
Tang Yan didn't win the award, and she cried so much in the background that it was distressing! Uncover the behind-the-scenes story of Magnolia

author:Xi Xi Gui Circle


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Tang Yan didn't win the award, and she cried so much in the background that it was distressing! Uncover the behind-the-scenes story of Magnolia

Text: Xixi Guiquan


Magnolia Award, a flower blooming in the magic capital of Shanghai. Its fragrance attracts countless star butterflies to flutter. But who would have thought that this seemingly delicate flower would also hide spikes? Tang Yan, the leader of the 85 flowers, thought that she could take advantage of the momentum of "Flowers" to win the crown in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Xun, an old butterfly, shook her wings lightly, and her dream was shattered. At this moment, I can't help but ask: Is there really fairness in this seemingly glamorous entertainment industry? Or is the so-called fairness just a well-choreographed drama?

Tang Yan didn't win the award, and she cried so much in the background that it was distressing! Uncover the behind-the-scenes story of Magnolia

Magnolia's scheming: Who is in charge of ups and downs?

The 29th Magnolia Awards came to an end, and Zhou Xun and Hu Ge won the crown of the Emperor of Rear Vision respectively. This seemingly unremarkable awards ceremony is hidden behind it. Let's lift this fig leaf together and see how this big drama in the entertainment industry is staged.

Tang Yan didn't win the award, and she cried so much in the background that it was distressing! Uncover the behind-the-scenes story of Magnolia

First of all, let's focus on the woman who cried so much that she was crying - Tang Yan. When Hu Ge picked up the Emperor Shidi trophy, Tang Yan's tears fell down like pearls with broken threads. This picture can't help but remind people of Lin Daiyu's funeral flowers in "Dream of Red Mansions".

Tang Yan didn't win the award, and she cried so much in the background that it was distressing! Uncover the behind-the-scenes story of Magnolia

Tang Yan's tears, are they also shedding for their dreams that are about to fall?

You must know that after the hero and heroine of the same work are crowned emperors at the same time, this probability is even lower than winning the lottery. Hu Ge won the award, which means that Tang Yan's hope is slim. At this moment, Tang Yan's mood may be even more turbulent than the surging river.

Tang Yan didn't win the award, and she cried so much in the background that it was distressing! Uncover the behind-the-scenes story of Magnolia

85 The Fate of Flowers: Who Fights?

Prior to this, none of the 85 flowers Yang Mi, Zhao Liying, Liu Shishi and others could win the crown of magnolia. Tang Yan came with "Flowers" this time, and she was determined to get it. If she can stand out under the attack of Zhou Xun and Yan Ni, two big names in acting, what glory will it be?

Tang Yan didn't win the award, and she cried so much in the background that it was distressing! Uncover the behind-the-scenes story of Magnolia

This is simply the "Battle of the Gods" of the 85 flowers!

The whole network is speculating whether Tang Yan can win the crown, after all, this is the closest she has ever been to Magnolia. As a native of Shanghai and an important member of the Shanghai Film Association, Tang Yan should have taken advantage of the time and place in the Magnolia Awards held in her hometown.

Tang Yan didn't win the award, and she cried so much in the background that it was distressing! Uncover the behind-the-scenes story of Magnolia

Three queens in the Shanghai TV drama circle: Ma Yili, Sun Li, and Tang Yan. The first two are already big winners, and Tang Yan is naturally eager to show her style on her home turf.

In TV activities in Shanghai, Tang Yan is always arranged in the C position, on an equal footing with Zhou Xun, and Hu Ge is left and right. This time in the Magnolia infield, Tang Yan sat in front of Zhou Xun behind the scenes.

Tang Yan didn't win the award, and she cried so much in the background that it was distressing! Uncover the behind-the-scenes story of Magnolia

Isn't this kind of sign suggesting that Tang Yan is about to be sealed?

Zhou Xun's strength: who competes?

Tang Yan didn't win the award, and she cried so much in the background that it was distressing! Uncover the behind-the-scenes story of Magnolia

However, the reality is always so cruel. Magnolia finally didn't put the laurel crown behind her eyes on Tang Yan's head. Zhou Xun, as the leader in the "Four Dan Double Ice", his strength is naturally extraordinary. Tang Yan, the 85 flower, still missed the magnolia after all, which is really suffocating.

Tang Yan didn't win the award, and she cried so much in the background that it was distressing! Uncover the behind-the-scenes story of Magnolia

Why is it said that Tang Yan and Magnolia are only one step behind? At the beginning of June, an insider broke the news that Tang Yan would be the aftermath. Her best friend Liu Yifei has always been low-key, but this time she made a high-profile official announcement to attend the Magnolia TV Festival. Netizens speculated that Liu Yifei was going to present Tang Yan with the post-vision award.

Tang Yan didn't win the award, and she cried so much in the background that it was distressing! Uncover the behind-the-scenes story of Magnolia

The result? Liu Yifei came, but Tang Yan's trophy did not. This can't help but make people sigh: the rumors really can't be fully believed!

