the biggest difficulty for Lee Seung-hyun. Many times, he could hear the password, but he didn't understand what it meant.

This is true when firefighters experience it, and it is also true when pilots experience it.

When they arrived at the Flight Academy, what the brothers did not expect was that it was also strictly managed. As soon as the instructor appeared, the brothers quickly organized themselves and stood in a row. I have to say that after the training of Ai Station Manager, the overall temperament of the brothers has been greatly improved.

The pilot experience of "Piping Hot Life", the big change of blood in the brother group, and the "riot operation" of the program group were questioned

But Lee Seung-hyun still encountered difficulties. The instructor said "report the number", and the brothers did not answer. The instructor added another sentence, "Counting from left to right," and then he pointed at Lee Seung-hyun, who was standing on the far left. Lee Seung-hyun immediately understood, came a "left", a word directly made everyone laugh. Ricky, who was standing next to Lee Seung-hyun, quickly reminded Lee Seung-hyun and asked him to say "1".

The pilot experience of "Piping Hot Life", the big change of blood in the brother group, and the "riot operation" of the program group were questioned

As the show aired, viewers realized that Lee Seung-hyun had performed very well at other times, except for some training passwords that he could not understand.

According to the arrangement, 3 of the 7 members of the brother group will experience pilots and 4 flight attendants. While both professions are respectable and challenging, the brothers seem to lean toward pilots.

Compared with flight attendants, the training and selection of pilots is more stringent. Lee Seung-hyun, Gao Hanyu, Ricky, Zhang Qi, and Hu Haiquan participated in the "Anti-Interference Number Soybean" test. The brothers had to count the number of soybean grains in their hands when they were constantly being disturbed.

The pilot experience of "Piping Hot Life", the big change of blood in the brother group, and the "riot operation" of the program group were questioned

This link Hu Haiquan is more prominent, he is only one difference from the exact number, Zhang Qi is weaker, he did not complete the test within the specified time. However, Zhang Qi's spirit is commendable. In the case that the test has ended, Zhang Qi is still seriously counting soybeans.

After that, the brothers took a more challenging test. In the physical racing test, the brothers had to complete the tests such as alternating leg lifts on their backs, 60 kg dummies carrying weights forward, and spinning in place. The final results showed that Ricky, Gao Hanyu and Lee Seung-hyun ranked in the top three, and Zhang Jin ranked last.

The pilot experience of "Piping Hot Life", the big change of blood in the brother group, and the "riot operation" of the program group were questioned

In this episode, pilot tests are challenging, and many times are related to rotation. Zhang Jin has been out of state because of a serious cold, which has affected his test performance.

After the athletic test, the brothers took part in the round roller test. Round rolling is a rolling motion caused by the influence of turning and flying flow when simulating the flight of an airplane, and excessive rocking and bumping will cause nausea and vomiting. Ground roll training can effectively improve the pilot's adaptability.

The most prominent of this process is Lee Seung-hyun. Not only was he the first challenge, but he was also able to quickly sum up his experience and give advice to other brothers. Such training is a challenge for Chen Xiaochun, who is already 55 years old, and Zhang Jin is defeated by a cold.

The pilot experience of "Piping Hot Life", the big change of blood in the brother group, and the "riot operation" of the program group were questioned

In addition to round roll training, there is also ground spiral ladder training. Lee Seung-hyun was the first to appear, he did this training session well, and he was praised by the instructor. Chen Xiaochun didn't finish the project, he said he really couldn't stand it. He said that although he would like to experience pilots, he still has to do what he can.

Comprehensive test results, Lee Seung-hyun ranked first, Gao Hanyu ranked second, but the third place is Zhang Qi, which makes many people unable to understand. When announcing the rankings, Zhang Qi expressed surprise at this result.

The pilot experience of "Piping Hot Life", the big change of blood in the brother group, and the "riot operation" of the program group were questioned

Viewers who have watched the show know that the third place should be Ricky. But the reason why the instructor chose Zhang Qi, he said, was that he saw Zhang Qi's spirit of persistence and not giving up.

The instructor also summed up the reasons why the other brothers could not experience piloting. Chen Xiaochun is due to age, Zhang Jin is cold and injured, and the reason why Ricky was abandoned was that he was not good at communicating with people.

The pilot experience of "Piping Hot Life", the big change of blood in the brother group, and the "riot operation" of the program group were questioned

In the end, Lee Seung-hyun, Ko Han-woo and Jang Ki continued to experience pilots, while the other four brothers had to train as flight attendants.

After the program was broadcast, the practice of selecting Zhang Qi and forcibly setting the reason for the elimination of Ricky caused many netizens to be dissatisfied. In everyone's opinion, this is another "riot operation" of the show.

In fact, the show "Our Piping Hot Life" has always reflected the meaning of positive energy. Through the professional experience of our brothers, we pay tribute to the ordinary heroes of our lives. And the audience also liked the brothers who participated in the show.

Zhang Qi or Ricky, it doesn't matter what kind of career they experience, the point is that as long as they can present a good show and transmit positive energy, the audience will be looking forward to it. But the kind of program setup mentioned above is really bad. #综艺节目精彩瞬间 #