
He became a French citizen when he was popular, and returned to China at the age of 48 to become an actor, what is happening to Su Xiaoming now?

author:Every day the text of the collection

Su Xiaoming's life trajectory began in a turbulent era. She was born into a unique family: although her father was born as a farmer, he was admitted to university and joined the revolution by his own efforts, and later served as the head of the song and dance troupe; The mother was a revolutionary cadre, and all five children in the family took their mother's surname.

However, the political turmoil cast a deep shadow on their families, and their parents were imprisoned and sent to reform one after another, which left a deep wound on their bodies and minds, and in Su Xiaoming's memory, most of his childhood was spent in panic and uneasiness.

He became a French citizen when he was popular, and returned to China at the age of 48 to become an actor, what is happening to Su Xiaoming now?

Despite this, Su Xiaoming's love for music has long been ingrained. She has been learning to play the piano since she was a child and has shown great musical talent. However, her family background made it difficult for her to display her talents for a while.

Although the examiner praised her talent, the art troupe she applied for refused to admit her due to family reasons.

However, Su Xiaoming was not defeated by setbacks. Under the guidance of her mother, she adhered to the basics, constantly honed herself, and waited for the opportunity that belonged to her. Finally, in 1974, Su Xiaoming's motherhood was restored, and she was able to join the Haizheng Song and Dance Troupe and start her music career.

In 1980, Su Xiaoming's fate ushered in a turning point. She became famous overnight with a song "Night at the Military Port", and her singing spread all over the country. She was one of the first pioneers to lead pop music after the reform and opening up of the People's Republic of China.

He became a French citizen when he was popular, and returned to China at the age of 48 to become an actor, what is happening to Su Xiaoming now?

When she stood in the spotlight, 28-year-old Su Xiaoming's eyes were firm and full of confidence, as if announcing to the world: This is my stage and my era.

However, when his career was booming, Su Xiaoming made a surprising decision. During the Mid-Autumn Festival in 1980, when everyone thought that she would continue to show her strength in the music world, she suddenly announced that she would marry the unknown violinist Chen Xiaowei.

This decision has written a new movement in her life, and it has also laid the groundwork for great changes in her life in the future.

He became a French citizen when he was popular, and returned to China at the age of 48 to become an actor, what is happening to Su Xiaoming now?

The love between Su Xiaoming and Chen Xiaowei is like a gentle duet. In the song and dance troupe, one of them is cheerful and the other is silent, which is a stark contrast, but the tacit understanding between them is full, and getting along with each other day and night makes them partners at work and soul mates.

Life after marriage is enviable. Chen Xiaowei is tall, handsome, steady and down-to-earth, and he takes care of his family. Even if he is busy with his career, he will do his best to take care of Su Xiaoming's life.

Su Xiaoming is not good at housework and likes to have fun with friends, while Chen Xiaowei silently takes on the burden of houseworkEvery weekend, he always gets up carefully to prepare breakfast for his sleeping wife, and quietly watches her sleep peacefully.

He became a French citizen when he was popular, and returned to China at the age of 48 to become an actor, what is happening to Su Xiaoming now?

This kind of life made Song Dandan sigh, and she praised Su Xiaoming for finding a good husband. Su Xiaoming is always radiant outside, but she never puts on a stand in front of her husband, and the relationship between the two is stable and harmonious.

However, in the spring of 1985, 28-year-old Su Xiaoming made a decision that shocked everyone - she wanted to go to France for further study. This decision stems from her strong desire for self-improvement, and her yearning for her idol Madonna.

In the face of her husband's incomprehension and the dissuasion of her friends, Su Xiao was obviously very firm, she had always been assertive, and ten cows could not pull back what she believed.

He became a French citizen when he was popular, and returned to China at the age of 48 to become an actor, what is happening to Su Xiaoming now?

In the end, due to disagreements about future planning, the golden boy and girl chose to divorce. Relatives and friends are very sorry for the end of this relationship, but Su Xiaoming has made up his mind to pursue his dream.

With $42 and enthusiasm, Su Xiaoming stepped on the plane to France alone. When she first arrived in France, she faced unprecedented challenges. In order to solve the problems of life, she and a few friends who studied abroad started a small business together, but because they did not understand the local market, they ended in failure.

Fortunately, through the efforts of his two sisters, Su Xiaoming successfully entered the French Conservatoire de Conservatoire to study.

He became a French citizen when he was popular, and returned to China at the age of 48 to become an actor, what is happening to Su Xiaoming now?

