
Senior Director of IOC Media Operations: Looking forward to the successful hosting of the Beijing Winter Olympics

Beijing, 24 Jan (Xinhua) -- Lucia Montanarera, senior director of the Media Operation Department of the International Olympic Committee, said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency reporters recently that preparations for the media operation of the Beijing Winter Olympics are progressing smoothly and that she looks forward to the successful holding of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Senior Director of IOC Media Operations: Looking forward to the successful hosting of the Beijing Winter Olympics

Montana Rela, who has been working at the main media center of the Beijing Winter Olympics for many days, recently visited some of the venues and believes that the planning of the venues is very good. "I've heard from the media reporters that everyone praises the venues and facilities, and I'm looking forward to visiting every venue." She said.

Montana Reira admits that due to the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, this will be a special Winter Olympics, but once people come to Beijing, they will feel that they have immediately entered a "state of competition". "At present, everything is going well, the atmosphere in the main media center is very good, and I believe that even if there are some requirements and restrictions on epidemic prevention, the media can still do a good job of reporting."

Senior Director of IOC Media Operations: Looking forward to the successful hosting of the Beijing Winter Olympics

As with previous Olympic Games, Montana Rera's life during the games was basically "two points and one line" from the hotel to the main media center, although busy, she said that the cooperation with the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee was smooth and everything was progressing smoothly.

"I worked with Xu Jicheng, who is now the director of the Media Operation Department of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, in 2008, and their team is a great team." Montana Reira praised the legacy of the 2008 Beijing Olympics that is well put to good use in the moment, "When I saw the Olympic Park so vibrant, I knew the Olympic legacy played a huge role. ”

Senior Director of IOC Media Operations: Looking forward to the successful hosting of the Beijing Winter Olympics

"From my point of view, the success of the Olympics is reflected in the quality of the media coverage, after all, that's my job." Montana Reira hopes that the media will pay the same attention to the Beijing Winter Olympics as the previous Olympic Games, "For me, a successful Olympic Games should be widely reported by the media around the world." ”

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