
What did he do during the four nights with Anna?

author:Old Zhang was on the road
What did he do during the four nights with Anna?

What did he do during the four nights with Anna?

Text/Lao Zhang is on the road

Polish director Jez Skolimovsky's film "Four Nights with Anna" I bought home for more than a year before watching it, because I had seen the film's film reviews and spoken of its sadness.

We live in such an era, there are many sad things we have heard and witnessed, although many people have seen strange things and are commonplace, but why should we find unhappiness for ourselves from an old movie? That day, somehow, I turned over this plate from the cupboard, and it was put together exactly together with the American movie "Killing Left and Right", and I watched these two movies at the same time, the brutality and tragedy of "Killing Left and Right", and the loneliness and sadness of "Four Nights with Anna", which formed a strong contrast, which undoubtedly made this film have more touching power.

It is said that the film was shot in a poor area of Poland, and the plot is actually very simple, with few characters and not much dialogue. Those old houses, simple furniture, and dark skies made me, an exotic moviegoer, feel that there was no ugly film, and also let me understand that whether movies can be shot well and deeply, sometimes, money is not the most important. This movie story may be strange, and the sadness and loneliness that can penetrate deep into the bone marrow are the common experience of human beings, a true reproduction.

What did he do during the four nights with Anna?

The hospital's boiler burner Ocarasa's life is monotonous and closed, his boiler sometimes has to deal with the stumps of hospital surgery, when wandering around the forest, he will encounter dead cattle floating on the river, and once he also encountered rape incidents, and he did not stand up and choose to hide. The victim was his later crush, Nurse Anna. He was also identified as a suspect by the police for this.

After the death of her dependent grandmother, Ocarasa lost a ring in the boiler room, and the family suspected that Ocarasa had taken it, and the clumsy Okarasa could not speak clearly, and could only whisper helplessly to the boss repeatedly: "I did not steal." Later it turned out that the ring was not lost, and others wronged him. If he had escaped from his heavy burden, he had not thought of pursuing the responsibility of others for their false accusations.

The only light in Oclarassa's life came from nurse Anna, who had a telescope and he often peeked through the window in his room what was happening in Anna's room: she changed clothes, drank, partyed. He put his grandmother's sleeping pills in Anna's sugar jar, sneaked into Anna's house at night, sewed clothes for her, gently put her under her nose and sniffed, helped her trim the floor, washed the dishes placed under the tap, and watched over Anna's sleeping all night in a daze.

Ocarasa was unemployed, and he bought a ring with his boss's retirement salary and put a humble gift on Anna's hand on a night that no one knew. On the fifth day Ocalazar's whereabouts were exposed, awaiting him in addition to the official public trial, and Anna's refusal.

At the end of the film, Ocarasa comes out of prison. He came to the outside of Anna's room, and a high courtyard wall blocked his view.

What did he do during the four nights with Anna?

The screenplay was inspired by a news story about the world's rare events read by director Jez Skolimovsky in California, usa, which recorded the funny story of a young Japanese man who could not confess to the woman he liked because of shyness and could only take advantage of his slumber to peek into his private life space. Later, he had the idea of adapting the story into a movie.

The screenplay for the film was written by the director and his wife. Since the director started writing, he has been distracted from drawing, the task of writing is always handed over to his wife, and he only began to work hard six days before the deadline of the film company, and hurriedly completed the script.

"Four Nights with Anna" reminds me of Zhang Ailing's famous quote: "When I met him, she became very low and very low, low to the dust." But her heart was joyful, and flowers blossomed from the dust. "And a lot of humble love.

In Jin Yong's novel "The Tale of the Dragon Slaughtering in the Heavens", Gao Zecheng, an unknown pawn who was stunned by Xie Xun's roar, has always remembered the name of Yin Susu, who was shocked at first sight after becoming stupid.

The Russian writer Baustovsky, in his book The Golden Rose, Johann Samui, a cleaner in Paris, beat Suzanne into a small golden rose from the dust.

In "Selling Oil Lang Monopoly flower Kui", Zhu Zhong was attracted by the beauty of The Flower Queen's wife Xin Yaoqin, so he accumulated ten silver days and nights, and wanted to buy a beautiful woman for a spring supper. The old bustard hated him for selling oil, repeatedly pushed back, and later saw that he was sincere, so he taught him to wait for a few days and dressed as a Sven to come again. However, when it came to Mei Niang, the latter was drunk and thought that Zhu Zhong "was not a son with a name, took him, and was laughed at." But Zhu Zhong did not care, and served the drunken beautiful lady all night. The next day, when Mei Niang woke up drunk, she felt sorry, feeling that "it is rare that this good person, loyal, honest, and knowledgeable", but "unfortunately it is the generation of the city", "if it is a well-dressed child, I am willing to commit myself to it." "Give Back Zhu Zhong double the prostitute as a thank you."

What did he do during the four nights with Anna?

These loves, whether you are a talent like Zhang Ailing, or a body of oil smoke like Zhu Zhong, as long as you fall in love, and it is unequally in love with a person, then the end that awaits you can only be sad and humble. Just like the lady in "Dream of the Red Chamber" fell in love with Baoyu, Qingwen's sentence said: "The moon is rare, and the clouds are easy to disperse." The heart is higher than the sky, and the body is lowly. "The end is that he lost his life, and Baoyu can only be" Wang Sun Gongzi sighed. ”

However, in the world of love, who can say whether everyone's choice is right or wrong? Humble love is, in a sense, greater and less worldly. It transcends external things such as life, family, money, and power, and emphasizes the emotion itself, and is a living person.

Even his love doesn't need a response from the other person. I love you and you have nothing to do with you, even if you are humble to dust. Like Ocarasa, he goes to work during the day and sneaks into Anna's room at night. In the early morning, he rushed home with brisk steps like a stimulant. Later, in court, the humble man whispered and firmly said three words: "For love." ”

For love he whispered to Anna's shadow in the glass window: Happy Birthday; for love he carefully and breathlessly painted Anna with red toenails, and when he heard Anna's movements, he crouched under the bed like a dog; for love he sawed off the plank and replaced it with a glass window, and roasted it, just to see Anna on the other side.

What did he do during the four nights with Anna?

This is a love film, but it is not romantic, but it makes people want to cry. The tone and color of the film are gray, just like the gray and heavy plot, such as the hero's gray and lonely life.

"I'm not going to come here, I know it's not you, but I'm not coming again." Anna returned the ring, and there was a wall between them, firmly erected in the middle. How many people in a world full of desire and impetuousness can have enough patience to wait for a humble person, even if that person's love is so selfless.

(The picture in this article is a network information)

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