
Of the 11 high-scoring movies I've watched recently, none of them fast-forward a second, and it's worth recommending the never-ending escape from Akala time traveler's wife assassination of Hitler's gambler Ma Huali to assassinate Kennedy's seven perverted personalities against the Dunkirk Underworld Police Station

author:Find a bit of a sight

<h1>Never compromise</h1>

Of the 11 high-scoring movies I've watched recently, none of them fast-forward a second, and it's worth recommending the never-ending escape from Akala time traveler's wife assassination of Hitler's gambler Ma Huali to assassinate Kennedy's seven perverted personalities against the Dunkirk Underworld Police Station

Erin Brokovich is the archetype of the unlucky. She was married twice, but each marriage did not bring him happiness, but instead made her a single mother with three children in tow. Unfortunately, after being involved in a traffic accident, she even lost the compensation lawsuit that she was determined to win.

The lawyer who defended her, Ed, was half sympathetic to Erin because he felt guilty for helping her lose the case, and took Erin in to work in his law firm. Erin's life was a little secure. While investigating a sewage complaint, Erin stumbled upon a highly toxic substance in the sewage, which the water company did make up for. Weak woman Erin decided to use her weak shoulders to shoulder the burden of justice for the hundreds of polluted residents!

<h1>Escape from Yakara</h1>

Of the 11 high-scoring movies I've watched recently, none of them fast-forward a second, and it's worth recommending the never-ending escape from Akala time traveler's wife assassination of Hitler's gambler Ma Huali to assassinate Kennedy's seven perverted personalities against the Dunkirk Underworld Police Station

Frank Morris, a bank robber, was imprisoned in Yakara on a rainy night, befriended Limtus after being imprisoned, and worked in the prison library. With a very high IQ, he decided to escape from prison! In this prison that was considered impossible to escape, could he become the first person to successfully escape...

<h1>Time traveler's wife</h1>

Of the 11 high-scoring movies I've watched recently, none of them fast-forward a second, and it's worth recommending the never-ending escape from Akala time traveler's wife assassination of Hitler's gambler Ma Huali to assassinate Kennedy's seven perverted personalities against the Dunkirk Underworld Police Station

In a car accident, the mother is killed, but the child miraculously survives, he is rescued naked, but the rescuer is from his future self. It turned out that the librarian, named Henry, suffered from chronic time dislocation, so much so that each episode would travel through time and space. Moreover, he was naked every time he crossed, often making jokes. Over time, Henry became accustomed to it. By chance, he fell in love with a girl named Claire. In pursuit of Claire, he travels through time to confess to 6-year-old Claire and promises to marry her in the future. So when Henry appeared in reality, the two quickly fell in love, married, and had a girl. However, Henry's old problems still can't be changed, so Claire must adapt to this husband who travels through time and space, and the two have also experienced hardships...

<h1>Assassinate Hitler</h1>

Of the 11 high-scoring movies I've watched recently, none of them fast-forward a second, and it's worth recommending the never-ending escape from Akala time traveler's wife assassination of Hitler's gambler Ma Huali to assassinate Kennedy's seven perverted personalities against the Dunkirk Underworld Police Station

In 1944, World War II was in full swing, and the war situation was full of twists and turns. Nazi Germany attacked on all sides, but under the combined allied counterattack, the German offensive was at the end of the crossbow. At this moment, some senior officers in the German army realized that the balance of war had tilted and that Hitler's war strategy would lead Germany to its demise. A growing number of officers believed that Germany could only be saved if Hitler and his supporters were eliminated, staged a coup d'état to seize power, and reached an agreement with the Allies through peace talks.

Under the influence of this idea, a plan called "Valkyrie" came into being. Throughout the program, Army Colonel Klaus von Staufenberg played an important role. Stauffenberg, an aristocratic man who was fascinated by Hitler and his Nazi program, led an armored division to the Tunisian battlefield in North Africa in 1943, where he lost his right arm, two fingers of his left hand, and his right eye. The cruelty of the war caused a great change in his thinking, and after returning to Germany, he became a partee, and together with the high-ranking officers of the assassination organization, he began to plan the dangerous task of murdering the Supreme Fuehrer Hitler...

<h1>Gambler Ma Huali</h1>

Of the 11 high-scoring movies I've watched recently, none of them fast-forward a second, and it's worth recommending the never-ending escape from Akala time traveler's wife assassination of Hitler's gambler Ma Huali to assassinate Kennedy's seven perverted personalities against the Dunkirk Underworld Police Station

Ma Huali is a witty and intelligent professional gambler who is a gentleman. He heard that a huge poker tournament was about to take place, so he went out four times to participate in big and small card games to raise funds. In a poker game, he met the beautiful and cunning Annie, the two not only cheated emotionally, but also did not give in to each other at the gambling table, and finally Ma Huali won Anne's heart with wisdom and skill, and also won at the table. However, this huge bonus has disappeared...

