
The unpopular costume beauty He Dujuan, who has played 6 roles one by one is more than one cold, how many have you seen?

author:Sure enough, talk about entertainment

He Dujuan is a low-key actress, many small partners may not be too familiar with the actor He Dujuan, but He Dujuan's film and television dramas you must have more or less seen, let's take a look at the costume TV series that He Dujuan has acted in!

The unpopular costume beauty He Dujuan, who has played 6 roles one by one is more than one cold, how many have you seen?

I. "Concubine Daming"

"Daming Concubine" is an ancient early drama, He Dujuan's early work. Set against the backdrop of the history of the last years of the Ming Dynasty, this drama shows the fate of the women of Hui Zhi Lanxin who are involuntarily in the royal family, and the story of the sadness and joy between Zhu Changluo and the concubines is also lamentable. He Dujuan played the heroine Shangguan Lanxin in the TV series.

The unpopular costume beauty He Dujuan, who has played 6 roles one by one is more than one cold, how many have you seen?

Shangguan Lanxin originally had a crush but had to enter the palace draft, she stood out in the draft with her outstanding appearance and talent, the crown prince Zhu Changluo (Song Yang) fell in love with Lan Xin at first sight, but under the pressure of Zheng Guifei, he had to choose Yao Qianqian (Chen Yinuo) as the crown princess.

After experiencing a series of events, Lan Xin gradually developed a secret affection for the prince, but the prince was angry because he knew that Lan Xin had a loved one, and the relationship between the two was often tested by trust.

The unpopular costume beauty He Dujuan, who has played 6 roles one by one is more than one cold, how many have you seen?

The end of "Concubine Daming" echoes the "Red Pill Case" in the history of the Ming Dynasty, the prince finally ascended the throne as emperor, died of indulgence and a red pill, the sisters who came all the way in the court went to different destinations, and Lan Xin finally became a nun. The tone of the whole drama is more sad and poignant, the episode is not long, interested friends can find a look.

The shape of "Daming Concubine" looks very rough and not elaborate enough today, but the male and female actors in the play are very good-looking, and He Dujuan, as the heroine, supports these shapes, which has a classical beauty feeling. In addition to He Dujuan, guan Huiqing, Chen Yinuo and other beautiful actresses also play important roles in the play, and the actors' acting skills throughout the play are online.

The unpopular costume beauty He Dujuan, who has played 6 roles one by one is more than one cold, how many have you seen?

II. The Legend of Mi Yue

"The Legend of Mi Yue" can be said to have gathered many high-value acting schools, such as Liu Tao, Ma Su, Huang Xuan and other actors. He Dujuan's role in "The Legend of Mi Yue" is very small, and she plays the role of Wei Meiren, who has a glimpse of Honghong.

Wei Meiren's appearance was overwhelming, but she was simple and kind, and she had no defense for people, and after she entered the palace, she credulously trusted Nanhou, and was later framed by Nanhou, abandoned by the King of Chu, and tragically went offline.

The unpopular costume beauty He Dujuan, who has played 6 roles one by one is more than one cold, how many have you seen?

Although Wei Meiren's role is very small, it is enough to make a deep impression, because she is beautiful enough. He Dujuan's appearance shows the beauty of Wei Meiren being able to dump the king to the extreme, as if the woman in the ancient painting has an elegant posture, skin like gelatin, gentle and generous, Chuchu pitiful, and sheds the appearance of an ancient aristocratic lady.

The scene where Wei Meiren is sleeping is very eye-catching, He Dujuan's hair is scattered, holding a bouquet, smiling slightly, and the beauty, style, shyness, reticence and "covering the nose" of Wei Meiren are perfectly expressed, the whole process is very natural, it can be seen that He Dujuan as an actor, acting skills are very good.

The unpopular costume beauty He Dujuan, who has played 6 roles one by one is more than one cold, how many have you seen?

III. "The Evolution of the Fengshen Gods"

The newly filmed version of "Fengshen Yanyi" is also a drama assembled by high-value actors, it is not too much to say that it is a feast for Yan Dog, wang Likun, Luo Jin, and Deng Lun's participation has brought a lot of topics to this drama, but the Thunder man setting of the plot has also attracted countless complaints.

He Dujuan played Xiao'e in "Fengshen Yanyi". The role of Xiao'e is very controversial, some people think it is clever and cute, and some people find it very annoying and annoying. He Dujuan herself has also been scolded a lot because of this role, criticized for not having enough looks, exaggerated performance, and bad lines.

When playing the role of Xiao'e, I don't know whether it is a problem of human design or the actor himself does not grasp the degree of goodness, this character always gives people a very noisy, low IQ feeling. The shape is also a bit dragging its feet, and He Dujuan's appearance has been pulled down a lot.

The unpopular costume beauty He Dujuan, who has played 6 roles one by one is more than one cold, how many have you seen?

