
Xiaopeng Automobile bravely breaks into the "no man's land" of science and technology to explore the future of travel

Xiaopeng Automobile bravely breaks into the "no man's land" of science and technology to explore the future of travel

X-TID Explorer Contest student work MARS. This column is provided by the respondents

Xiaopeng Automobile bravely breaks into the "no man's land" of science and technology to explore the future of travel

X-TID Explorer Contest student work "Honeycomb Elderly Mobile Community".

Endless whimsy for smart technology? Want to build your own car? Today's college students are active in thinking, dare to innovate, and love new things, which is their portrayal. The hotly underway Xiaopeng Automobile X-TID Explorer Competition is the best stage for them to show their skills.

From the "meta-universe" means of transport, to the mobile community of chess games for the elderly... The thinking of participating college students is not only "heaven and earth", but also closer to the actual needs of life, in the three tracks of technology programming, intelligent products and design (Design) modeling, there have been many advanced ideas and fine designs. Behind this communication platform, it is Xiaopeng Automobile, as the leader of intelligent cars, that continues to tap more potential talents and connect with young people with the spirit of exploration as a link. Xiaopeng Automobile has long insisted on the courage to explore the "no man's land" of science and technology, and takes "future travel explorer" as a new direction to explore a new development model for future travel.

Build an intelligent innovation platform to discover more potential talents

The X-TID Explorer Contest is an original work collection contest hosted by Xiaopeng Motors, with the theme of exploring future travel, for college students across the country, which can fully display their individual talents. What is even more exciting is that the participating students will also have the opportunity to have face-to-face dialogue with industry leaders, and the high-quality works that stand out will not only receive generous prize money, but also have the opportunity to obtain project incubation support from Xiaopeng Motors to turn exploration into reality.

This is not only an exploration of the "future travel mode", but also a further deepening of Xiaopeng's exploration spirit as the leader of intelligent cars. Xiaopeng Automobile is equipped with a communication platform to explore more potential talents, look for college students who also love scientific and technological intelligence, and explore more possibilities for future travel with Xiaopeng Automobile.

This spirit of exploration stems from the fact that Xiaopeng Automobile is an enterprise that likes to "toss" in its bones. As He Xiaopeng, chairman and CEO of Xiaopeng Motors, said before: "There is a group of entrepreneurs in China who are tossing themselves and making some interesting products, hoping to give feedback to the society and make the society better." Everyone will have such a thought, do not toss themselves, life is too meaningless. It is precisely because of its love of "tossing" and liking of new things that Xiaopeng Automobile continues to lead in the field of future travel.

Since its inception, the X-TID Explorer Competition has formed a recruitment linkage with hundreds of colleges and universities, which has attracted the attention of the majority of college students. Up to now, nearly 500 groups of players have participated, from famous universities such as Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, South China University of Technology, Sun Yat-sen University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Beihang University, etc., and have attracted students from foreign universities such as the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom and Northwest University in the United States, and the overall number of applications is still rising.

With the advancement of recruitment, the campus activities jointly held by the competition with the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and the South China University of Technology have also been held for many times, and many advanced designs have emerged. It is this spirit of exploration that has become a bridge between the smart electric vehicle brand Xiaopeng and the young people who love technology.

Advanced design shows its skills to conceive of "meta-universe" travel

"I want to build a traffic vehicle for Xiaopeng to experience in the meta-universe world in the future, which wants to break the appearance and function of traffic vehicles in daily life, and give users the ultimate, fun, and passionate visual effects and driving experience in the virtual digital world." Cao Zhi, a student from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, said excitedly.

Under the continuous development of science and technology, the concept of "meta-universe" of new digital living space is very popular. Cao Zhi created a super cool "fighter" for Xiaopeng, whether it is a streamlined slipback design, or a futuristic color scheme, as well as a fully transparent cockpit, which reflects Cao's full of whimsy.

In this X-TID Explorer Competition, many college students have amazing ideas and designs that are ahead of their time. Considering that when traveling, Wang Yuda of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, based on the needs of "having fun" and "eating refreshingly", designed such a "mobile restaurant" - the owner can park his car in a scenic place when traveling by car, and the car has become a high-end restaurant, which can enjoy the food.

