
7 85 flowers to be broadcast drama inventory, Tang Yan fell behind, just finished showing the wedding ring of the baby is the big winner

author:Don't gossip will be a dead star man

In the past two years, the newcomer xiaohua in the entertainment industry has risen rapidly, many people say that it is now the world of 95 flowers and 00 flowers, but it is undeniable that 85 flowers are still strong, the appearance and popularity are online, and they are the backbone of the TV series, today, Xiaoba will give you an inventory of several 85 flowers to be broadcast TV series, to see if there are any episodes that you like 85 flowers to be broadcast.

7 85 flowers to be broadcast drama inventory, Tang Yan fell behind, just finished showing the wedding ring of the baby is the big winner

Yang Mi was the first of the 85 flowers to marry, but the development was the best among them, in addition to her own hard work, her high emotional intelligence is also a plus. In 2022, she still has two dramas to be broadcast, namely "The Law of Love" and "Thank You Doctor".

7 85 flowers to be broadcast drama inventory, Tang Yan fell behind, just finished showing the wedding ring of the baby is the big winner

"The Two Eight Laws of Love" starred by Yang Mi's partner Xu Kai, as can be seen from the title, this is an urban emotional work, in which Yang Mi plays a highly enterprising female lawyer, and the role type is roughly the same as the "Dear Translator" and "Negotiator" that she starred in before. From the trailer that broke out, we can also see the setting of "Sweet Pet Drama".

7 85 flowers to be broadcast drama inventory, Tang Yan fell behind, just finished showing the wedding ring of the baby is the big winner

"Thank You Doctor" is starred by Yang Mi's partner Bai Yu, the two are colleagues in the play, the heroine lost her fiancé, tried to come to the busy emergency department, used work to escape the pain, and then became a partner with the male protagonist, because of the close and seamless cooperation, the two sides entered each other's hearts.

7 85 flowers to be broadcast drama inventory, Tang Yan fell behind, just finished showing the wedding ring of the baby is the big winner

Judging from the theme of the two dramas, Yang Mi does not seem to have stepped out of the comfort zone, and still plays a role that he is better at, which can not play too beneficial to Yang Mi's transformation.

7 85 flowers to be broadcast drama inventory, Tang Yan fell behind, just finished showing the wedding ring of the baby is the big winner

Zhao Liying from an unknown supporting role to a post-85 Xiaohua, her efforts in her work have always been seen by everyone. Although she is about to turn 35, her acting path is still very wide, and from her upcoming works, it can be seen that she is preparing for the transformation and can be seen that she is a very planned person.

7 85 flowers to be broadcast drama inventory, Tang Yan fell behind, just finished showing the wedding ring of the baby is the big winner

At present, Zhao Liying's upcoming dramas are also two, namely "Happiness to Ten Thousand Families" and "Barbaric Growth". The former Zhao Liying played a peasant woman, but with hard work and unique vision, she changed the environment and her own life and became a role model for contemporary women. The latter tells the story of women in the 90s, who started from scratch.

7 85 flowers to be broadcast drama inventory, Tang Yan fell behind, just finished showing the wedding ring of the baby is the big winner

It can be seen that the two themes chosen by Zhao Liying show the power of women in the new era, not only the theme will be easier to impress people, the character setting is also more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, such a subversive transformation is quite exciting.

7 85 flowers to be broadcast drama inventory, Tang Yan fell behind, just finished showing the wedding ring of the baby is the big winner

Yang Ying should be the most controversial one in the 85-year-old Xiaohua, especially the acting skills have been complained about a lot, but the resources are indeed the best one, and there are 5 known dramas to be broadcast in 2022, including "What Love Should Look Like", "Twilight Heart Covenant", "Shadow Trail", "Dust Edge", and "Wind Rise Longxi".

7 85 flowers to be broadcast drama inventory, Tang Yan fell behind, just finished showing the wedding ring of the baby is the big winner

Among them, partner Wang Anyu's "Long Shadow Trace" is quite exciting, is a Republic of China through the suspense detection type of drama, the theme is quite novel, a total of 12 episodes, the episode is short and the plot is compact, I only hope that baby acting skills will not disappoint the audience anymore.

