
With the rapid rise of innovation as the driving force, the new force of commercial vehicles, remote cars, has reached the top of the industry

On January 19, the 2022 Annual Partner Conference for Remote Automotive was held online with the theme of "Conspiring together to win with one heart". Looking back at 2021, long-range vehicles are guided by research and development, based on innovative business models, leading the development of the industry in the new energy revolution of commercial vehicles. Towards 2022, long-range vehicles will strengthen the leading position of the new forces of commercial vehicles and continue to promote the realization of zero-carbon land transportation.

Zhou Jianqun, chairman of Geely Commercial Vehicle Group, said that remote vehicles will accelerate into a "smart green transportation technology integrated service provider" around the two-wheel drive of the product market and capital market, create a new force for commercial vehicles in China, lead the era of new commercial vehicles, and help the commercial vehicle industry implement the double carbon strategy.

With the rapid rise of innovation as the driving force, the new force of commercial vehicles, remote cars, has reached the top of the industry

The overall sales volume increased by 288%, and the industry's leading position was formed

In 2021, the commercial vehicle industry as a whole showed a bipolar trend, with commercial vehicle sales falling by 5.2% year-on-year, but the production and sales of new energy commercial vehicles were booming, showing a good development situation of both market size and development quality. In 2021, the sales volume of new energy commercial vehicles was 197,000 units, an increase of 51.4% year-on-year, and the penetration rate reached 4.2%. New energy commercial vehicles have entered a stage of rapid development.

With the opening of the market, remote vehicles also quickly seized the market in 2021, and through product and business model innovation, they quickly established the leading position in the new energy commercial vehicle industry, achieving an increase of 288% year-on-year overall sales for the whole year. Among them, the new energy heavy truck increased by 369.9%, ranking first in the industry in the target market of new energy heavy trucks; the new energy light truck increased by 460.6% year-on-year, and the sales volume ranked first in the industry; the zengcheng light truck increased by 372.0% year-on-year, maintaining an absolute market segment for three consecutive years.

With the rapid rise of innovation as the driving force, the new force of commercial vehicles, remote cars, has reached the top of the industry

Fan Xianjun, CEO of Geely Commercial Vehicle Group, said: "China has taken the lead in entering the intelligent all-scenario development cycle, and commercial vehicles have changed from a means of transport to an ecological fulcrum, becoming a pry operator of the transformation of the whole ecological chain. ”

Product innovation + model innovation, deepening the image of new forces in commercial vehicle manufacturing

In 2021, long-range vehicles break the tradition, from the perspective of the national double carbon strategy and users, through product innovation and model innovation, establish the positioning of new forces in commercial vehicle manufacturing, not only a substantial increase in sales, but also accelerate the process of new energy for commercial vehicles.

In 2021, the technical accumulation of long-range vehicles for many years has borne fruit, and the iterative upgrading of products around "green and intelligent" has shown a bright performance. Focusing on urban logistics, Remote Auto has created the first product based on the "expandable smart new energy light truck architecture". Based on the leading electronic and electrical architecture technology of passenger cars, the adaptive upgrade of commercial vehicles, in conjunction with the remote upgrade of domain controllers and OTAs, has set a new height for the commercial vehicle industry from "hardware-defined cars" to "software-defined cars", leading new energy commercial vehicles into the era of architecture and car manufacturing. For trunk logistics, it debuted the new energy intelligent luxury heavy truck remote Xinghan H, bringing drivers the experience of moving home, providing green and efficient solutions for the logistics industry, and leading the revolution of land transportation productivity. And received intentional orders from overseas markets such as Japan, Israel and Europe.

With the rapid rise of innovation as the driving force, the new force of commercial vehicles, remote cars, has reached the top of the industry

Since its inception, long-distance vehicles have taken R&D as the forerunner and the vision of "creating intelligent interconnection and leading green commercial" as the vision, formed a "12225" strategic framework, and created a unique new energy commercial vehicle development path. Entering the era of new commercial vehicles, commercial vehicles have begun to change from simple production tools to intelligent mobile transportation capacity, zero-carbon logistics carriers, and digital living spaces. Under this trend, remote cars have created the "1233" market ecology and led the industry forward with innovative business models.

Based on the vehicle business, Remote Auto has set up a green Huilian matching urban logistics scenario, a friendly matching heavy-duty truck logistics scenario, and Sunshine Mingdao to provide combined offline recyclable energy technology services. The three major platforms work together to achieve intelligent matching of people, vehicles, goods, stations and electricity in all scenarios, reducing costs and increasing efficiency for the logistics industry. Relying on the three major platform companies, we will gradually improve the synergy of the three elements of vehicle and cargo, vehicle and energy, and vehicle and environment. As an enabling platform for dealer operators and end customers, the three major platform companies comprehensively help partners develop new business models and service transformations.

