
Liu Juanjuan: Interpret youth with sweat

author:Changzhi Channel of Yellow River News Network

Yellow River News Network Changzhi News: How about customer reserves? No problem, missions are guaranteed to be completed ahead of schedule! Is there a problem with the opening loan delivery? No problems, no drag on the team! In the 2022 "First Quarter Opening Red" marketing campaign, a group of employees who are brave enough to compete and work hard at marketing have emerged.

Liu Juanjuan: Interpret youth with sweat

Liu Juanjuan, account manager of the eldest son Rural Commercial Bank

Liu Juanjuan, joined the eldest son Rural Commercial Bank in 2015, after systematic and all-round training, officially joined the account manager team, from the initial few words, to the current can speak well; from the original will not market, to today's marketing experts; from the previous single survey, to the current full-process operation; step by step to witness her growth, a good interpretation of the starlight does not ask the rushers, time does not pay off the struggle motto. Up to now, Liu Juanjuan manages 438 households, the balance of loans is 152.1259 million yuan, and the average household is 344,600 yuan, it is precisely by relying on the persistence of this job and the love for the cause of agriculture and commerce, in the first quarter of the opening, once again showed impressive performance, from the beginning of the head office to the beginning, a total of 30 mortgage loans, the amount of 11.616 million yuan, the completion rate of 210.74%.

Unswerving, never give up easily

Bao Jianfeng from the grinding out, plum blossom fragrance from the bitter cold, there is no job is not hard, especially the account manager work, need to go out to transfer households, sometimes encounter customers in the field, but also have to pack up and travel to the field, which is a great challenge for a little girl who has just engaged in account manager, Juanjuan has never flinched, she often says, customers are our food and clothing parents, no matter how much difficulty, I can overcome, she said so and did this. Summer scorching sun, she did not have time to drink a sip of water, the winter cold wind, she is still running on the journey of transfer, the eldest son county has left her footprints everywhere, from the north of the greenhouse planting to the south of the business enterprises, a question Juanjuan customers what the situation, Juanjuan can be like a number of family treasures, talk, after each transfer to make a table she is excellence, once there is an error in the equity test, she has to reorganize all the data, her table and survey data once became the benchmark for account managers to learn.

Skills and professionalism to solve customers' worries

Mortgage friends often say: "Juanjuan is the elder and professor-level figure of the mortgage" What will not ask Juanjuan, there is trouble to find Juanjuan, a real estate sale with a customer to the mortgage center, said that the customer is a sheep restaurant, there are more than 200 sheep, but the sheep are now on the mountain, and the recent snow on the mountain has not disappeared, the mountain road is rugged, can not enter the mountain, consult how to handle the loan, the account manager listened to the back of the looking, at this time only listened to Juanjuan said: "The sheep have to be injected, you should have an epidemic prevention certificate" The phrase woke up the dreamer.

The trip of a thousand miles begins with a single step, Liu Juanjuan will be based on the post, give full play to her strengths, serve every customer with professional business skills, high-quality service levels, and efficient work efficiency, and contribute her own strength to the development of the rural credit industry with more excellent results! (Wang Ruixu)

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