
If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk


There is a type of Japanese drama routine that everyone has probably already figured out, but it is still enjoyable to watch.

The protagonist is tired of a stable and boring life day after day, so he decides to change his life. He ran to the countryside or the forest, opened a small shop, personally participated in the labor, felt every slight change in nature, and made every meal for himself...

Recently, another such Japanese drama came out, called "Forest Homestay".

If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk
If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk

《Forest Homestay》

The heroine, played by Toshimi Kobayashi, lives alone in a house in a larch forest, where she later begins to run a homestay, hosting old friends and various unexpected visitors.

The guests shared delicious food with Toshimi Kobayashi and told the confusion of each other's lives.

For example, a kindergarten teacher who is used to being with children occasionally has a strong desire to be alone, so he goes out camping alone.

She said what she has always been troubled: in the adult world, everyone does not actually care about other people's lives, but to tell children to take care of others, is this really right?

If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk

Toshimi Kobayashi enlightens her that "ordinary kindness is enough." ”

If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk

Photographers who have been working all over the world for many years, every time they go out, they will go to the homestay and leave their own photographic negatives here. As the days went on, she began to get tired and even doubted whether she was really suitable for the job.

But we can't always do what suits us, and sometimes it's easy to trap ourselves by pursuing too much so-called "fit."

If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk

Audiences familiar with Toshimi Kobayashi probably know that in addition to "Forest Homestay", she has starred in many other similar dramas. Some people commented that you can feel calm when you see Toshimi Kobayashi's face.

In "Seagull Canteen", Yukie, who runs a restaurant called "Seagull Canteen", meets various interesting and real people in the small shop.

If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk
If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk

《Seagull Canteen》

In "Bread and Soup and Good Weather for Cats", Akiko, who she plays, quits her job as an editor, inherits the canteen left by her mother, and opens a shop that only sells bread and soup. In the small shop, enjoy the warm weather, meet the good neighbors and customers on the street.

If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk
If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk

Bread and Soup and Good Weather for Cats

There is also "Watermelon", which everyone will turn over everyone to see and watch every summer, and Kiko, who is confused about a stable life, finally decided to run away from work, and she lived in a small hostel to start a new life.

If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk


Such dramas always have a faint quiet and refreshing. Episodes are generally not long, and the plot is only a few small things, simple, bland, and there are no big twists and turns. Instead of deliberately creating tension or intense conflict, it depicts a beautiful and calm experience.

In the days of slow life, the protagonist also slowly sees himself clearly. While the people in the story heal themselves, the people who watch the story seem to be healed and achieve emotional catharsis.

If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk
If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk

Top: Glasses, Bottom: Hawaiian Boys

Stories seem to have become "routines", but over the years, whenever similar themes appear, they still gain wave after wave of audiences.

Why can't everyone do without such a forest healing Japanese drama? Probably because they pin their hopes for peace on the hearts of urbanites who live in the midst of the noise.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="117" > natural</h1>

One element that cannot be separated from the healing Japanese drama is nature.

Forests, seas, birds, insects, large expanses of blue and green, fresh and natural natural beauty. Let the audience who live in the "cement forest" composed of high-rise buildings feel the healing of nature.

If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk
If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk

"Which Ahhhhhhhhhhhh

In such an environment, everything happens slowly, and the people in it also maintain a light and breezy attitude towards life.

As Toshimi Kobayashi said, "The forest homestay is not a gorgeous scenery, but a quiet time and warm air." Through dialogue with nature, make you realize 'what is really important'. In the face of nature, anyone will reveal their true thoughts and feelings. ”

If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk
If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk

"Forest Homestay" was filmed in the forest of Nagano, the shooting time was very tight, the pressure to memorize lines was very high, Kobayashi said that she was often overwhelmed, but Nagano's natural environment helped her,

"If I had done the same amount of work in Tokyo, I'm sure I would have gotten sick from stress. But Nagano's environment, as long as you are in it, has an atmosphere of healing. Physically, although it was hard, I felt relaxed working there... That's the place. ”

"In daily life, we have a lot to do, and it may be inevitable that time is tight. But as long as you change the angle, or look at the problem from another angle, you can see the green in front of you, the wind and grass, and the birds singing. Hopefully, the audience will be able to relax themselves in this way. ”

If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk
If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk

Nature always soothes people's inner irritability and brings calm and soft comfort.

