
Triga Theatrical Edition: The evil Triga Identity Hammer, related to the blackening of Zeta Ultraman!

The villain of the evil Triga will appear in the Ultraman Theater Edition of Terrija, so how did he come about? Don't believe it, in fact, Zeta Ultraman's blackening is also related to him.

Triga Theatrical Edition: The evil Triga Identity Hammer, related to the blackening of Zeta Ultraman!

To be honest, the operation of round valley is indeed quite speechless, Terriga can exist at the same time as the dark Triga, and even fight together, and the result is an evil Triga, isn't this a nonsense? Of course, since Round Valley has been arranged in this way, it is useless for us to say anything, and the key problem now is that the strength of the evil Triga is really quite strong. In the trailer, Terrigal is strangled by the neck, which is not a good thing, perhaps Zeta Ultraman appeared in the play, the purpose is to help Terrigal deal with him. Unexpectedly, even Zeta Ultraman was blackened.

Triga Theatrical Edition: The evil Triga Identity Hammer, related to the blackening of Zeta Ultraman!

Zeta Ultraman's blackening is indeed a little different, Beria's blackening is obvious to everyone, and both eyes have turned red. But when you look at Zeta Ultraman again, only one eye has turned red, and the other one has not changed a bit. In fact, if you carefully analyze the trailer given by Round Valley, you can find the problem, perhaps the blackening of Zeta Ultraman has a lot to do with the evil Triga. It is estimated that behind them, there is really a pair of hands controlling everything, and it is obvious that the ultimate boss of the Ultraman Theater Edition of Terriga is really someone else.

Triga Theatrical Edition: The evil Triga Identity Hammer, related to the blackening of Zeta Ultraman!

In addition, there is news on the Internet that Round Valley plans to imitate the image of Gatanjae, arrange the ultimate monster for the "Teliga Ultraman Theater Edition", and even give him an image map. If this is the case, this monster must be very powerful, at least much stronger than the demon monster Megajee that Kalmila turned into. However, according to Round Valley's previous operations, behind the powerful monsters, there will often be an evil cosmic person controlling, it is estimated that this so-called new generation of Gatanjee, is summoned by the black hand behind the scenes. It's just that this mysterious figure, Round Valley, can't let us see who it is so early.

Triga Theatrical Edition: The evil Triga Identity Hammer, related to the blackening of Zeta Ultraman!

Although the traces of imitation in "Ultraman Ofteman" are very heavy, Round Valley still attaches great importance to Terica and arranges two stage plays for him. There was a stage play called "Super Ancient Secret Treasure" before, I believe that someone has heard of it, right? Even Gagula came out to fight with Triga, only to be choked up by Carmila. Anyway, now round valley arrangement is obvious, who does the supporting role who suffers, even Cyro Ultraman is the same, Telica in other Ultraman works, the same situation will be encountered.

Anyway, for the theatrical version of "Trega Ultraman", I don't look forward to much, even including next year's Dika Ultraman, it is quite annoying, when can Round Valley change a new routine? Is it interesting to always imitate?

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