
Red Sister Log | reminder of important events in the automotive circle on January 25, 2022

Today is Tuesday, January 25, 2022. Yesterday's review: Ruilan Automobile was officially established, and Changan New Energy's B round of financing was signed. Today's car morning report, meet with the red sister at seven o'clock in the morning!

Yesterday's review 1: Ruilan Automobile was officially established

On January 24, Chongqing Ruilan Automobile Technology Co., Ltd., a joint venture company under Geely' power exchange and travel, completed the industrial and commercial registration procedures and officially settled in Liangjiang New District, Chongqing. The new company will be engaged in the research and development, sales and operation of automobiles, including but not limited to tram replacements.

Red Sister Log | reminder of important events in the automotive circle on January 25, 2022

Ruilan Automobile is an automobile company with independent production qualifications jointly established by Geely Automobile and Lifan Technology, relying on the strong technical advantages of Geely Automobile, with a complete research, production, supply and marketing system, positioned in a new generation of power exchange travel new potential energy, the development focus will focus on the landing of power exchange products and power exchange services.

Red Sister Log | reminder of important events in the automotive circle on January 25, 2022

Based on the GBRC (Global Battery Rapid Change) power exchange platform, Ruilan Automobile will plan to cover cars, SUVs, MPVs, and even logistics vehicles and light trucks, fully meeting the needs of different markets such as online ride-hailing, private cars, taxis, and logistics vehicles. It will also take Chongqing as the brand "base camp", expand the replacement power station "radiation" in key cities across the country, and achieve the goal of operating 5,000 intelligent substations in the world by 2025.

Red Sister Log | reminder of important events in the automotive circle on January 25, 2022

Yesterday's review 2: Changan New Energy B round of financing signed

On January 24, Changan New Energy officially announced that Changan New Energy has completed a B round of financing of 4.9773 billion yuan, exceeding the planned financing amount by nearly 2 billion yuan.

Red Sister Log | reminder of important events in the automotive circle on January 25, 2022

From the perspective of financing structure, in addition to Changan Automobile's proposed capital increase of 1.36 billion yuan and Southern Assets' proposed capital increase of 710 million yuan, this round of financing Changan New Energy also introduced investors such as BOCOM Boyu No. 1, Chengyuan Fund, Wuhu Xinshi Xinhong, CICC Keyuan Fund, and Southern Industrial Fund.

Changan New Energy said that after completing this round of financing, it plans to complete the public listing around 2025, and Changan Automobile supports Changan New Energy to decide whether to continue the next round of financing before the IPO according to development needs.

Red Sister Log | reminder of important events in the automotive circle on January 25, 2022

For the use of this round of financing funds, Changan New Energy said that the success of the B round of financing, while further optimizing the capital structure of Changan New Energy, will also reserve more capital "ammunition" for its subsequent development, helping Changan New Energy to seize the market highland faster.

According to the previous announcement of Changan Automobile, after the completion of this round of capital increase, The shareholding ratio of Changan Automobile will be diluted from 48.95% to 40.66%.

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