
From chartered accountant to cake baker, his experience is extraordinary

author:Bright Net

He realized his baking dreams with hard work

He holds a double master's degree in business law and accounting from the University of Sydney.

After graduating from graduate school, he worked in banking and capital markets for ten years.

At the same time, he is also the third consecutive winner of the Australian Cake Contest,

And the world's first Chinese to enter the final of the Baking King.

He is Yan Dake.

From chartered accountant to cake baker, his experience is extraordinary

Regarding this litany of identities and occupations,

It all starts with a picture of an art cake.

10 years ago, Yan Dake, as usual,

Linger in online food pictures,

But when a beautiful picture of the art cake comes into view,

This science and engineering bully who is an accountant

I was deeply shocked.

World famous cake master

Cake creation by Maggie Austin,

Let Yan Da be completely artistically caked

Impressed by extraordinary temperament and creativity.

In this way, Yan Dake and the fate of baking,

Since then, it has been out of control.

From chartered accountant to cake baker, his experience is extraordinary

In the past ten years, this science and engineering mind has learned to bake,

Gradually, from the long trial and error and countless sleepless nights,

Applying the theoretical sciences of physics, chemistry and biology,

Find out the ultimate way to bake a good baked piece.


Studied under a famous cake chef

In the days of Maggie Austin and Zoe Clark,

He gradually found his own style and characteristics.

And when it comes to suffering because of multiple identities,

He smiled and said,

Nearly a decade of experience as a Chartered Accountant,

It also helped him achieve a professional attitude,

and an efficient way of doing things.

Just between complementing each other,

Baking brings him calm and freedom,

It became his most important source of happiness.

From chartered accountant to cake baker, his experience is extraordinary


YanDa is available in central Sydney

Founded a cake baking classroom,

And not surprisingly

Received the largest in the world

International certification of bakery brands.

Over here

He carefully teaches every student of different identities and ages,

Use superb technology to meet the different needs of students for baking.

From chartered accountant to cake baker, his experience is extraordinary

Yan Dake's heart,

Cake has always been a symbol of special significance,

Whether it's a wedding or a birthday,

Cake brings everyone more is an irreplaceable sense of happiness,

And happiness is also his original intention in baking.

Yan Dake said:

"I wish more Westerners,

Being able to learn about Chinese culture through my baking works,

I can do a little bit to promote Chinese culture overseas,

At the same time, I also hope that more Chinese people will understand baking,

Immerse yourself in the local culture through baking. ”

The road ahead is long,

This "slash youth" with a warm smile

will continue in their own way,

To express his unique love for baking.

From chartered accountant to cake baker, his experience is extraordinary

She brings the warmth of home to the overseas Chinese in Canada

Vancouver is the largest city in Western Canada,

Located on the east coast of the Pacific Ocean,

Backed by the Rocky Mountains,

It is the main concentration city of Chinese in Canada.

In downtown Vancouver's Chinatown,

There is a mainly Chinese elderly,

nursing homes that provide services,

There are more than 120 elderly people of Chinese descent living here.

From chartered accountant to cake baker, his experience is extraordinary

This lady's name is Maggie Ye,

Originally from Shanghai, he is the founder of this nursing home.

She said that since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic,

They have taken a lot of epidemic prevention measures.

So more than 120 elderly people in nursing homes,

None of them were infected.

From chartered accountant to cake baker, his experience is extraordinary

As soon as Ye Wu Meiqi has time,

will accompany these lonely old people,

For these elderly Chinese,

This nursing home has long been theirs

A home for spiritual comfort.

From chartered accountant to cake baker, his experience is extraordinary

For more than forty years,

Ye Wu Meiqi has been doing her best

Serving the overseas Chinese in Canada,

She founded the Chinese Overseas Chinese Mutual Aid Association in 1973.

Explaining to newcomers the legal and policy issues of coming to Canada,

It has helped countless overseas Chinese to integrate into the local society.

From chartered accountant to cake baker, his experience is extraordinary

In 2010, Maggie Ye was featured in Canadian Immigration Magazine.

Selected as one of the "25 Most Outstanding Immigrants".

Today, Ye Wu Meiqi is still busy every day,

In her heart,

The work of serving Chinese Canadians can never be done.

From chartered accountant to cake baker, his experience is extraordinary

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Source: CCTV4

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