
Xiao Changhua and Mei Lanfang: grabbed on the stage, saying that they were Master Mei's godfather

author:Sailing vessel cL


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It is said that on the big stage of Peking Opera, Mr. Xiao Changhua is a legend.

His harlequin performance is really a must.

As early as the beginning of the 20th century, Mr. Xiao taught in the Xilian Cheng class and cultivated a number of superstars in the theater industry, such as Na Lei Xifu, Hou Xirui, and the famous Mei Lanfang.

Think about it, for 36 years, Mr. Xiao did not perform on stage, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to teaching, guiding students to play various roles of life, dan, purity, and ugliness.

Xiao Changhua and Mei Lanfang: grabbed on the stage, saying that they were Master Mei's godfather

This dedication and exquisite skills to the art of Peking Opera are really admirable.

In 1922, the cooperation between Xiao Changhua and Mei Lanfang reached its peak.

In the Chenghua Society established by Mei Lanfang, the two of them have teamed up to perform many classic plays, just like "The Female Liberation" and "The Drunken Concubine".

These works not only made artistic achievements high, but also gave us Chinese a long face during the Anti-Japanese War and inspired the hearts of countless people.

Xiao Changhua and Mei Lanfang: grabbed on the stage, saying that they were Master Mei's godfather

In 1932, the Japanese invaders were arrogant, and the two of them moved to Shanghai and performed "Anti-Jin Soldiers" on the Tianchan stage, which ignited the anti-Japanese sentiment of the people of the whole country at once.

In the days when he partnered with Mei Lanfang, Xiao Changhua showed his professionalism.

Once performing in Shanghai, Xiao Changhua suddenly fell ill, Mei Lanfang didn't say a word, and continued to pay him a salary to ensure that he had no worries about his life.

Xiao Changhua and Mei Lanfang: grabbed on the stage, saying that they were Master Mei's godfather

also personally paid for his treatment, this friendship is really moving.

Speaking of Xiao Changhua's private life, it is also a role model.

He lives a staggering simplicity, and every time he goes out to perform, he brings pots and pans to cook and eat by himself.

Even if the conditions allowed him to be extravagant, he still chose to live a simple life and put more energy on artistic creation and teaching.

Do you think that such a person is not a skilled artist and an art educator with a noble personality? His story is like a bright pearl in the long history of Peking Opera, and each section is an immortal legend.

Xiao Changhua and Mei Lanfang: grabbed on the stage, saying that they were Master Mei's godfather

The courtyard outside the Xuanwu Gate where he lives, two large vats carry the details of his life.

A mouthful full of coal cores plucked out of the ashes is used for heating; The other is a sip of used waste paper, reflecting his spirit of conservation.

These actions are not just as simple as frugality, but also a portrayal of his pragmatic philosophy of life.

Although Xiao Changhua was prominent in the Peking Opera industry and had a good income, he always maintained a simple lifestyle, which was not only related to his childhood experience, but also reflected his deep understanding of money and self-restraint, but Xiao Changhua's frugality did not affect his generosity.

Xiao Changhua and Mei Lanfang: grabbed on the stage, saying that they were Master Mei's godfather

In the summer, he often buys watermelons for the students of the opera school at his own expense; The green environment of the school was also created by him himself, in order to create a more comfortable learning environment for students; He also used his own money to help poor people buy Chinese medicine to make pills to cure diseases.

These acts of kindness show his great love for society and his persistent pursuit of traditional culture and education.

In terms of art, Xiao Changhua is full of enthusiasm and professionalism for Peking Opera, and in "The Female Solution" with Mei Lanfang, his role as Su San is amazing.

Xiao Changhua and Mei Lanfang: grabbed on the stage, saying that they were Master Mei's godfather

His deep insight into the characters and his attention to detail are breathtaking.

This not only made the audience watch with relish, but also set a model for later opera performers to learn.

When Mei Lanfang died in 1961, Xiao Changhua was grief-stricken, he said: "Mr. Mei, you took Peking Opera away", this sentence not only expressed his deep nostalgia for Mei Lanfang but also reflected his worries about the future of Peking Opera, and in 1967, Mr. Xiao Changhua also finished his legendary life.

Xiao Changhua and Mei Lanfang: grabbed on the stage, saying that they were Master Mei's godfather

Xiao Changhua's life and artistic practice have influenced everyone who loves Peking Opera in a simple and profound way, and his life story is not only a wonderful chapter on the stage of Peking Opera, but also a continuous inspiration for future generations in their artistic pursuit and attitude towards life.

Xiao Changhua and Mei Lanfang: grabbed on the stage, saying that they were Master Mei's godfather

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