7 85 flowers to be broadcast drama inventory, Tang Yan fell behind, just finished showing the wedding ring of the baby is the big winner

Ni Ni's image has always been very royal sister, taking the high-cold route, acting skills online at the same time, very popular with the audience. There are two dramas to be broadcast next year, including "Night Traveler" and "Disappeared Her", Night Traveler is a Republic of China fantasy drama she cooperated with Deng Lun, according to the current situation of unaired fire, this drama is quite interesting.

7 85 flowers to be broadcast drama inventory, Tang Yan fell behind, just finished showing the wedding ring of the baby is the big winner

And "Disappeared Her" is a suspense drama directed by Ni Ni and Zhu Yilong, directed by Chen Sicheng, Reuters This drama has begun filming, looking forward to the official release, from this batch of teams still looks very stable, the quality does not have to worry too much.

7 85 flowers to be broadcast drama inventory, Tang Yan fell behind, just finished showing the wedding ring of the baby is the big winner

Liu Yifei has rarely appeared on the screen in the past two years, and many fans miss her very much. At present, the "Dream Hualu" and "Nanyanzhai Record" will be broadcast in 2022, which can meet the expectations of fans.

7 85 flowers to be broadcast drama inventory, Tang Yan fell behind, just finished showing the wedding ring of the baby is the big winner

Among them, "Dream Hualu" is a costume drama partnered with Chen Xiao, and I believe that Liu Yifei's appearance will not disappoint fans, which can be said to be a dream return. And "Nan Yan Zhai Record" is a Republic of China drama starring partner Jing Bairan, from the reuters map that broke out, Liu Yifei is still very immortal, looking forward to the return of the immortal sister this year.

7 85 flowers to be broadcast drama inventory, Tang Yan fell behind, just finished showing the wedding ring of the baby is the big winner

Song Qian is a positive case among the aidou transformation actors, and has achieved good results in the "Heartbeat Source Plan" starring last year, leaving a very good impression on the audience. And the 2022 to be broadcast drama has also been reserved for two, including "Dear Life" and "Everyone Knows I Love You".

7 85 flowers to be broadcast drama inventory, Tang Yan fell behind, just finished showing the wedding ring of the baby is the big winner

"Everyone Knows I Love You" is a recently officially announced love urban drama, starring Song Qian's partner Xu Weizhou, which is very much expected of Song Qian's wonderful performance. And "Dear Life" is an urban emotional drama starring Song Qian, Hu Xing'er, Sha Baoliang, etc., and the difficulty coefficient of medical themes is still quite large, and it is expected that Song Qian will have a good interpretation.

7 85 flowers to be broadcast drama inventory, Tang Yan fell behind, just finished showing the wedding ring of the baby is the big winner

Before Tang Yan gave birth to a child, she was also the mainstay of the 85 small flowers, but after returning to the screen after giving birth, there is only one drama to be broadcast at present. However, the lineup is quite luxurious, and it has not been broadcast first.

7 85 flowers to be broadcast drama inventory, Tang Yan fell behind, just finished showing the wedding ring of the baby is the big winner

"Blossoms" is a period drama directed by Wong Kar-wai and starring Tang Yan, Ma Yili, Xin Zhilei, Hu Ge and others, which is the second cooperation between Hu Ge and Tang Yan after "Immortal Sword III", which can be said to be quite exciting.

7 85 flowers to be broadcast drama inventory, Tang Yan fell behind, just finished showing the wedding ring of the baby is the big winner

It can be seen that at present, Tang Yan is the one with the fewest of all the 85 small flowers to be broadcast, which seems to be a bit behind, but the current drama to be broadcast is also very much expected and is optimistic about many people. And Yang Ying is the one with the most dramas to be broadcast, and the people who cooperate also have a lot of coffee seats, and it can be seen that the resources are really good.

At the same time, Yang Ying's recent career love double harvest, because recently in the interview activities, generously wearing the pigeon egg wedding ring that Huang Xiaoming gave her, so that the marriage rumors are self-destructive, which makes many netizens envious.

7 85 flowers to be broadcast drama inventory, Tang Yan fell behind, just finished showing the wedding ring of the baby is the big winner

So, among these post-85 small flowers, who are the little friends most looking forward to the release of the new drama? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area!

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