
I would like to call it the strongest way down! BLG scored three consecutive spring wins with ras and Cube was pinched

After returning to the BLG, Uzi has not started the spring games for two weeks, but the BLG has not had a big problem because of him, but has won both games in the past two weeks. In the third week of the regular season, they have two games to play, and today's game is against RA.

I would like to call it the strongest way down! BLG scored three consecutive spring wins with ras and Cube was pinched

In the first game, the early BPG around the down road to help dogo to establish an advantage, in the alignment economy has been ahead of iboy very much, RA side then directly gave up the next road, will be all the economic bet on the road, unfortunately cube in the middle of several consecutive waves of arrest, but also let him this point is difficult to play what too good effect. Follow-up at the operational level, BLG is indeed relatively poor, because of the fear of the aircraft's missile package, successively released two small dragons, and finally BLG used the big dragon to force the group, although he was dissuaded, but a wave of doggo's fierce wind forward move instantly killed the RA two, BLG successfully took down the big dragon, carrying the big dragon buff,

I would like to call it the strongest way down! BLG scored three consecutive spring wins with ras and Cube was pinched

The second game BRG is still very bad in the early rhythm, let go of three small dragons in a row, I don't know if it is a rhythm problem or tactical design, the two sides have not opened a gap at the economic level, the mid-term BPG after successfully blocking the dragon soul of RA, and then took down the dragon in front of them, the follow-up BRG took down a small dragon, RA looked at the three small dragons in his hand, it was simply uncomfortable. Carrying the big dragon buff, BLG successfully broke the middle road highland after killing Shangfu, and finally BLG advanced strongly from the upper road after taking the second big dragon, completing a wave.

I would like to call it the strongest way down! BLG scored three consecutive spring wins with ras and Cube was pinched

Although the operation ability of the BLG is indeed almost hot, but their personal ability is too top, the breathing brother is single killed, the fofo middle road is stable, the next two operation monsters, RA is also leyan's early rhythm OK, the middle and late other roads are completely silent, especially cube, it is difficult to say ah!

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