In order not to become a burden to his family, Su Xiaoming made up his mind to start a hard life of work-study. She secretly decided: since foreigners do not understand her glory at home, let them reacquaint themselves with their talents.

This determination and courage laid the foundation for her future success in a foreign country.

In the process of studying at the Music Teachers College, Su Xiaoming's talent and hard work were quickly rewarded. With her excellent IQ and hard work, she made it to the school with ease.

He became a French citizen when he was popular, and returned to China at the age of 48 to become an actor, what is happening to Su Xiaoming now?

But what really made her famous in a foreign country was the success of the operetta "Smiling Country".

The popularity of this work made Su Xiaoming the focus of the French media. The local audience was amazed to find that this girl from the East had such a glorious past in her homeland.

Taking advantage of this trend, Su Xiaoming recorded a number of tapes of Chinese songs, which were very popular in the French market, which not only allowed her to save enough for several years of tuition, but also won her more opportunities.

He became a French citizen when he was popular, and returned to China at the age of 48 to become an actor, what is happening to Su Xiaoming now?

On the eve of graduation, Su Xiaoming's talent was greatly recognized. She was not only invited to work on several radio stations, but also received a special invitation from the French government to hold a solo concert, which was an extremely rare honor among international students at that time.

Just as her career was steadily rising, Su Xiaoming's love life also ushered in a turning point. A French man named Eric appeared in her life. This handsome blonde guy is 185cm tall and fell in love with Su Xiaoming at first sight.

He has almost become Su Xiaoming's "number one fan", knowing all her preferences, watching every one of her performances, and collecting every album of her, what touches Su Xiaoming the most is that Eric doesn't care about her marriage experience in China.

He became a French citizen when he was popular, and returned to China at the age of 48 to become an actor, what is happening to Su Xiaoming now?

After a careful investigation by Su Xiaoming's eldest sister and second sister, Eric was identified as a man worthy of lifelong trust. In 1990, Su Xiaoming held a romantic wedding with Eric under the Eiffel Tower in Paris, and obtained French citizenship for it.

At that moment, it seemed to be the best reward for her years of hard work.

Life after marriage is like a fairy tale. Eric is deeply in love with Su Xiaoming and fully supports her career. When Su Xiaoming sang "The Night of the Military Port" in French, Eric would patiently help her correct her pronunciation.

He became a French citizen when he was popular, and returned to China at the age of 48 to become an actor, what is happening to Su Xiaoming now?

Su Xiaoming's career has taken to the next level, and soon after her cover song in French became popular in France, the two also welcomed a lovely mixed-race daughter, which was the icing on the cake for this transnational marriage.

Su Xiaoming stood on the balcony of Paris, staring at the Eiffel Tower in the distance, his eyes flashing with happiness. She seems to have found her own home, releasing the most beautiful brilliance in a foreign land.

With the passage of time, the current situation of his elderly mother alone in the nursing hospital, as well as the development of his musical talent, made Su Xiaoming feel indescribably homesick. Her mother has guided her musical talent since she was a child, and when she was frustrated in the art troupe, her mother encouraged her to always keep her dream, and even after she regained her identity, her mother helped her enter the Haizheng Song and Dance Troupe.

He became a French citizen when he was popular, and returned to China at the age of 48 to become an actor, what is happening to Su Xiaoming now?

Thinking of this, Su Xiaoming's heart was full of guilt and worry.

At the same time, her husband Eric needs to return to China for work. For this opportunity, Su Xiaoming was both excited and apprehensive. On the one hand, she longs to return to her homeland, which haunts her dreams; On the other hand, she is also worried about whether she will be able to adapt to her home country, which has changed dramatically.

After all, she was still a popular singer when she left, but now she doesn't know if she still has a place in the hearts of the audience.

He became a French citizen when he was popular, and returned to China at the age of 48 to become an actor, what is happening to Su Xiaoming now?

Unfortunately, the 48-year-old asked to renounce her French citizenship and return to China in order to fulfill her mission, which is to return to her roots, accompany her mother through the last moments of her life, and fully support her husband's career development.

Although she has become a naturalized French, she still has Chinese blood in her blood.

With his daughter, Su Xiaoming flew to China again, but after returning to China, the reality was far from what he expected. The former diva of the music world is now full of people. In the years since she left, the domestic music scene has undergone earth-shaking changes, and Su Xiaoming, who was once sought after by tens of thousands of people, is now rarely cared for.

