
Video | pull full of social governance center "battle value"! Dongguan's "Smart Network Project" was deployed this year

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Pull full of social governance center "battle value"! Dongguan's "Smart Network Project" was deployed this year

On January 21, the 2021 citywide social service management "smart network project" work summary meeting was held, reviewing the work of the "smart network project" in the past year or so, commending the advanced, exchanging experience, and deploying the next stage of related work.

The meeting was held in the form of video conferencing to all town streets (parks) and villages (communities). Liang Jiezhao, member of the Standing Committee of the Dongguan Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, Deng Huilin, deputy secretary general of the Municipal Party Committee, Li Zhijun, deputy secretary general of the Municipal Government, and Yang Tiantai, second-level inspector of the Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, attended the main meeting.

Video | pull full of social governance center "battle value"! Dongguan's "Smart Network Project" was deployed this year

Liang Jiezhao said that in the past year, Dongguan grid service management, as the top priority of grass-roots social governance, has focused on reducing public safety risks and eliminating hidden dangers of contradictions and disputes, and achieved remarkable results. At the new starting point of "double ten thousand", Dongguan will continue to refine the grid management measures, give play to the role of the "smart network project" social governance center, and lay a solid grass-roots foundation for Dongguan to achieve deep integration and symbiosis and co-prosperity of tens of millions of people and cities.

More than 800,000 key personnel were investigated, and the "Smart Network Project" handed over eye-catching report cards

Stepping into a new starting point of "double ten thousand" with trillions of GDP and tens of millions of people, it won the "Chang'an Cup", the highest honor of comprehensive management in the country, and won the title of Ping An China Construction Demonstration City... Liang Jiezhao said in his speech that these achievements are inseparable from the great importance attached by the municipal party committee and the municipal government to the construction of the "smart network project".

Video | pull full of social governance center "battle value"! Dongguan's "Smart Network Project" was deployed this year

In the past year, the construction of the "Smart Network Project" has played a powerful role, showing new deeds in winning the battle against the epidemic prevention and control, arranging more than 5,300 grid administrators in the city to participate in the community "three-person team", checking more than 800,000 people from key areas throughout the year, and organizing grid administrators to carry out epidemic prevention and control sentinel monitoring on 7660 pharmacy business sites in combination with daily inspections.

In terms of hidden danger investigation, we will carry out in-depth investigation and special rectification of hidden dangers in rental houses and "three small places", prevent students from drowning in special work and illegally engage in motor vehicle recycling and dismantling special actions, and promote the use of the "Wisdom Network Everyone Shoot" mini program to help the construction of Safe Dongguan to create a new situation.

In addition to the "blade facing outward", Dongguan grid service management also continuously promotes self-optimization, promotes the implementation of matter inspection and problem disposal, clarifies the application for qualified matters of functional departments and special tasks to assist in carrying out the standards and task requirements of the matter, broadens the career upward channel of the grid administrator, and takes a new step in consolidating the foundation for development.

It is worth mentioning that the new generation of "smart network engineering" information system developed and launched has provided strong support for the operation of the city's grid management business, promoted the improvement of capabilities, and iterative upgrading of information systems to a new level.

"Truly realize the seamless division of the whole grid, achieve global coverage, clear boundaries and seamless connection, and become the first batch of cities in the province to complete the collection of comprehensive grid layers, and have been affirmed by the Provincial Committee Political and Legal Committee." Liang Jiezhao said.

Video | pull full of social governance center "battle value"! Dongguan's "Smart Network Project" was deployed this year

The summary meeting was presided over by Huang Jian, deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Dongguan Municipal Party Committee, and Deng Huilin, deputy secretary general of the Municipal Party Committee, read out the commendation briefing of the "Top Ten Grid Administrators" in 2020 and 2021. The award-winning grid administrator took the stage to receive the recognition. Dongguan Municipal Public Security Bureau, Chashan Town, Tangxia Town Hengtang Community introduced the work experience.

Continue to build and strengthen the "smart network project" social governance center, and promote co-construction, co-governance and sharing

Standing on the new starting point of "double ten thousand", the 15th Party Congress of Dongguan City proposed to build a strong "smart network project" social governance center, build a village-level comprehensive scheduling system for grass-roots governance, and implement the management of "big data + command center + comprehensive grid"; accelerate the implementation of the "multi-member integration" comprehensive grid, promote the sinking of departmental forces, and realize "thousand lines of departments and grid responsibility fields"; comprehensively find out the basic information of the grass-roots level, especially the population situation and characteristics of urban villages and rental houses, and improve the ability of grass-roots fine governance and accurate response to risks Create 100,000 safe rental houses within three years.

Video | pull full of social governance center "battle value"! Dongguan's "Smart Network Project" was deployed this year

Liang Jiezhao said that it is necessary to benchmark the deployment requirements of the fifteenth party congress, refine the grid management measures, give play to the role of the "smart network project" social governance center, and lay a solid grassroots foundation for Dongguan to achieve deep integration, symbiosis and common prosperity of tens of millions of people and cities.

Liang Jiezhao stressed that it is necessary to optimize service management, strengthen the construction of the command system, departmental functions, comprehensive grid, operation mechanism, etc., and create the main platform for social governance; it is necessary to strengthen scientific and technological support and promote "one network unified management", "one network unified defense" and "one network command", and serve as the main engine of intelligent governance; adhere to the principle of being cautious and consistent, always maintain the state of epidemic prevention and control, strictly implement normal prevention and control tasks, and guard the main position of community war and epidemic; strictly manage and treat well, do excellent and professional work, strictly and realistically manage, care with heart and affection, and stimulate the new motivation of the grid team.

Video | pull full of social governance center "battle value"! Dongguan's "Smart Network Project" was deployed this year

"The 'Smart Network Project' is an important carrier for us to strengthen and innovate social governance, and it is of great significance and responsibility to do a good job in the 'Smart Network Project' in 2022." Liang Jiezhao said that with more promising determination, more effective measures and more effective implementation, we should fully promote the construction of the "smart network project", strive to promote the modernization of urban social governance, and greet the 20th National Congress of the Party and the 13th Provincial Party Congress with excellent results.

【Written by】Gong Ju Guo Wenjun

【Photo/Video】Gong Ju

【Author】 Gong Ju Guo Wenjun

【Source】 Southern Press Media Group South + client

Source: South+ - Create more value