<h1>Assassinate Kennedy</h1>

Of the 11 high-scoring movies I've watched recently, none of them fast-forward a second, and it's worth recommending the never-ending escape from Akala time traveler's wife assassination of Hitler's gambler Ma Huali to assassinate Kennedy's seven perverted personalities against the Dunkirk Underworld Police Station

The assassination of Kennedy became a suspense case in American history, and the film re-examined that period of history, whether the killer was an ordinary person or a huge political conspiracy, the truth and illusions, are gradually revealed in the investigation.

Within two hours of the president's assassination, the officially identified killer was arrested: Oswaldo. Coincidentally, however, in the following hour, the suspect was quickly killed by a rogue. After investigation, the official still identified Osvado as the real culprit. But three years later, a U.S. district attorney, Jim Garrison, discovered kennedy's bullet and speculated about the official misjudgment that year, and his investigation was implicated in a historical conspiracy.

<h1>Seven perverted personalities</h1>

Of the 11 high-scoring movies I've watched recently, none of them fast-forward a second, and it's worth recommending the never-ending escape from Akala time traveler's wife assassination of Hitler's gambler Ma Huali to assassinate Kennedy's seven perverted personalities against the Dunkirk Underworld Police Station

Marty is a drinking film screenwriter, and his best friend Billy and Hans make money by stealing the dog and returning it to the owner. Marty had recently been working on a screenplay called Seven Neurotics, but she had no inspiration, so Billy provided him with some material. There is a neurotic who is a killer who throws down a J playing card every time he kills someone, there is a Vietnamese avenger, there is a self-deprecating Quaker.... Billy steals a dog, which is the dog of a gang boss, Charlie. Charlie lost his dog, which he regarded as life, and looked everywhere. He found Hans's hospitalized wife and killed her. When Billy learns of this, he angrily kills his lover, who is also Charlie's lover, and Billy throws down a playing card. It turned out that Billy was the neurotic killer. He and Marty and Hans go out into the wild to continue writing the script, and he also has Charlie come to the duel alone.....

<h1>Inverse scales</h1>

Of the 11 high-scoring movies I've watched recently, none of them fast-forward a second, and it's worth recommending the never-ending escape from Akala time traveler's wife assassination of Hitler's gambler Ma Huali to assassinate Kennedy's seven perverted personalities against the Dunkirk Underworld Police Station

In 1762, Li Qi's biological father, Si Mourning's son Li Yu, was killed by the 21st king, Joseon Young-joo. Fourteen years later, the 25-year-old grandson Li Qi ascended the throne with the assistance of the civilian official Hong Guorong, and the "secluded faction" who had always regarded Li Qi as the son of a rebellious thief sent a top killer to get rid of it quickly. The film depicts an untold story that takes place in one day about The King of Joseon, Lee Woo, the killer who wants to put him to death, and the people who have sworn to protect the Lord.


Of the 11 high-scoring movies I've watched recently, none of them fast-forward a second, and it's worth recommending the never-ending escape from Akala time traveler's wife assassination of Hitler's gambler Ma Huali to assassinate Kennedy's seven perverted personalities against the Dunkirk Underworld Police Station

At the beginning of World War II, 400,000 British and French allies were besieged by the enemy on the beaches of Dunkirk, and the situation was extremely critical in the face of the enemy's approaching desperate situation. The British government and navy mobilized a large number of crews and mobilized the people to rescue the army.

British soldier Tommy befriends Gibson and Alex as he escapes from the beach, while the civilian ship owner Mr. Dawson, his son Peter and 17-year-old George also leave the UK to save the soldiers in Dunkirk. The three rescue the Navy, pilot Collins, and Tommy, while fighter pilot Farrell fights tenaciously under the difficult situation of being caught between the enemy on both sides.

<h1>Underworld Police Station </h1>

Of the 11 high-scoring movies I've watched recently, none of them fast-forward a second, and it's worth recommending the never-ending escape from Akala time traveler's wife assassination of Hitler's gambler Ma Huali to assassinate Kennedy's seven perverted personalities against the Dunkirk Underworld Police Station

The young police officer Nick Cruz thinks twice, unwilling to embezzle the drug dealer's stolen gold with his partner Barbie Hayes, only to be killed in an operation. After his death, Nick travels to another world and is employed by the Underworld Police Department, whose main task is to hunt down the dead ghosts who do not want to accept the judgment after death and rely on disguise to surround the world. His partner was Roy Powell, an old man who died at the end of the 19th century. Roy's rugged and maverick style, two partners with huge differences in personality and style, stumbled into action. During his actions, Nick discovers that the Dead ghosts are inextricably linked to Hayes, and behind the mysteries lies a great conspiracy that affects the fate of the world.

With time running out, Nick and Roy must do their best to stop that conspiracy...