
It's numb, Dong Mingzhu hit the fake Xiaomi air conditioner for the first time, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

author:Top Star cRBlJp
It's numb, Dong Mingzhu hit the fake Xiaomi air conditioner for the first time, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

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Dong Mingzhu made waves again and questioned Xiaomi's air conditioning technology, which detonated public opinion

At the company's annual general meeting of shareholders, Ms. Dong Mingzhu, chairman of Gree Electric Appliances, publicly questioned the technical strength of Xiaomi air conditioners, and pointed the finger at the counterfeit and shoddy products in the market

It's numb, Dong Mingzhu hit the fake Xiaomi air conditioner for the first time, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

Ms. Dong Mingzhu emphasized at the meeting that Gree has been committed to cracking down on counterfeit and shoddy products, and alluded to the existence of Xiaomi air conditioners rely on other manufacturers to produce, shoddy phenomenon, she believes that the real industry leadership should be built on the basis of independent research and development and technical strength, rather than a simple sales number game, Ms. Dong Mingzhu's remarks, is undoubtedly an open challenge to the technical capabilities of Xiaomi air conditioners

Xiaomi's response to technical questions attracted attention from the confrontation between the two sides

In the face of Ms. Dong Mingzhu's questioning, Xiaomi quickly responded, Xiaomi emphasized that its air conditioning products have independent research and development of core technology, and maintain close cooperation with domestic authorities, Xiaomi pointed out that its air conditioning products have made breakthroughs in anti-quenching compound defrosting technology, intelligent control technology, etc., and have been highly recognized by industry experts

It's numb, Dong Mingzhu hit the fake Xiaomi air conditioner for the first time, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

Xiaomi also said that it will continue to adhere to the development concept of technological innovation and quality first, and bring better products and services to consumers

Behind the Technology War: Changes in Market Landscape and Consumer Choice

In recent years, with the rapid development of the home appliance industry, the competition in the air conditioning market has become increasingly fierce, and the competition between the traditional home appliance giant Gree and the emerging Internet brand Xiaomi has become the focus of attention in the industry

It's numb, Dong Mingzhu hit the fake Xiaomi air conditioner for the first time, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

Traditional home appliance enterprises represented by Gree, with strong technical accumulation and brand influence, but in the Internet era, they are also facing the pressure of transformation and upgrading, and the Internet brand represented by Xiaomi, with its strong Internet gene and price advantage, quickly occupied a place in the home appliance market, but also faced challenges in terms of technical strength and brand trust

The game between technology and cost performance: how consumers choose

Dong Mingzhu and Xiaomi's confrontation in the air,It has also triggered the public's thinking about the relationship between the technology and cost performance of household appliances,In the eyes of some consumers,Air conditioning as a mature household appliance product,Its technical development has been relatively mature,Product performance and quality gap is not large,Therefore, cost performance has become the most important consideration when they buy air conditioning

It's numb, Dong Mingzhu hit the fake Xiaomi air conditioner for the first time, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

There are also many consumers who believe that there is still a lot of room for improvement in air conditioning technology, such as energy conservation and environmental protection, intelligent control, etc., there is still great potential for development, and they are more willing to pay higher prices for air conditioning products with advanced technology and excellent quality, which also provides development opportunities for home appliance companies that focus on technological innovation and product quality

Industry outlook: technological innovation and brand integrity are key

Dong Mingzhu and Xiaomi's confrontation in the air,It also provides some inspiration for the future development of the home appliance industry,In the future,With the continuous upgrading of consumer demand,The technology competition in the home appliance industry will be more intense,Only those enterprises with core technology and independent innovation capabilities can be invincible in the future competition

It's numb, Dong Mingzhu hit the fake Xiaomi air conditioner for the first time, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

With the popularization of the Internet and social media, the brand image and user reputation of household appliances are becoming more and more important for the development of enterprises

Dong Mingzhu's remarks sparked heated discussions, and netizens had different views

Some netizens expressed their appreciation for Ms. Dong Mingzhu's outspokenness, believing that she dared to expose the chaos in the industry and maintain fair competition in the market, while some netizens questioned Ms. Dong Mingzhu's remarks, believing that she was taking the opportunity to suppress competitors and hype her own brand

It's numb, Dong Mingzhu hit the fake Xiaomi air conditioner for the first time, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

Some netizens believe that both Gree and Xiaomi should focus more on technology research and development and product innovation, bringing better products and services to consumers, rather than just staying in the war of words and marketing hype

From technology battle to industry reflection: building a healthy market ecosystem is the key

Dong Mingzhu and Xiaomi's confrontation in the air, although it is only a microcosm of the competition in the home appliance industry, but also reflects some common problems faced in the process of transformation and upgrading of China's manufacturing industry, on the road to high-quality development, China's manufacturing industry needs to pay more attention to technological innovation, brand building and integrity management, in order to win the initiative in the fierce market competition

It's numb, Dong Mingzhu hit the fake Xiaomi air conditioner for the first time, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

Government regulatory authorities should also strengthen market supervision, crack down on counterfeit and shoddy products, maintain fair competition market order, escort the healthy development of China's manufacturing industry, only the government, enterprises, consumers and other parties work together to build a healthy, orderly and dynamic market ecology, and promote the high-quality development of China's manufacturing industry

Looking forward to the future: China's home appliance industry is moving to a higher level

With the continuous growth of China's economy and the continuous improvement of residents' consumption level, China's home appliance market still has huge room for development

It's numb, Dong Mingzhu hit the fake Xiaomi air conditioner for the first time, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

It is believed that in the near future, with the continuous improvement of China's home appliance enterprises in terms of technological innovation, brand building and service level, China's home appliance industry will surely move to a higher level and bring better products and services to global consumers

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