
Six or seven rooms apart for one suite? Very excessive! It has to be made public

author:Kunming Radio and Television Station

Be a good end of the cell

After more and more tenants

How will residents feel?

Six or seven rooms apart for one suite? Very excessive! It has to be made public

On the evening of June 22, the owners of the Yinhai Forest Community reported to us that some houses in the unit building were remodeled and rented out by the group, which affected everyone's life.

Six or seven rooms apart for one suite? Very excessive! It has to be made public

When the reporter came to the community, because the time was relatively late, most of the residents in the unit building were rested, and the house that the owner reflected that the renovation did not have a light.

Community residents: "Probably since November last year, I found that there are more people in the building, and at night in the same house, repeatedly in and out of people, and then after passing through the door, I saw inside, a house was about six or seven rooms apart, group rental and rental." ”

Six or seven rooms apart for one suite? Very excessive! It has to be made public

According to the owner of the community, the area of the renovated house is about 130 square meters, which was originally a maximum of four rooms, but after the transformation, there were several separate compartments.

Community residents: "You see, this side of this door into the living room, but it is separated by a door out, the left side of the door into the dining room, but also a separate door out, this also lined up the pipe, changed the electricity, in fact, there is a great fire hazard." ”

Six or seven rooms apart for one suite? Very excessive! It has to be made public

To this end, the owners reflected to the property management of the community, and the property management also reported the situation to the relevant departments.

Six or seven rooms apart for one suite? Very excessive! It has to be made public

Community residents: "Later, they also dismantled, just like rubbing the side ball, they broke the partition between the living room and the dining room, because this was in line with the regulations, they played the edge ball, but not long after, someone came to rent, and it was separated again." ”

Not only that, but in recent days, the owners have found that there is another house in the unit building doing a similar renovation, which makes them worried.

Community residents: "I think the impact is mainly two aspects, on the one hand is public security, on the other hand, fire protection, because it has changed the water and electricity, first of all, whether the electricity load will be exceeded, will it be charged with electric vehicle batteries, we are now the most sensitive topic, will not affect the fire, as well as security personnel in and out, in the end there is no implementation of the regulations on the management of rental personnel." ”

Six or seven rooms apart for one suite? Very excessive! It has to be made public


Does the community property management know about this situation?

If understood

Have you reported it to the relevant departments?

On the morning of June 23

The reporter came to the Silver Sea Forest Community again

Six or seven rooms apart for one suite? Very excessive! It has to be made public

Property management found that the living room of the residence was partitioned

Report immediately to the relevant departments

Accompanied by the property management staff, the reporter once again came to the five units of the eighth building of the community.

Residents reported that the 501 and 601 houses had been renovated, and the staff knocked on the doors, but no one answered.

Six or seven rooms apart for one suite? Very excessive! It has to be made public
Six or seven rooms apart for one suite? Very excessive! It has to be made public
Six or seven rooms apart for one suite? Very excessive! It has to be made public

The property manager said that in the past two days, they did find that 601 was undergoing renovation during the inspection process, and they saw that the living room of the house was separated into a room, so they immediately reflected it to the relevant departments.

Reporter talks to property management staff:

"There are security risks."

"Yes, how did you deal with it?"

"We report to the relevant departments and contact the owners."

"Which departments have been reported?"

"The housing construction side, as well as the police station side, have also reported it."

Six or seven rooms apart for one suite? Very excessive! It has to be made public

The reporter contacted the owner of 601 by phone, and the other party introduced that his house had been entrusted to the intermediary, and the intermediary separated the living room into a room, and he also knew about it.

Six or seven rooms apart for one suite? Very excessive! It has to be made public

Owner: "He signed a contract with me for a few years, he meant to rent out the house and sublet it, and if there is any impact on the community, I will reflect it with him." ”

It is understood that the 601 has not yet been occupied. The neighbors complained about the situation that 501 was rented by the group, and the property management also went to the door many times to investigate, but only found two residents.

Since they have no law enforcement power, they can only report the situation to the relevant departments.

Property management staff: "The staff of the housing construction has asked the owner to come and deal with this problem." ”

Six or seven rooms apart for one suite? Very excessive! It has to be made public

This article is original content, the copyright belongs to Kunming Radio and Television Station, without written authorization, reproduction, adaptation and use is prohibited.

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