
The elderly should pay more attention to these points to prevent bedsores

author:Dr. Zhang of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine Orthopedics

When we care about the daily life of the elderly, there is a problem that is easy to ignore but is extremely harmful - bedsores. For the frail elderly who have been bedridden for a long time, bedsores are a potential threat.

The elderly should pay more attention to these points to prevent bedsores

First of all, the elasticity of the skin and blood circulation in the elderly are relatively poor due to the decline in physical function. Staying in bed in the same position for a long time, the stressed parts of the body, such as the back, buttocks, heels, etc., are prone to blood circulation disorders due to continuous pressure, which is one of the important reasons for the formation of pressure sores.

The elderly should pay more attention to these points to prevent bedsores

Second, the perception of the elderly may be somewhat weakened. They may not be able to recognize and express the stress and discomfort they are experiencing in time, which requires more careful observation by family members and caregivers.

In addition, some elderly people with chronic diseases, such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, have relatively weak wound healing ability. Once a pressure sore develops, recovery can be more difficult.

In addition, nutritional status is also a key factor affecting whether the elderly are susceptible to bedsores. Insufficient nutrient intake can lead to thinning of the skin, muscle atrophy, and reduced skin resistance.

The elderly should pay more attention to these points to prevent bedsores

In order to prevent the occurrence of pressure sores in the elderly, family members and caregivers should regularly help the elderly turn over, change their position, and reduce local pressure; Keep the skin of the elderly clean and dry, and avoid damp irritation; Provide the elderly with a nutritious and balanced diet to enhance their physical resistance; Choose the right mattress and cushion for added comfort.

Caring for the elderly starts with the prevention of bedsores. Let's work together to create a comfortable and healthy living environment for the elderly, so that they can enjoy their old age in peace.