
Meiya IVF | what I have experienced in the 4 years on the road to pregnancy

Meiya IVF | what I have experienced in the 4 years on the road to pregnancy

Finally, I have time to share my pregnancy preparation experience with you, hoping to help my sisters who are still on the road to pregnancy.

I started to prepare for pregnancy in 17 years, and at that time I felt that my age was not small, so I went to the hospital to register and think about doing a comprehensive examination to improve the efficiency of pregnancy preparation. Registered in the local top three hospitals, the doctor heard that he had just started to prepare for pregnancy, and what examination was not allowed to do, said that he went back to prepare for pregnancy, and did not get pregnant for a year and then checked. The first time I went to the hospital, I came back in a gray and slippery way. Then normal pregnancy, adjust the work and rest time, eat some vitamins and the like, so a year has passed, it is a pity that there is no good pregnancy.

Meiya IVF | what I have experienced in the 4 years on the road to pregnancy

At this time, we both decisively changed the hospital, hung up the reproductive department, a comprehensive examination, my husband's indicators are basically normal, I was there seems to be called endometrial antibody, said to hinder the combination of sperm and eggs, prescribed a medicine to eat for a week, review said good. A tubal fluid is also prescribed to check whether the fallopian tubes are patency, and the result is that both sides are not smooth, and the left side is slightly better. A small amount of pelvic floor fluid, erosion of the cervix. Then two courses of medication were prescribed, mainly for the inflammation above.

During the 2-4 days of menstruation also checked the sex hormone six progesterone and estrogen slightly lower. After 2 months, the review was slightly improved, but the effect was not large. Adjusted the medication again, and rechecked after 2 months, in fact, the effect is not very obvious. But the doctor still let the ovulation induction begin, prescribing progesterone. Then, every other day to see the follicle situation, and then guide the same room, from September 18 to December, 4 months still no movement, and frequent running hospital, rest is not good, people are also very tired, feel that the work is half the work, so in early January I decisively decided to stop running the hospital, after the Spring Festival.

So the epidemic rested for 4 months, and began to toss, before and after seeing 3 Chinese medicine, the first and third felt that the medicine had some effect, and the second felt that the level of the general feeling was general, and it was going to be eaten, and there was no feeling. The summary is that eating Chinese medicine can not be in a hurry, it is not as fast as Western medicine, and generally he is a comprehensive conditioning, is to see the body as a whole to adjust. Moreover, it is necessary to find a reliable doctor, after all, the current Chinese medicine is uneven, and the level is not good enough to eat the spleen and stomach badly. Therefore, I usually have to have some understanding of the medicinal properties of Traditional Chinese medicine, at least I will not be confused by the prescription, and I can understand the general direction of the prescription by understanding the medicinal properties. You can also get to know the level of the doctor.

Toss to September of 19 years, and then my husband said to go to the hospital to see if there is any effect of Chinese medicine during this time, go to our one of the top three Chinese medicine hospitals, before I heard that there was a pregnancy shortly after the completion of the angiography, so this time did not hesitate to choose to do the contrast examination, did not do the water again. The conclusion is that the contrast is clearer and clearer than the water, but the reaction is relatively large, and after doing it, it is nausea and vomiting and dizziness, and it is not nauseous to lie on the corridor stool for half a day. The result of the examination is that the bilateral fallopian tubes are stiff, which is still not easy to conceive. The plan given by this hospital is much the same as the plan given by the previous hospital, and it is also necessary to toss it every day, because the home and company are not close to this hospital, so there is no further treatment in this hospital.

Meiya IVF | what I have experienced in the 4 years on the road to pregnancy

Although there was no treatment in the hospital, but the pregnancy has not stopped, just in November 19 I successfully got pregnant, because menstruation did not come for 2 months, so I went to the hospital near the company to check the HCG, showing 25, early pregnancy, because the previous fallopian tube test is not very ideal, so I did not expect it at all. That time did not pay attention, winter outside running business, cold, do not know whether it is tired, the next day to test HCG, the doctor said that doubling is not very good, and the progesterone value is relatively low, the first time is 9.2, the second time did not rise but fell. The doctor said very euphemistically that the progesterone value was too low and there was no need to protect the fetus.

At that time, the brain was occupied by the joy of pregnancy, and it did not listen too much, and it was not dead.0 The next day there was more bleeding, went to the hospital near the company to see, has stopped fertility, naturally flowed, the first pregnancy ended at 42 days. Because the endometrium has grown thick, so it is recommended to do curettage surgery, after the operation also experienced the pain of contractions in advance, and finally fell asleep on the pain pump, discharged from the hospital after 3 days, did a small confinement at home, all said that abortion recuperation is not good after pregnancy, so I was particularly careful to raise for 15 days.

After experiencing this experience, my mentality has changed, it should be said that I am really completely anxious, although I was in a hurry to prepare for pregnancy before, I have always been asking for it, and I have always been a passive doctor who lets me do what I want. There is no initiative to ask inward, 20 years is my real killing heart to hold the mentality of not giving up on the work.

In August 2020, a new round of pregnancy preparations began. The first black soybean milk, July did a disposable hormone six items, estrogen and progesterone is still a little low, I began to drink black soybean milk, drink a cup every morning, and then bring a cup to the unit, drink in the morning, drink every day until pregnant, really experienced a drink to want to vomit what it feels like, is to see all want to vomit, haha. But it really works, and estrogen and progesterone really go up. Second folic acid, one tablet a day, and insist on eating on time and point. Third pregnancy vitamin, eat one tablet a day. The third yoga, the pregnancy yoga found on the keep, has time to practice, and also found out the Huilan yoga DVD that I bought before to practice together. Then, after menstruation, the temperature is measured at eight o'clock every morning, the test paper detects ovulation, and 500 jump ropes are jumped at night, saying that the jump rope helps ovulation.

Meiya IVF | what I have experienced in the 4 years on the road to pregnancy

After unremitting persistence and hard work, I finally got pregnant smoothly at the end of 20 years, and I was happy to have a calf in 21 years!

The above are some of the methods I have experienced and used, and I have written the above in a hurry, hoping to give you some help on the way to pregnancy. And on the way to pregnancy, we must insist on it and always have confidence!

Meiya IVF | what I have experienced in the 4 years on the road to pregnancy

Joy to share

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