
Toilets in China's subway stations: the amazement of foreigners and the pride of China

author:The bells jingle off

In China's subway stations, we often see such scenes: people are in a hurry, but the cleanliness and hygiene of the toilets are often impressive. Foreign tourists, in particular, are surprised and break through the moments, which not only show their appreciation for the progress of the city's civilization, but also reveal the seemingly small but ubiquitous details of the city's civilization.

As soon as you walk into a subway station toilet in China, you will find that it is as clean as new. There is not a single stain on the wall, the sink is smooth as a mirror, and the toilet is as clean as new. The air is filled with a faint fragrance that makes people feel very comfortable. The cleanliness and hygiene of these facilities all show that Chinese attach great importance to hygiene in public places.

Toilets in China's subway stations: the amazement of foreigners and the pride of China

The American tourist, who shared his personal experience on social media, said he was impressed by the toilets in China's subway stations. Not only was it well equipped, but it was also clean and tidy, which far exceeded his expectations. This sharing quickly struck a chord with netizens, and many foreign netizens expressed their surprise and admiration for the improvement of China's public facilities.

However, such an environment is not taken for granted. Behind the marvel and defensive moment of foreigners is the understanding and pursuit of urban civilization by Chinese. They understand that the degree of civilization of a city is not only reflected in the high-rise buildings and bustling streetscapes, but also in the details of public facilities. It is this attention to detail that makes China's metro toilets a place of wonder for foreign tourists.

Toilets in China's subway stations: the amazement of foreigners and the pride of China

Not only that, but the toilets in China's subway stations also embody respect and love between people. Here, everyone consciously observes public order and respects the space of others. Whether it's waiting in line or using the restroom, everyone is quiet and respectful. This kind of respect and care not only reflects the quality of the Chinese, but also reflects the harmony and progress of Chinese society.

Behind the improvement of toilets in China's subway stations is the progress of Chinese cities in the construction of public facilities, as well as the improvement of China's urban image and cultural heritage. As an important part of urban transportation, the perfection of subway facilities is not only related to the travel experience of citizens, but also an important embodiment of the degree of urban civilization.

Toilets in China's subway stations: the amazement of foreigners and the pride of China

The improvement of toilets in China's subway stations has also made the domestic people proud. This is not only because of the improvement of toilets in subway stations, but also because of the progress of urban management and urban development behind this improvement.

The improvement of toilets in China's subway stations is not only the improvement of hardware facilities, but also the embodiment of the progress of China's urban civilization. Behind this is the wisdom and efforts of China's city managers and the fruits of China's social development.

The improvement of toilets in China's subway stations has also made the domestic people proud. This is not only because of the improvement of toilets in subway stations, but also because of the progress of urban management and urban development behind this improvement.

The improvement of toilets in China's subway stations is not only a material level of improvement, but also a spiritual level of improvement. This kind of improvement has made the image of Chinese cities in the international community more good, and also made the development of Chinese cities more promising.

In the future, we have reason to believe that with the development of Chinese cities, China's public facilities construction will be more perfect, and China's urban image will be better. And the improvement of toilets in China's subway stations is just a microcosm of this process, a beginning.

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