The timely launch of this drama is also the director and screenwriter Kana Matsumoto's desire to provide some healing for people who cannot go out due to the new crown virus.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="117" > food</h1>

In the slow-paced Japanese drama, he never skimps on the depiction of food.

If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk

"Bread of Happiness"

A good day begins with a well-prepared, hearty breakfast. Soft bread, paired with eggs, ham, and other pairings, is full of abundance.

If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk
If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk
If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk

The ingredients are not necessarily high-end, but hand-grown, self-sufficient food can bring the most satisfaction.

Simple ingredients, even tomatoes, have a variety of ways to eat, and they look refreshing and delicious.

If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk
If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk

"Little Forest"

Japanese people attach importance to the process of cooking, for them, cooking is beyond the simple food level, connecting life and memories, and containing the truth of ordinary life.

The process of cooking is always quiet and focused, you can put aside the impetuousness and noise of the outside world, and concentrate on a small thing to get a full sense of happiness.

In "Camping Alone", the two protagonists camp in the mountains and by the sea, enjoying their time alone. A tent, a set of cooking utensils, a picnic with its own ingredients, food in the pot sizzling, how can not see enough.

If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk

Eating well is the greatest love and respect for life, especially when one person eats.

Even if you live alone, the kitchen is an important place in the home. Make yourself every meal and take a big bite to relieve the tiredness or low mood of the day.

If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk
If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk

Top: "Mr. Tom in the Mountains", Bottom: "Bread and Soup and Good Weather for Cats"

Food also always has an emotional component, which is the emotional bond that maintains people's feelings. For example, in "Bread and Soup and Good Weather for Cats", the heroine learns to reconcile with her mother in continuous cooking.

Cooking is a self-healing and a way of thinking about life.

If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="117" ></h1>

In addition to scenery and food, in healing Japanese dramas, the poignant lines are often the essence.

If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk

"Time will unconsciously change people and places."

If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk

"People weep when they are sad,

Joy when happy,

Rely on each other when vulnerable.

Sometimes I suddenly want someone,

At sunset, when all around is quiet,

I didn't think about anything, and I just went to sleep so groggy.

Whether it's one person or two people. ”

If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk

"Isn't a man's words terrible?"

"Say so,

There can't be something terrible anywhere, right? ”

If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk

"Man lives,

In the process of continuous thinking, there will be times to deny yourself,

It's also the joy of being human. ”

If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk

"Nothing can go smoothly all at once,

There will also be a lot of failures in farming,

Not everything will go smoothly.

But that's fun too, isn't it? ”

If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk

"It doesn't matter if you're hated,

You have to learn to forgive your contradictory self. ”

If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk

"The future is uncertain,

Life is just as invisible as it was just now.

I'm good to you,

The rest of life is uncertain.

Whoever is scared to live is very afraid of being alive. ”

If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk

"After becoming free on my own,

Time with others really begins. ”

Such dialogue is lightly told by the characters in the play, simple but easy to bring touch.

Stories always give characters a scene and an opportunity to start over, allowing people to pause and think about themselves when faced with an uncertain future and a reality they don't want to face. At the end of the story, it is often the broken relationship that is repaired, the protagonist finally gets or finds what he wants, and his heart gradually settles down.

If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk

It is not the wonderful plot that moves people, it is those small and beautiful things, just like the people in the story who pursue not a wonderful life, but peace and tranquility.

In this busy, tense and anxious world, it provides a space for people to relax and relax, bringing the possibility of "spiritual exodus" for day after day of life.

They also remind us to find overlooked surprises in the simple and common elements of life. It doesn't matter if you live an ordinary life, just experience it.

If you are bored during the Qingming holidays, it is enough to watch these dramas and naturally eat and talk