Green Huilian plays an important role in the field of urban logistics, providing users with green operation, mobile Internet of Things co-matching system support, and new energy logistics vehicle life cycle management services, creating a new benchmark for the automotive logistics supply chain. In 2021, Green Huilian will operate 30+ cities, with business coverage of 100+ cities; postal, Debon, Jingdong and other mainstream major customers will be fully covered, and the fleet size will exceed 10,000 units, while creating a second curve Hui charging platform and accessing 300,000+ electric piles.

With the rapid rise of innovation as the driving force, the new force of commercial vehicles, remote cars, has reached the top of the industry

For trunk logistics, long-distance vehicles rely on all-weather friendliness and Sunshine Mingdao to create a green power generation model with complementary scenery and scenery to form distributed energy nodes, and gradually build a closed-loop business model of the front station and the rear plant, through cloud big data and vehicle networking technology, to open up the replacement of heavy trucks and super substations. In 2021, 16 heavy-duty truck replacement power stations will be built, and the market share will lead the industry.

Create the first in-line skateboard chassis and stand firm on the new track as a technology leader

2022 is a key year for the creation period of remote vehicles, Geely Commercial Vehicle Group CEO Fan Xianjun said: "Remote vehicles will take incremental product improvement as the policy, promote product updates around the core technology route and intelligent technology of new energy, create GLA, GHA, GMA exclusive expandable new energy architecture, and all models will enter the era of architecture car manufacturing." ”

In 2022, based on the exclusive GMA architecture of VAN models, remote cars will launch the StarShare brand and complete the brand matrix of remote cars Xinghan, Xingzhi, StarShare and Interstellar. In 2022, the My StarShare brand will release two products, one is the remote MyblogeneSyvest V, the leader in the large space, and the other is the world's first remote superVAN based on the chassis of the wire-controlled skateboard, which can be flexibly combined with the topsize, dual-use, and meet the needs of urban logistics full-scene and customization. The first digital magic cargo compartment, including B-pillar-free design, intelligent partition warehousing, cargo compartment environmental monitoring and other innovative functions, and can be equipped with L4 level intelligent driving and a new generation of intelligent cargo compartment, planned to be officially launched in 2023.

With the rapid rise of innovation as the driving force, the new force of commercial vehicles, remote cars, has reached the top of the industry

This year, Xinghan Heavy Truck will launch the G2 heavy truck products applied in advance by the parent body of Xinghan H technology based on the GHA architecture, with methanol and pure electricity exchange as the driving force, integrating electrification, intelligence, networking technology upgrades and passenger luxury comfort cockpits; the Xinghan brand will also launch an L4-class cockpitless autonomous driving tractor for closed scenarios such as ports to accelerate the industrialization of autonomous driving in the field of commercial vehicles.

With the rapid rise of innovation as the driving force, the new force of commercial vehicles, remote cars, has reached the top of the industry

In 2022, Xingzhi Light Truck will join the power of the extended range to meet the needs of more scenarios. In the future, it will also launch a 3.0-generation high-end intelligent logistics vehicle based on the exclusive architecture GLA of new energy light trucks. In the coming year, Star Bus will launch a 6-meter segment of buses and continue to enrich its product portfolio to cover the small bus market. The bus product line will also actively expand the overseas market layout, and interstellar products will achieve domestic and international breakthroughs.

With the rapid rise of innovation as the driving force, the new force of commercial vehicles, remote cars, has reached the top of the industry

Leading products need strong technical strength as a backing, in 2022, long-range vehicles will rely on the largest domestic new energy commercial vehicle research institute and Geely Holding Group Research Institute passenger car more than 20,000 huge R & D personnel technology accumulation and support, around the commercial vehicle new energy, intelligence, lightweight, forward-looking technology industrialization of the four directions of technological innovation. In terms of new energy, we will continue to develop methanol liquid hydrogen power and electric drive systems, expand a variety of power forms, and improve power efficiency. In terms of intelligence, important layouts will be made on the electrical and electronic architecture, intelligent driving, and intelligent cockpit. Lightweighting will focus on the combination of materials, structures and processes. The industrialization of forward-looking technology is the source power of long-range automobile technology innovation, and 21 breakthrough forward-looking technology industrialization research have been carried out so far, leading the new energy commercial vehicle technology.

With the rapid rise of innovation as the driving force, the new force of commercial vehicles, remote cars, has reached the top of the industry

Innovative business models lead the industry forward, and in 2022, remote vehicles will continue to promote the development of zero-carbon logistics based on innovative business models and ecological services as the core. In the field of trunk logistics, it will make all-round efforts in terms of intelligent power exchange, clean energy supply network, all-scenario customized services, intelligent operation platform, etc., to create a zero-carbon land transportation system; urban logistics is based on green Huilian, with the development goal of landing 50 cities and operating 500,000 vehicles; in terms of low-carbon circular manufacturing, remote vehicles have planned the development goals of low-carbon repair and remanufacturing core components of the whole vehicle, and created an industry-leading high-standard, intelligent green remanufacturing enterprise.

Facing the future, remote vehicles are actively transforming from traditional automobile manufacturers to intelligent green transportation technology integrated service providers, driving green development with scientific and technological innovation, boosting efficient logistics with smart transportation capacity, and leading the era of commercial vehicles.

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