
Not woken up? Tsai authorities kneel for more F-16s, the United States to package the Taiwan military as "the world's first"

author:First military intelligence


The "Taiwan army' combat effectiveness is worrying, and it is well known to everyone, but the Tsai authorities are still on their knees licking the United States in an attempt to obtain more U.S.-made weapons. Recently, an F-16V fighter of the "Taiwan Army" just fell into the sea, and then the model was grounded, but not long after, the "Taiwan Army" announced that the F-16V fighter would return to flight. Immediately, there was news that the Tsai authorities were currying favor with the US side and hoped that the US side would speed up the delivery of the new F-16 fighter.

Not woken up? Tsai authorities kneel for more F-16s, the United States to package the Taiwan military as "the world's first"

(The "Taiwan Army's" F-16V fighter fleet)

Media reports on the island show that under the kneeling lick of the Tsai authorities, the United States agreed to sell 66 F-16V fighters in 2019, and these Loma fighters asked for up to NT$250 billion, which is equivalent to about $9 billion in US dollars, which is equivalent to the asking price of each F-16V fighter aircraft being higher than that of the United States itself to buy the F-35, and the F-16 is actually an early model, although it has been upgraded many times, but the potential has been hollowed out. Even so, the Tsai authorities still have to take the initiative to take the initiative to be the head of the wrongdoing. It is said that the Tsai authorities are begging the US side to advance the delivery time of the fighter from 2027 to 2026, and the US side is "considering discussions". It is said that if all these F-16V fighters are delivered, the "Taiwan Army" F-16V fighter will reach the "world's first" in terms of equipment.

Not woken up? Tsai authorities kneel for more F-16s, the United States to package the Taiwan military as "the world's first"

(The "Taiwan Army" F-16V fighter plane returned to flight after crashing into the sea)

However, just before this news came out, the "Taiwan Army" had just had a major accident in which the F-16V fighter jet crashed into the sea, which not only led to the loss of an F-16V fighter, but also the pilot surnamed Chen who piloted the plane also died in the accident. For example, the pilot surnamed Chen, who flew the F-16V fighter this time, should have flown for 400 hours to operate the F-16V fighter, but in fact he only flew more than 200 hours, which is obviously a big problem.

Not woken up? Tsai authorities kneel for more F-16s, the United States to package the Taiwan military as "the world's first"

(Crashed F-16V fighter)

Moreover, after the "Taiwan army" hastily stopped flying for 9 days, it announced on the 20th that the F-16V fighter planes would resume flights, and the media on the island also speculated that these planes had gone to "intercept" the PLA military planes again. For this kind of fan's self-confidence, some netizens said that it was just a broken copper and rotten iron that the Americans gave to the authorities on the island, and it was best to fly slowly.

Not woken up? Tsai authorities kneel for more F-16s, the United States to package the Taiwan military as "the world's first"

(PLA military aircraft)

In fact, the accidents that have occurred in the "Taiwan Army" over the past few years have already made people jaw-dropping. In 2021 alone, the "Taiwan army" has had a series of accidents, among which the "achievements" of the "air force" on the island are even more stunned to the outside world, with various fighters crashing into the sea, rushing out of the runway, running in the cockpit, mistakenly shooting equipment, and sliding the brakes. Whether you can think of it or not, the "Taiwan army" can do it anyway, so that netizens bluntly said that the crash of the "Taiwan army" this time can actually be said to be "not an accident.". Just as the F-16V fighter was grounded, a tank of the "Taiwan Army" also hit a small car on the street, and as a result, it was sprayed again.

Not woken up? Tsai authorities kneel for more F-16s, the United States to package the Taiwan military as "the world's first"

("Taiwan Army" tank crash)

The United States also knows that the authorities on the island are mud that cannot support the wall, so they will take all kinds of outdated equipment to deal with it, but what the Tsai authorities have taken out is real money and silver, which can be said to be the hard work of the people on the island. Before the media also calculated that after reunification, the island will spend 600 billion New Taiwan dollars less per year, which will be equivalent to the average annual income of the people on the island of 20,000 New Taiwan dollars per person. Therefore, the real way out for Taiwan is bound to accept reunification as soon as possible.