
"Beauty Beyle": Analyze the factors and realistic thinking of the heroine Beyle to obtain happiness from two perspectives 01.The external factors of Beyle's happiness: the greatness of family affection and the power of love are the two major external factors for the heroine to achieve happiness 02.The internal factors of beyl's happiness: The self-awakening of the heroine Beyle is the internal factor that she can eventually achieve happiness 03.The heroine Beyle can get happiness brings me some realistic thoughts

author:Stray Miss Cat


Belle is a costume film based on the story of a true character. At Scone Palace in Scotland, the female writer Misan is attracted by an oil painting in which Misan is struck by the elegant beauty of the black girl and the frank look in her eyes. As a writer, Misan saw the story behind the girl's eyes. The black girl was Belle, and the white girl next to her was her cousin Elizabeth. After Missan's excavation, collation and creation, Belle's story was revealed.

The film tells the story of the mid-eighteenth century, when Britain was still a colonial empire with a strict hierarchy. The British admiral fell in love with the black slave girl he had saved and gave birth to the illegitimate daughter Beyle. Due to the Colonel's need for a mission, Belle was eventually adopted by her father's uncle, Lord Murray. Although she grew up in an aristocratic family, Belle's skin color is a constant reminder of her lower origins than others. From inferiority to finally using her own strength, Beyer laid the foundation for the overthrow of slavery in Britain through the "Sanger" insurance fraud case, and also gained her own love.

In an era when black people were treated as objects and had no freedom to talk about in life, Beyle, a black and white half-race, reaped her own happiness. In my opinion, the reason why Belle's ending is different from others is that the final happiness can be analyzed through two major factors: external and internal. In contrast, in the real world, unfair fate is still everywhere. So, in the third part of the article, I will analyze some realistic reflections brought to us by Beyle's happy ending.

"Beauty Beyle": Analyze the factors and realistic thinking of the heroine Beyle to obtain happiness from two perspectives 01.The external factors of Beyle's happiness: the greatness of family affection and the power of love are the two major external factors for the heroine to achieve happiness 02.The internal factors of beyl's happiness: The self-awakening of the heroine Beyle is the internal factor that she can eventually achieve happiness 03.The heroine Beyle can get happiness brings me some realistic thoughts


<h1>01. The external factors of Belle's happiness: The greatness of family affection and the power of love are the two major external factors for the heroine to achieve happiness</h1>

First of all, the affection that Lord Murray's family gives to the heroine Bel is the pillar of Belle's eventual happiness;

At the beginning of the film, Beyle's father sends him to Putt Dekenwood Manor in London and asks his uncle Mansfield to raise him on his behalf. Mansfield was the supreme judge of the British Royal Family at the time, and there was no doubt that the character's heart was ambivalent about the arrival of Beyle, facing the double test of status and reputation.

But after Judge Mansfield adopted Belle, he did everything he could to protect the girl, not even wanting her to see the dark side of the world, and he treated Belle and her cousin Elizabeth equally, both materially and educationally. Belle grew up in an aristocratic family, she had everything that an aristocratic girl should have, a superior upbringing, gorgeous clothing, beautiful and elegant appearance, outstanding talent, except for the color of her skin, she seemed to be no different from her cousin.

There is such a tearful scene in the film: when Mrs. Mansfield asks if she really loves Bel, a half-black child, he says with tears in his eyes: "Love as yourself."

In such an era of colonial empires, Beyle was undoubtedly lucky compared to others. These four short words cover his deepest love for Belle. The love of the original family for the children can become the armor of the child's life, so that Belle has the courage to constantly find herself along the way.

The main event of the film is the "Sanger" insurance fraud case, the owner of the "Sanger" ship for fraud insurance, throwing 132 sick black slaves into the sea and drowning. At that time, the slave trade was an important economic source in Britain, so the British supreme judge Mansfield was under great pressure. But he eventually made a fair ruling, and his ruling became the most crucial step in abolishing slavery.

In addition, behind this ruling is the love of a "father" for his children. In the film, John, the priest's son, asks Mansfield:

"When you're away, have you ever wondered what kind of treatment Belle will suffer in this world?"

I think this sentence was printed in Mansfield's heart. He knew that only when society changed could Beyer be truly happy.

In an age when classes were so clear, he could allow Belle to cancel his engagement with the younger son of an official of equal rank and allow Belle to fall in love with the priest's son of a priest of great disparity. It was the love he and his wife had loved Beyle since childhood that Bel had the courage to choose her lover. He was Belle's uncle and her father, and he was a great man.

"Beauty Beyle": Analyze the factors and realistic thinking of the heroine Beyle to obtain happiness from two perspectives 01.The external factors of Beyle's happiness: the greatness of family affection and the power of love are the two major external factors for the heroine to achieve happiness 02.The internal factors of beyl's happiness: The self-awakening of the heroine Beyle is the internal factor that she can eventually achieve happiness 03.The heroine Beyle can get happiness brings me some realistic thoughts

Belle and Papa

Secondly, the true love of John, the son of the priest, to the heroine Beyle becomes the driving force for Belle to achieve happiness.

