
At the age of 14, he starred in "The Girl in Red" and became a youth idol, and after studying abroad, he transformed many times, and what is the status quo

author:Entertainment and entertainment


I don't know if you remember the following very nice youth song: "We set foot on the path of the wilderness, and saw many new shoots spitting out on the small trees." Although it is hurried, hurried by, I always want to look back and look at each small tree. A new shoot is a dream, a new shoot is a shining pearl..."

This is the 1985 movie "Girl in Red" episode "Shining Pearl", when many young boys and girls will sing this song, and it can even be said that this song has grown up with the youth of many young people.

At the age of 14, he starred in "The Girl in Red" and became a youth idol, and after studying abroad, he transformed many times, and what is the status quo
At the age of 14, he starred in "The Girl in Red" and became a youth idol, and after studying abroad, he transformed many times, and what is the status quo

"The Girl in Red" is produced by Emei Film Studio, directed by Lu Xiaoya, and starring Zou Yitian, Luo Yan, Zhu Xu, Wang Pin, Huang Zongluo, Li Lan and so on. And generally 14-year-old girls are still studying in obscurity at school, but there is a 14-year-old girl who has become famous in the north and south of the river, she is the protagonist of this article, Zou Yitian.

The film tells the story of a girl who loves to wear red, Enron, during the selection of three good students. Due to its great influence, the film won the Best Feature Film Award at the 5th Golden Rooster Awards of Chinese Cinema in 1985, the Best Feature Film Award at the 8th Hundred Flowers Awards for Popular Films and the First Prize of the Ministry of Culture's 1984 Outstanding Film Award.

Among them, Zou Yitian played Enron. It is precisely because of her authentic performance that Zou Yitian became the youth idol and object of imitation of many teenagers, and she was also honored to appear on the cover of the 5th issue of Popular Movies in 1985.

At the age of 14, he starred in "The Girl in Red" and became a youth idol, and after studying abroad, he transformed many times, and what is the status quo
At the age of 14, he starred in "The Girl in Red" and became a youth idol, and after studying abroad, he transformed many times, and what is the status quo


Zou Yitian was born in Beijing in 1970 to senior architect parents. She learned to dance, sing and practice the piano since she was a child, but being able to make movies was something she and her parents never thought about.

Zou Yitian was able to participate in the film, relying on the famous director Lu Xiaoya. As a female director, Lu Xiaoya's first independent film was "The Girl in Red". Among them, the female number one, the ready-made film and television actors are not suitable, because this role is only 14 years old.

At the age of 14, he starred in "The Girl in Red" and became a youth idol, and after studying abroad, he transformed many times, and what is the status quo
At the age of 14, he starred in "The Girl in Red" and became a youth idol, and after studying abroad, he transformed many times, and what is the status quo

Lu Dao, who had no eyebrows, quietly walked into several middle schools in Beijing with the photographer, and she had to find a small actor herself. One day, they came to Beijing No. 8 Middle School, just in time for the students of the choir to perform for foreign guests, and one of the girls with a beautiful face caught her attention. At the end of the performance, she called the girl aside and let her perform a skit on the spot, which worked surprisingly well.

Zou Yitian, who is in his second year of junior high school, uncontroversially starred in Enron. Incredibly, the film, together with the "Red Dress on the Street" screened the previous year, became a leading fashion work, when girls wore red skirts in the summer and red down jackets in the winter, and Zou Yitian also became a youth idol of that era.

In 1988, Zou Yitian was admitted to the Acting Department of the Central Academy of Drama and became a college student in the Acting Department. During her studies, she played the class leader Ou Xia in the movie "Chinese Overlord Flower" and Xiao Sa in "Xiao Xue".

At the age of 14, he starred in "The Girl in Red" and became a youth idol, and after studying abroad, he transformed many times, and what is the status quo
At the age of 14, he starred in "The Girl in Red" and became a youth idol, and after studying abroad, he transformed many times, and what is the status quo

In 1992, after graduating, Zou Yitian entered the Central Experimental Drama Theatre as an actor. After that, he starred in film and television dramas such as "Black Fire", "Crazy Heart", "Daddy is a Chameleon", "Smoke and Rain", "Man River" and so on, but unfortunately, none of these film and television dramas surpassed "The Girl in Red".


Zou Yitian was getting farther and farther away from applause and flowers, so in 2001, she chose to go abroad for further study and major in mass communication at New York University in the United States. In response, she once said: "I don't like to wait, I don't like to be picked or evaluated." So, I want to try other lifestyles. Judging from her major, she has consciously faded out of the film and television circle.

After returning from studying in the United States, Zou Yitian did not choose to enter the film and television circle again, but entered Phoenix Satellite TV and stepped into the media industry, which is some distance from the actor industry. When he first arrived at Phoenix TV, Zou Yitian started from the information station's "There are newspapers and daily readings", and later cooperated with Dou Wentao in the talk show column "Threesomes", as well as TV programs such as "Eight Minutes of Opening Volume" and "Snaring the World".

At the age of 14, he starred in "The Girl in Red" and became a youth idol, and after studying abroad, he transformed many times, and what is the status quo
At the age of 14, he starred in "The Girl in Red" and became a youth idol, and after studying abroad, he transformed many times, and what is the status quo

In June 2008, Zou Yitian officially joined a social networking service website, responsible for his public relations and corporate affairs in China, and later became the editor-in-chief and senior marketing director of a fashion magazine.

However, even so, Zou Yitian still can't let go of her acting feelings. In 2004, Zou Yitian starred in "The Year of Hurry" starring Peng Yuyan and Ni Ni, in which she played a doctor, and in 2018, she participated in "Later Us" starring Jing Bairan and Zhou Dongyu, in which she played Ming Jie. Of course, in these two plays, she does not have many shots.

Today's Zou Yitian is 50 years old, she has gone from an ordinary international student to a transformation again and again, it seems that all of them are out of reach and unconventional, but this is the legendary Zou Yitian. She believes that only by changing can she become more courageous, more mature, more beautiful...

At the age of 14, he starred in "The Girl in Red" and became a youth idol, and after studying abroad, he transformed many times, and what is the status quo
At the age of 14, he starred in "The Girl in Red" and became a youth idol, and after studying abroad, he transformed many times, and what is the status quo

Wish Zou Yitian happiness and health!

[Friends who like old movies and old filmmakers, this is our common home.] The author will pay tribute to the classics with you, recall the glory of the filmmakers, and relive the good times of the past together. Please remember to pay attention to the "Entertainment Entertainment Tv" our small family, the United States will be sent to your mobile phone in time, luck will always haunt you! 】