
"Iceland" tour of the "Gedürberg Basalt Column" and watch the girl in red climbing with her bare hands

author:Dragon Travels seven continents
"Iceland" tour of the "Gedürberg Basalt Column" and watch the girl in red climbing with her bare hands
"Iceland" tour of the "Gedürberg Basalt Column" and watch the girl in red climbing with her bare hands
"Iceland" tour of the "Gedürberg Basalt Column" and watch the girl in red climbing with her bare hands

Iceland's Gerduberg Clif is a landscape in Iceland. A row of perfectly shaped polygonal basalt columns, basalt columns that stretch along the cliffs on the south side of the Snӕfellsnes peninsula in western Iceland, are 7 to 14 meters high and stretch for about 1.5 kilometers, like a cliff wall lined up with stone pillars, which is quite spectacular.

"Iceland" tour of the "Gedürberg Basalt Column" and watch the girl in red climbing with her bare hands

The pillars are coarse-grained basalt rocks of diabase, all of which are in a regular polygonal shape, as if carved by hand. During a volcanic eruption tens of thousands of years ago, lava rivers rushed down the cliffs of this place with very equal flow. The sea water quickly cooled them, giving them this unique and unusual shape. Similar landforms can be found in Iceland, but they are relatively small.

It is more convenient to visit the Gedürburg basalt rock columns, which are only more than 40 kilometers away from Bogni and only 110 kilometers away from the capital Reykjavik, and the stone pillars are near the road, and you can get off the car and walk a short walk to the stone pillars.

When we arrived, the sun was shining, the stone pillars were full of small red flowers, and the blue sky was full of white clouds, which was very beautiful. Two girls dressed in red climbed with their bare hands between the highest stone pillars, they were light and strong, and they could easily climb up and down the cliffs of the stone pillars in just a few minutes, and their performances formed a beautiful landscape, which added a lot to our viewing of the basalt rock pillars.

"Iceland" tour of the "Gedürberg Basalt Column" and watch the girl in red climbing with her bare hands
"Iceland" tour of the "Gedürberg Basalt Column" and watch the girl in red climbing with her bare hands
"Iceland" tour of the "Gedürberg Basalt Column" and watch the girl in red climbing with her bare hands
"Iceland" tour of the "Gedürberg Basalt Column" and watch the girl in red climbing with her bare hands
"Iceland" tour of the "Gedürberg Basalt Column" and watch the girl in red climbing with her bare hands
"Iceland" tour of the "Gedürberg Basalt Column" and watch the girl in red climbing with her bare hands

There are many basalt columns in the world, the most famous and characteristic is the "Giant's Causeway" in Northern Ireland, which is the most famous columnar basalt structure in the world, consisting of a total of about 40,000 hexagonal stone pillars composed of 8 km of coast. The stone pillars are continuous and orderly, and extend into the sea in a stepped shape.

"Iceland" tour of the "Gedürberg Basalt Column" and watch the girl in red climbing with her bare hands

The Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland

"Iceland" tour of the "Gedürberg Basalt Column" and watch the girl in red climbing with her bare hands
"Iceland" tour of the "Gedürberg Basalt Column" and watch the girl in red climbing with her bare hands

In addition, it is widely recognized by tourists as the "Devil's Tower" in Wyoming, USA, and the entire "tower body" is made of basalt stone pillars, which is unique.

"Iceland" tour of the "Gedürberg Basalt Column" and watch the girl in red climbing with her bare hands

Devil's Tower, Wyoming, USA

"Iceland" tour of the "Gedürberg Basalt Column" and watch the girl in red climbing with her bare hands

In addition, the "coastal basalt rock column joints" in Jeju Island, South Korea, are also good similar landform landscapes.

"Iceland" tour of the "Gedürberg Basalt Column" and watch the girl in red climbing with her bare hands

Jeju Island's "coastal basalt column joints."

"Iceland" tour of the "Gedürberg Basalt Column" and watch the girl in red climbing with her bare hands

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