John, the priest's son, a student who worked as a judge's assistant to the Earl of Mansfield, became acquainted with Belle. John was an idealistic new generation of youth who wanted to use his own strength to call for the abolition of unjust slavery. He respects Belle and feels unfair that Belle cannot eat with her guests. He tells Beyle that everyone comes into the world as equals.

In addition, he and a group of law students fought against the "Sanger" insurance fraud, supporting the insurance company's refusal to throw black slaves as goods into the sea and drown, and then pay the insurance company.

It is precisely because John does not discriminate against Belle's skin color like others, but constantly and sincerely encourages her, so that Beyle gradually stops feeling inferior to her own skin color, she begins to pay attention to the fate of black people and begins to fight for her own fate. In the end, Bell broke through the heart, through his own strength, provided John with key evidence, and under the efforts and influence of Bell and John, the Earl of Mansfield made a fair judgment on the "Sanger", so that Belle, as a black-and-white hybrid, gained self-esteem and happiness.

Moreover, John did not covet Belle's rich inheritance like any other man, his love was pure, not mixed with any worldliness, regardless of money, regardless of race. In the film, John tells Beyle:

Don't think too much about the doorway and hope someone will marry you without a name. When you are penniless, the lover's pursuit of you is the real mutual cherishing.

John's love for Belle transcends the worldly hierarchy, and his sincerity and bravery make Belle begin to believe in the power of true love, and also make Bel understand that what he buys for his own property will never be true love. Belle began to understand that she no longer needed to pursue the acceptance and approval of the upper class, but should listen to her heart and choose to be with the people she truly loved and loved. In the end, Belle and John had lovers who eventually became family members and harvested their own happiness.

I think that the wheels of change are constantly moving forward, and society is always progressing. However, what remains unchanged is the true affection and love, which are the two important factors that Bell can eventually achieve a happy life.

"Beauty Beyle": Analyze the factors and realistic thinking of the heroine Beyle to obtain happiness from two perspectives 01.The external factors of Beyle's happiness: the greatness of family affection and the power of love are the two major external factors for the heroine to achieve happiness 02.The internal factors of beyl's happiness: The self-awakening of the heroine Beyle is the internal factor that she can eventually achieve happiness 03.The heroine Beyle can get happiness brings me some realistic thoughts

<h1>02. The internal factor of Beyle's happiness: The heroine Belle's self-awakening is the internal factor that she can eventually achieve happiness</h1>

In the film, Belle herself is a typical British heroine. As a black woman, Belle eventually became happy because of her dual awakening as a black woman and a woman.

Initially, Belle was inferior, and because of her skin color, she could not sit at the table with the guests like everyone else. She hated herself for having such a complexion, and in the dead of night, she tore her skin in anger and fell into extreme pain.

As the Earl of Mansfield and his wife said, "No family of equal rank will marry Belle, but if Bell marries a man of different ranks, it will lower Bel's aristocratic status." In 18th-century Europe, the concept of family lineage and family lineage was deeply ingrained, and Belle's choice was to guard her property like aunt Mary, who had never married for life, and kept her property as a housekeeper at Kenwood Manor for a lifetime.

Beyle initially chose to get an engagement with oliver, the second son of an official, because she was too eager to be recognized by the upper class and too eager to break the prejudice that she could not get love. However, in the "Sanger" incident, she was protected since childhood, and finally saw the cruelty of the outside society. It was also the beginning of her awakening.

In my opinion, Beyle is a smart girl, she understands her situation and status, she understands that if she wants to squeeze into a white society with her wealth, her marriage will undoubtedly be a huge disaster.

In the film, Belle finally chooses to quit the marriage. She righteously retorted to those who discriminated against her:

Others see my skin color as unfortunate, and my greatest misfortune is marrying a family that thinks I will be disgraced. My mother,'s fault was being born black, and my fault was inheriting her skin color. I don't want to deny her, and I don't deny myself.

As a black woman, Belle is sober and sane at the moment. She no longer feels inferior because of the color of her skin, and she finally understands that happiness should not be in the hands of others, and she should not rely on marriage to change her destiny. Your own happiness should always rely on your own efforts to fight, and the wheel of fate should also be in your own hands.

She began to stand up bravely and chose to fight against fate. Belle supported John in her own strength and persuaded her uncle to make a fair ruling. She put aside her suspicions and chose not to marry John. In the end, she promoted the disintegration of slavery, liberated her heart, got true fairness, and harvested her own happy love.

"Beauty Beyle": Analyze the factors and realistic thinking of the heroine Beyle to obtain happiness from two perspectives 01.The external factors of Beyle's happiness: the greatness of family affection and the power of love are the two major external factors for the heroine to achieve happiness 02.The internal factors of beyl's happiness: The self-awakening of the heroine Beyle is the internal factor that she can eventually achieve happiness 03.The heroine Beyle can get happiness brings me some realistic thoughts

Awakened Beyle

<h1>03. The heroine Beyle can get happiness to bring me a few realistic thoughts</h1>

First, love from the family is a soft but powerful force.