Wang Yuda said that his inspiration came from going out to the scenic area with friends, many tourists sat on the side of the road with a tired face, and there were not enough seats in some food courts for tourists to rest and enjoy food. "What if there was a mobile vehicle that could slowly watch the scenery and enjoy the food at the same time? I hope that such a means of transportation can make tourists have a better experience. ”

There are also many students who pay attention to the car needs of vulnerable groups, based on the increasing aging of the social population in the future, the entertainment and social needs of the elderly have become the focus of attention. Chen Daocong proposed a mobile community for the future of the elderly, inspired by the structure of the honeycomb, through the linkage between cars, interconnected, forming an interconnected community, which can provide entertainment for the elderly, share living space, and build a social platform for the elderly to travel.

In Chen Daocong's vision, this car can be organized through the "client", so that the elderly can meet their friends, and automatically drive to the corresponding position, when the group starts, the small display screen on the vehicle will display the corresponding content, and interested people can also join. The car is also designed to have three doors open, on the one hand, to provide the elderly with other elderly people to chat shade after getting off the car, on the other hand, it can be connected with other cars to create an entertainment mobile chat space.

In addition to the design and modeling of intelligent future travel, the X-TID Explorer Competition also sets up a technology (programming) track, participants can choose one of the five topics based on the positioning algorithm based on Bluetooth + uwb technology, the algorithm based on video data to build the surrounding map, automatic driving, human-computer interaction, and multi-faceted future life, and there is also a smart (product) track, including the in-car life scene or interactive form of the future intelligent car, in addition to the use of the car, What new lifestyles will be brought by smart products in the future are two topics for students to show their skills.

Courage to do "useless things" to build brand exploration labels

Why does Xiaopeng have to listen to the whims of so many young students in colleges and universities?

Behind this conveys a clear signal: Xiaopeng Automobile's firm exploration of future travel must have the courage to do "useless things", the courage to explore, and the inheritance and development of this brand spirit. "The spiritual driving force for the sustainable development of the Xiaopeng brand is the courage to explore: do very cool and valuable things without fear of failure, and do difficult but correct things." He Xiaopeng said, "This is the DNA of all Xiaopeng students, and it is also the spiritual bond of Xiaopeng brand to connect consumers." We hope to be like every 'explorer' who insists on being himself, has dreams, and dares to break through, and firmly moves forward on the road of exploration. ”

Today, it is difficult to define Xiaopeng Automobile as an "automobile company". From intelligence, quality, cool tide, exploration to sustainability, Xiaopeng has broken through itself again and again, broken through the dimension of being an automobile company, and continuously strived to become an "explorer of future travel", which is also the new direction of Xiaopeng Automobile's new journey in the future.

In fact, in November 2021, the new logo of the Xiaopeng brand was released, which means that driven by intelligent scientific and technological innovation, "courage to explore" has become an extension of the core value of the new Xiaopeng brand, as well as the future development direction and goal.

In the past 7 years, Xiaopeng brand has adhered to the insistence of self-development in the whole stack of intelligence, and has achieved extraordinary results. Today, the annual delivery volume of Xiaopeng Automobile has reached nearly 100,000 units, and the cumulative delivery volume of history has exceeded 130,000 units; today, Xiaopeng Automobile has spread the travel thinking to the sky and is expected to become the world's first manufacturer of low-altitude manned flight equipment; today, Xiaopeng Intelligent Machine Horse has been released, which can identify the morphology and location information of objects at different points in time and judge the movement trend.

From smart cars to flying cars, it can be seen that Xiaopeng's goal is not only to complete the transformation of the automotive industry from fuel vehicles to electric vehicles, but also to explore the innovative mode of the entire future travel, which has been overlooked to a farther distance and a broader future. It is this brand spirit of daring to explore the "no man's land" of science and technology, so that Xiaopeng's DNA beats with the pulse of the times and brings the future to the present faster.

Author: Gong Qianshu

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