IV. The Legend of the White Snake

He Dujuan played the role of villain Condensation in "Tianqiao". In the play, Condensation is the sister of the male protagonist Xu Xuan (Played by Ren Jialun), and Condensation has always had a deep love for his brother Xu Xuan, while Xu Xuan only has brother and sister feelings for her. Since Bai Yaoyao (Yang Zi) came, Xu Xuan has become more obviously fond of Bai Yaoyao and gradually alienated from condensation. In the end, Xu Bai and the two also became connected, condensing because of love and could not be helped, and the obsession became deeper and deeper, and finally blackened into a demon.

The character of Condensation has a more complex personality and cannot be completely identified as a pure bad person, even if she still has a conscience after blackening, but she is too obsessed.

He Dujuan's appearance in "The Legend of the White Snake of Tianqiao" is divided into early and late stages, before blackening, the appearance is clear, the color of clothing is mainly pink and light blue, after blackening, the costume is mainly dark, and the makeup becomes thicker.

The early styling is not suitable for He Dujuan objectively, the eyebrows and lipstick are very light, there is no three-dimensional facial features, and the hairstyle also exposes he Dujuan's facial defects, and the middle part appears to be very long. The condensation before the blackening is single, and it is not so brilliant compared to the clever Xiaoqing and the sweet white dream.

The later demon girl style is much better, and the combination of black brocade robe and red cloak makes the whole person look full of aura. The hairstyle abandons the middle point, the makeup becomes thicker, and a little bright red stripe between the eyebrows makes He Dujuan's face more aggressively beautiful.

The unpopular costume beauty He Dujuan, who has played 6 roles one by one is more than one cold, how many have you seen?

V. "The Tale of The Muyun on the Sea"

He Dujuan played Lan Yu'er in "The Tale of The Sea Muyun". Lan Yu'er is also an infatuated woman, who has accompanied Mu Yunsheng since childhood, is obsessed with Mu Yunsheng, and can pay everything for him.

He Dujuan Lan Yu'er's style is really beautiful enough, although she plays the role of a palace girl, but her eye temperament is excellent in all aspects, and it is difficult for people not to notice her.

I have to say that He Dujuan is really suitable for hairstyles with bangs, and her face is particularly small and delicate after the bangs cover her forehead.

The unpopular costume beauty He Dujuan, who has played 6 roles one by one is more than one cold, how many have you seen?

VI. The King's Feast

He Dujuan played Yu Ji in the movie "The King's Feast". At that time, the role of Yu Ji in "The King's Feast" attracted many actors to compete, including the now popular Di Li Reba and Gulinaza, He Dujuan can successfully run for this role must have her superiority.

At that time, He Dujuan's successful selection of Yu Ji's role surprised many people, and doubts about her were also overwhelming, because He Dujuan's appearance did not conform to people's aesthetics of Yu Ji in the traditional sense, and from the stills, it was indeed not amazing. He Dujuan responded to this: I am indeed not good-looking, but Yu Ji should not be a vase.

The unpopular costume beauty He Dujuan, who has played 6 roles one by one is more than one cold, how many have you seen?

Although He Dujuan's appearance is not the best among the actresses, she has a gentle and tenacious temperament in herself, which is in line with the director's recognition of Yu Ji.

He Dujuan also participated in the variety show "Youth Tour", partner Lin Yun and Wei Daxun jointly performed the dance "Pipa Line", He Dujuan's Hanfu is very suitable for her, and her figure is well-proportioned.

It can be seen from the live performance that He Dujuan has a strong dance foundation, even if the practice time required by the program group is very short, she can do the dance movements and facial expression management very well, and it is not weak among a group of professional dancers.

The unpopular costume beauty He Dujuan, who has played 6 roles one by one is more than one cold, how many have you seen?

Participating in variety shows is a way to quickly get attention, "Youth Travels" is one of the few variety shows that He Dujuan participated in, and her dance performance was eye-catching, leaving a deep impression on the audience and giving the audience a chance to understand her from outside the TV series.

Of course, He Dujuan is not the kind of actress who has no dead angle beauty at three hundred and sixty degrees, her appearance is very personal and easy to leave an impression, but she is also very limited by the shape, and it is not easy to find a suitable shape for herself, such as the shape before the condensation blackening, which shows that her face is big and unenlightened, and Xiao'e's style also drags her down. He Dujuan's face shape is not suitable for combing the middle points, and it is more suitable to cover a little forehead, referring to Lan Yu'er.

The unpopular costume beauty He Dujuan, who has played 6 roles one by one is more than one cold, how many have you seen?

He Dujuan debuted very early, and began acting more than ten years ago, but there has been no fire. This dedicated actress takes acting seriously, but seems to lack a little luck, and people often have an impression of the roles she has played, but not many people remember her name.

Because the fame is not large, so He Dujuan does not have good film and television resources, there are not many opportunities to play the main role, and even the opportunity to play a better supporting role is not much, but He Dujuan herself is also more Buddhist, she said that she can put the role in her hand hard to perform well. The little sister's personality is good! Hope to see more of her work.

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