He became a French citizen when he was popular, and returned to China at the age of 48 to become an actor, what is happening to Su Xiaoming now?

Faced with such a huge gap, Su Xiaoming was once confused and lost. She stood in a familiar and unfamiliar land, her eyes full of mixed emotions. However, just like when he resolutely went to France, Su Xiaoming was not defeated by difficulties.

There was still a determined light in her eyes, as if she was silently annocating: I, Su Xiaoming, never admit defeat! This indomitable spirit is the driving force behind her to embark on a new chapter in her life.

Faced with the dilemma of his music career, Su Xiaoming did not choose to sit still. With her keen insight, she found new opportunities in the entertainment industry and resolutely devoted herself to the career of an actress.

He became a French citizen when he was popular, and returned to China at the age of 48 to become an actor, what is happening to Su Xiaoming now?

This decision shows her willingness to try things out and opens a whole new chapter in her life.

When Su Xiaoming appeared on the screen for the first time, the audience was surprised to find that her image had changed dramatically, and the former queen of the music scene had completely become a rural aunt.

She wears a pilling beanie, a plaid scarf, and speaks with an authentic rural aunt accent, this huge contrast did not attract ridicule, but made people see Su Xiaoming's amazing plasticity and acting potential.

He became a French citizen when he was popular, and returned to China at the age of 48 to become an actor, what is happening to Su Xiaoming now?

In the hit drama "Struggle", Su Xiaoming successfully played Yang Xiaoyun's mother, whose performance was vivid and natural, and accurately portrayed the image of an ordinary Chinese mother. In the epic masterpiece "The Emperor of the Han Dynasty", she showed a completely different temperament and successfully created the image of the eldest princess with extraordinary temperament.

Su Xiaoming poured all his enthusiasm and effort into every role, showing amazing acting skills and professionalism.

Although her age restricts her from playing supporting roles such as mother and mother-in-law, Su Xiaoming doesn't care, but loves every role deeply and devotes herself to creating a plump character image.

He became a French citizen when he was popular, and returned to China at the age of 48 to become an actor, what is happening to Su Xiaoming now?

What is surprising is that Su Xiaoming's performance has not only not been complained about, but has won widespread praise, and the audience and industry insiders are full of praise for her acting skills, believing that her acting skills have added a lot to every work, and none of them are bad movies.

Su Xiaoming's successful transformation has made her known again, and she is praised not only for her good singing, but also for her outstanding acting talent. However, there are also those who lament the loss of a talented figure in the music industry.

In the face of this situation, Su Xiaoming maintains a calm mind, and she firmly believes that whether it is a singer or an actor, it is a different form of expression of an artist.

He became a French citizen when he was popular, and returned to China at the age of 48 to become an actor, what is happening to Su Xiaoming now?

Su Xiaoming's life trajectory shows the image of a fighter who is tenacious and does not give up easily. From a singer to an actress, her travel involves both domestic and foreign travel, and her every choice highlights her firm character and spirit of daring to challenge.

In the face of controversy and doubts, Su Xiaoming has always maintained her characteristic straightforwardness and honesty. Even if she was secretly photographed at a private dinner because she accidentally exploded foul language, she was not afraid and calmly faced the motives of the photographer.

This sensitivity and courage clearly inspired people's admiration for her.

He became a French citizen when he was popular, and returned to China at the age of 48 to become an actor, what is happening to Su Xiaoming now?

Today's Su Xiaoming still maintains his love for life and the pursuit of his career. Her relationship with her husband Eric is still sweet, and the family life is happy. In an interview, she generously responded to the controversy about returning to China and the relationship between husband and wife, saying that she and Eric have a good relationship and a very happy family.

Many years later, at the song and dance troupe party, Chen Xiaowei was mentioned, and Su Xiaoming's emotions instantly became a little excited. Although he has not been in touch for many years and is thousands of kilometers away, Su Xiaoming still sent his heartfelt wishes, hoping that his ex-husband can get better and better.

This tolerance and open-mindedness show her generosity and wisdom in life.

He became a French citizen when he was popular, and returned to China at the age of 48 to become an actor, what is happening to Su Xiaoming now?

Su Xiaoming, standing at a new starting point in life, her eyes are still as bright as ever, as if telling her life creed: "No matter what difficulties you encounter, you must face them bravely and never give up."

From the age of 28 to 48 and now, she has always maintained the courage to dare to start all over again, and her story is undoubtedly an inspiring hymn to life, interpreting what it means to truly "never give up".

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