
Regloss may be stronger than the Leo brothers; no TV protagonist O is that powerful!

Cough, as the broadcast time of Silver Grid 3 is getting closer and closer, the flower arm big brother who will be active in Silver Grid 3, the Cosmic Esper Fist Master, Regrow Ultraman, has more and more related topics, this big brother, ah, looks a little similar to leo brothers, as to whether Ragros will be L77 orphans, this remains to be examined. [The only evidence is that the Nareo transformed into a sound effect in the Silver Grid 3 trailer]

Regloss may be stronger than the Leo brothers; no TV protagonist O is that powerful!

Reglos' data

This Xin'ao data has always been what we want to know, and the data given by Round Valley is 52m in height, weighs 47,000 tons, where the ancestral home is unknown, the only known he is D60's Ao, good at the skill is the cosmic esper fist, which are electric shock white tiger fist, fire fire red dragon fist, and red dragon white tiger fist.

[That's not what I want!] 】

Regloss may be stronger than the Leo brothers; no TV protagonist O is that powerful!

I'm sorry, Round Valley has not given these now, if you take the Leo brothers who are good at hand-to-hand combat as a reference, then the data may be similar to the Leo brothers, or even stronger than the Leo brothers, or weaker than the Leo brothers.

The Leo brothers' fighting ability is much stronger than that of the general Ao, as the grandmaster of the Cosmic Esper Fist, the martial arts should not be bad, right? In the relevant stage plays of Silver Grid 3, Regloss once fought with Gatanjee, and also fought with Little Golden Man and Little Golden Bull, and in this Silver Grid 3, Ragrose will definitely fight with Little Golden Bull.

Regloss may be stronger than the Leo brothers; no TV protagonist O is that powerful!

[Since he is the grandmaster of the Cosmic Esper Fist, why was he caught by the Little Golden Man?] Could it be that Regloss is a reckless man? It all depends on how the content of the Silver Grid 3 drama is. 】

However, for Sakamoto: the data is only a meaning, and who is strong and who is weak is arranged according to the development of the plot. 【Combat power collapses daily!】 】

Those who don't have TV, the strength is quite strong

There are some protagonists Ao, they are not their own TV, these do not have their own TV O, can only go to other people's episodes to play soy sauce, but so many protagonists Ao, directly grab the protagonist of others to play a Cyro an O, from the beginning of the galaxy to the current Terica, as well as the upcoming push of Dyka, basically there will be Cyro appeared in the figure, either the theater version of the cameo, or is a TV cameo, the most powerful time to G&D TV on the spot to play their own TV. [Rob didn't have that year, ask is Cyro went to the Beauty of Light Girl Shed as a villain]

Regloss may be stronger than the Leo brothers; no TV protagonist O is that powerful!

Cyro not only has many cameos, but his own strength is also very strong, after all, it is taught by Leo himself + the support of Noah's big guy, in the official novel, the future Cyro can easily dominate the flow of time.

However, the consequence of too many appearances is to be cut, Cyro is actually very strong, if it is not to set off the protagonist Ao, then the protagonist O is Cyro.

Regloss may be stronger than the Leo brothers; no TV protagonist O is that powerful!

Now the pressure comes to Regloss, if Regloss behaves well, he may go to pick up Cyro's class later, and then one day he will meet the help of so-and-so gods, become one of the members of the universe's slippery club, and if Regloss is not popular enough, then he can only pull Cyro out to continue working.

Regloss may be stronger than the Leo brothers; no TV protagonist O is that powerful!

Well, the above is the content of this issue, I just said it, you just look at it, like and pay attention to these don't forget, we will see you in the next issue! CIAO~!

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