For me, the most bloodthirst scene in the film is when my cousin accuses Belle of being just an illegitimate daughter, Belle is able to answer firmly:

My father, acknowledging that I was his daughter, never had any prejudice against me because of the color of my skin.

This girl is very determined at heart. I think it is precisely because she firmly believes in her father's love for herself, and this love is also her strongest backing, allowing her to be confident and calm at any time.

In such a slave system environment, the heroine Beyer dared to stand up to the unequal social system and bravely choose her lover.

I think that this courage, this quality is not innate to her, but comes from the love and care of the Mansfield family for her. Love is a soft but warm force that can turn into the most solid armor when you are hurt, allowing you to bravely move forward. The film also enlightens us that children who are watered by love will have the courage to face the injustice of society and grow into their true selves.

"Beauty Beyle": Analyze the factors and realistic thinking of the heroine Beyle to obtain happiness from two perspectives 01.The external factors of Beyle's happiness: the greatness of family affection and the power of love are the two major external factors for the heroine to achieve happiness 02.The internal factors of beyl's happiness: The self-awakening of the heroine Beyle is the internal factor that she can eventually achieve happiness 03.The heroine Beyle can get happiness brings me some realistic thoughts

Belle with father

Second, fate has no choice, but we should all have the courage to resist it

At the beginning of the film, Belle also hated why fate was unfair, and the white cousin Elizabeth could dine with the guests, while she could only hide in the garden and hurt herself.

However, Bell did not admit her fate, and she did not choose to guard her inheritance as a housekeeper for a lifetime. As a typical British heroine, Bei has a thoughtful and insightful mind, and she strives for equality and has been constantly pursuing her own happiness.

Reflecting on our real life, what kind of life fate gives us, we still have no choice. Maybe someone is already at your end of the line as soon as they are born. But the meaning of life is not to escape, not to complain, and not to give up. We also have the right to rebel against fate and turn the tables in the face of adversity. No matter what bad cards fate has arranged for us, we must have the confidence to play bad cards well.

"Beauty Beyle": Analyze the factors and realistic thinking of the heroine Beyle to obtain happiness from two perspectives 01.The external factors of Beyle's happiness: the greatness of family affection and the power of love are the two major external factors for the heroine to achieve happiness 02.The internal factors of beyl's happiness: The self-awakening of the heroine Beyle is the internal factor that she can eventually achieve happiness 03.The heroine Beyle can get happiness brings me some realistic thoughts

Third, marriage has never been a guarantee of a woman's sense of security, but it is

Another character in the film, Belle's white cousin Elizabeth, embarks on a non-stop blind date because she cannot inherit the inheritance. The arrangement of this role is contrasted with the role of Belle in the British film. In fact, the two sisters were also treated unfairly.

In the carriage, Elizabeth said sadly:

I cannot inherit the inheritance, and as an aristocrat, I cannot engage in any profession. We don't have the right to choose marriage, it's just a man's property.

For Elizabeth, if she marries the arrogant James, her marriage is doomed to be a disaster; likewise, if Bell chooses to marry her brother who is only trying to make money, the end is undoubtedly a tragedy of both people and money.

I think that in the past, in reality, if a woman tries to guarantee her security by marriage alone, it is undoubtedly pushing herself into a passive situation. In real life, most women are insecure, and in order to protect their own sense of security, one is to make themselves stronger, and the other is to rely on men.

However, the latter is significantly more uncertain and more prone to gain and loss. A wise woman will not waste her time on controlling men, but choose to constantly enrich herself and let herself always have enough rights and chips. They all understand a truth: marriage is not a guarantee of security, they are.

"Beauty Beyle": Analyze the factors and realistic thinking of the heroine Beyle to obtain happiness from two perspectives 01.The external factors of Beyle's happiness: the greatness of family affection and the power of love are the two major external factors for the heroine to achieve happiness 02.The internal factors of beyl's happiness: The self-awakening of the heroine Beyle is the internal factor that she can eventually achieve happiness 03.The heroine Beyle can get happiness brings me some realistic thoughts



At the end of the film, the insurance company wins the lawsuit, and John and Belle have a lover and eventually become a family. Finally, the director showed us a beautiful oil painting for human eyes: Belle and Elizabeth sat together on an equal footing, and the idyllic idyllic scenery gave people a beautiful hope.

This is a movie that deserves to be watched slowly. The film is full of strong British style, whether it is the costumes or the idyllic scenery, it is pleasing to the eye. Although it is a struggle against slavery, there is no bloodshed or riot in the film, but only shows us the goodness, love and sincerity of human nature in an elegant and rustic tone.

This is the greatest value and enlightenment that this film based on a true story brings to us.

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