
Diana had many lovers after her betrayal, and was frantically pursued by Trump, but she still deserves to be loved

author:Entertaining the royal family

Time flies, and if Princess Diana were alive, she would be 63 years old today.

Diana had many lovers after her betrayal, and was frantically pursued by Trump, but she still deserves to be loved

If Camilla hadn't appeared at that time, it was summer vacation now, and Princess Diana would have taken the two children of the Welsh Sambo and Prince Harry family to play happily at Kensington Palace. But there is no if, presumably on this day every year, Prince William and his younger brother Harry can't help but think of their dear mother.

William once revealed in the media that on this day every year, Prince George would write a handwritten letter to his grandmother Diana to express the family's thoughts about her, while Princess Charlotte would make a beautiful greeting card for her grandmother to wish her a happy birthday, and Little Louis would draw a stick figure for her grandmother, although the painting style was immature, but full of affection.

Diana had many lovers after her betrayal, and was frantically pursued by Trump, but she still deserves to be loved

At this time of year, William and Kate tell their three children about their lifelong philanthropic passion, calling for the banning of landmines and focusing on people living with HIV/AIDS and vulnerable people.

Princess Diana is influencing the world with her practical actions, and Diana, the British Rose, deserves to be respected and loved by the people forever.

Although Diana is long gone, her spirit and influence have never faded.

At the same time, we can't help but think of Princess Diana's poignant and mysterious emotional stories.

July 29, 1981, was a day that attracted the attention of the world. The wedding of British Crown Prince Charles and Diana is known as the "wedding of the century".

Diana had many lovers after her betrayal, and was frantically pursued by Trump, but she still deserves to be loved

Under countless flashing lights, the two newlyweds held hands and entered the palace of marriage. However, behind this seemingly perfect fairy tale, there are hidden secrets. Charles's disconnection with his old lover Camilla made Diana's heart slowly break in sweetness.

Everyone can't figure out whether Charles has a problem with his eyes or his mind, and his new wife Diana is not favored by his new wife, Diana, who is simple and kind, but wants to mix with Camilla, a second-married mother.

Diana had many lovers after her betrayal, and was frantically pursued by Trump, but she still deserves to be loved

Later, there was a well-known "tampon door", a dignified British king is the crown prince actually wanted to make tampons for the raunchy and sloppy Camilla, and stayed in her private parts and did not come out.

Charles is really good, everyone really didn't see that this well-dressed prince of school could still say such explicit and embarrassing love words.

Diana had many lovers after her betrayal, and was frantically pursued by Trump, but she still deserves to be loved

It is conceivable that this melon is not ordinarily big, and the ordinary people will see it as a joke, but this news is tantamount to a bolt from the blue to Diana, the crown prince's close lover.

The innocent and beautiful princess had heard about Charles and Camilla, but Diana naively thought that it was a thing of the past, and she would impress Charles with her sincerity and love.

Diana had many lovers after her betrayal, and was frantically pursued by Trump, but she still deserves to be loved

However, she didn't expect that Charles, who had infinite affection for her, was so dirty and filthy, and she couldn't keep his heart because she gave birth to two so lovely children for him.

When the intimate recordings of Charles and Camilla were revealed in 1989, Diana's world completely collapsed. She couldn't accept this fact and couldn't forgive Charles for his betrayal.

Diana had many lovers after her betrayal, and was frantically pursued by Trump, but she still deserves to be loved

In desperation, she began her own struggle. She is no longer the innocent princess, but a brave warrior. She chose to use her own way to get revenge on the person who hurt her.

In the years that followed, Diana found 7 lovers successively.

Diana had many lovers after her betrayal, and was frantically pursued by Trump, but she still deserves to be loved

Among these lovers are the handsome car salesman Gilbert, the talented equestrian coach Hewitt, the art dealer Hoai, the heart surgeon Hasnat, the football star Karaji, and the billionaire Dodi. Fayyad et al.

One of them has been dating for the longest time, and everyone knows that Hewitt and his Egyptian lover Dodi, who was killed in a car accident with her in the end.

Diana had many lovers after her betrayal, and was frantically pursued by Trump, but she still deserves to be loved

With her actions, she declared to the world: Even if I am the princess, I have the right to pursue my own happiness.

But there is no doubt that Diana's crazy behavior is full of love and Charles's determination to Charles, and Charles's harm to Diana has brought Diana's outlook on life.

Diana had many lovers after her betrayal, and was frantically pursued by Trump, but she still deserves to be loved

And it is this series of irrational love that has caused a lot of damage to Diana's reputation, and it seems inevitable to meet people, just last year, the equestrian coach also threatened to auction Diana's love letter to herself.

As early as 1994, the faceless Hewitt wrote his affair with Princess Diana into a memoir, saying that it was a memoir, rather than a third-rate romance novel, in which the content was true or false, and outsiders could not consider it, but Hewitt received a high honorarium of 3 million pounds because of the book called The Princess in Love.

Hewitt betrayed all of Princess Diana's privacy, and even made public that Princess Diana wanted to have a child for Hewitt. Hewitt's behavior made Diana extremely disappointed in her.

Diana had many lovers after her betrayal, and was frantically pursued by Trump, but she still deserves to be loved

Diana angrily ends her relationship with Hewitt, but also strengthens her desire to pursue true love, until she later meets Dodi.

However, the current bad guy Hewitt has also been duly punished.

Diana had many lovers after her betrayal, and was frantically pursued by Trump, but she still deserves to be loved

According to the media, not long after Hewitt published his book, he spent all the black money he had earned by selling Concubine Diana's privacy, and he has been poor since then. Instead of laughing at Diana, the world pushed Hewitt into the darkest corners of the world.

Hewitt never got married all his life and lived like a walking corpse, and I have to say that this is retribution.

Diana had many lovers after her betrayal, and was frantically pursued by Trump, but she still deserves to be loved

And the encounter between Trump and Diana is just a small episode in Princess Diana's life, and Princess Diana has never taken Trump's appearance to heart, only treating him as a monkey who loves to play treasures.

Diana had many lovers after her betrayal, and was frantically pursued by Trump, but she still deserves to be loved

In 1995, Diana's stunning appearance at a New York charity dinner made Trump feel like the whole world was lit up, and he began a crazy pursuit of Diana ever since.

At that time, Concubine Diana was still divorcing Charles and was in the stage of separation, and Trump, an unobtrusive real estate tycoon, could not move the expensive roses from New York to Kensington Palace every day until the time of Princess Diana's death.

Diana had many lovers after her betrayal, and was frantically pursued by Trump, but she still deserves to be loved

The cheeky Trump also said that he was not ashamed to say that he just didn't give time a chance, otherwise, Princess Diana would definitely be moved by him and dream of his spring and autumn season.

On August 31, 1997, the controversial but beloved princess had an unfortunate encounter with her lover Dodi on an outing in Paris.

Her death shocked and grieved the whole world. People mourned the great princess and sent her their most sincere blessings and condolences.

Diana had many lovers after her betrayal, and was frantically pursued by Trump, but she still deserves to be loved

Looking back at Diana's life, she was both a tragic figure and a legend. Her married life was full of pain and struggle, but she always remained resilient and courageous.

Although Diana's life was short, the spiritual legacy she left us is eternal.

At the same time, she also shows us the brilliance and greatness of human nature. In this society full of competition and interests, we should be like Diana, maintain a kind and sincere heart, care for others, and contribute to society. In this way, we can become truly valuable people and win the respect and admiration of others.

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