Look at Zhou Xun again, she flew back from Paris, France overnight for this award. 50-year-old Zhou Xun put on reading glasses, and the years are indeed unforgiving. But her acting skills are still so perfect.

Tang Yan didn't win the award, and she cried so much in the background that it was distressing! Uncover the behind-the-scenes story of Magnolia

Zhou Xun said in his acceptance speech: "In fact, it is not particularly important to her whether she wins the award or not, but she still wants to win it." This is really honest and upright. Indeed, for Zhou Xun, who has already won all the awards, Magnolia is just the icing on the cake. But who wouldn't want to make a big splash in their career?

Tang Yan didn't win the award, and she cried so much in the background that it was distressing! Uncover the behind-the-scenes story of Magnolia

The cruel reality of the entertainment industry: who dominates the ups and downs?

The reality is so cruel. For top actors like Zhou Xun , Zhang Ziyi , Sun Li , and Ma Yili , winning the award is simply easy. But for 85 flowers like Zhao Liying and Tang Yan, it is so difficult to get a magnolia.

Tang Yan didn't win the award, and she cried so much in the background that it was distressing! Uncover the behind-the-scenes story of Magnolia

This can't help but make people sigh: How is the balance of the entertainment industry tilted?

Although Tang Yan failed to win the crown, her performance won praise from the whole network. When it was announced that Zhou Xun had won the award, Tang Yan smiled and applauded, and her expression management was full marks. This scene is in stark contrast to Zhao Liying's black face last year because she didn't win the award.

Tang Yan didn't win the award, and she cried so much in the background that it was distressing! Uncover the behind-the-scenes story of Magnolia

But in the backstage interview, Tang Yan still couldn't help but burst into tears. She cried so much that it rained, which made people feel distressed. I have to say that after the experience of "Flowers", Tang Yan's acting skills have indeed improved by leaps and bounds. Even crying, you can cry so cutely.

Tang Yan didn't win the award, and she cried so much in the background that it was distressing! Uncover the behind-the-scenes story of Magnolia

Netizens are hotly discussed: There are different opinions

This incident quickly caused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet.

Tang Yan didn't win the award, and she cried so much in the background that it was distressing! Uncover the behind-the-scenes story of Magnolia
Some netizens think: "Tang Yan is really a pity, she acted so well in "Flowers", just a little bit." But it's already great to be able to compete with a powerful faction like Zhou Xun on the same stage!"
Some netizens also said: "Zhou Xun deserves her name, her acting skills are really speechless." Although Tang Yan has made great progress, there is still a gap between her and Zhou Xun. "
Tang Yan didn't win the award, and she cried so much in the background that it was distressing! Uncover the behind-the-scenes story of Magnolia
Some netizens said: "I think the selection of Magnolia this time is quite fair." Zhou Xun and Hu Ge are both powerful, and it is understandable that they won the award. Although Tang Yan did not win the award, her performance has been very good, and I believe that there will be more opportunities in the future. "
Tang Yan didn't win the award, and she cried so much in the background that it was distressing! Uncover the behind-the-scenes story of Magnolia
Some of Tang Yan's fans expressed dissatisfaction: "Tang Yan's performance in "Flowers" is obviously so good, why did she still not win the award? Is there a shady scene?"
Some people also look at the problem from another angle: "In fact, it doesn't matter whether you win an award or not, what matters is whether the actor's work can move the audience." Tang Yan's performance in "Flowers" has won the recognition of many people, which is more meaningful than a trophy. "
Tang Yan didn't win the award, and she cried so much in the background that it was distressing! Uncover the behind-the-scenes story of Magnolia
Some netizens pointed out: "The entertainment industry is like this, sometimes it's not just about acting. Qualifications, connections, and luck are all important. Tang Yan has done a good job, and I believe she will get better and better. "
Tang Yan didn't win the award, and she cried so much in the background that it was distressing! Uncover the behind-the-scenes story of Magnolia

These comments reflect the different opinions of netizens on this Magnolia award. Some people affirm Zhou Xun's strength, some regret Tang Yan's loss, and some question the fairness of the selection. But in any case, this award undoubtedly provides a platform for the audience to discuss the strength of the actors and the rules of the entertainment industry.

Write at the end

Looking back on this Magnolia Awards, what we see is not only a simple award ceremony, but also a microcosm of the complex ecology of the entertainment industry. Zhou Xun relied on the strength and reputation accumulated over the years to seal the queen again, reflecting the status of a senior actor; Although Tang Yan was defeated, she was still glorious, showing the potential and progress of the new generation of actors.

Tang Yan didn't win the award, and she cried so much in the background that it was distressing! Uncover the behind-the-scenes story of Magnolia

This competition is not only a contest of strength, but also a contest of qualifications, and a portrayal of the rules of the entertainment industry. It tells us that in this glamorous world, success never happens overnight. Behind every award, there are years of hard work and dedication of the actors.

So, we can't help but ask: what is the most important thing on the big stage of the entertainment industry? Is it an award? Is it word of mouth? Or is it the artistic value of the work itself? Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area and share your views.

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