
Broaden the electric track Dongfeng Nissan e-POWER accelerates the layout of electric drive

Author | Qi Tian Dasheng

Edited | windmill

Under the influence of the epidemic and chip problems, the downturn in the domestic automobile market is expected, but people's sorrows and joys are not the same as mergers, and the same is true for car companies. In the state of some car companies in the state of "unopening the pot", Dongfeng Nissan has controlled the basic disk with excellent sales results, and has shown strong market control with the annual sales of millions of sales.

Broaden the electric track Dongfeng Nissan e-POWER accelerates the layout of electric drive

According to the data, the seventh-generation Tianlai sold as many as 20,008 vehicles in December, with annual sales of 163741 vehicles, an increase of 38.7% year-on-year; Nissan Xuanyi, which dominates the car market, has set an amazing record of more than 510,000 vehicles in annual sales. In addition to the sedan market, in the SUV market, the Dongfeng Nissan SUV family sold 33,399 vehicles in December, and the cumulative sales volume from January to December reached 358065 units.

Obviously, in the downturn of the automobile market environment, Dongfeng Nissan still set an annual sales volume of more than one million, and this is the 7th consecutive year that the sales volume of Japanese product brand terminals exceeded one million, and the strong technical background and brand appeal still show dongfeng Nissan's market control.


Embrace customers Dongfeng Nissan marketing upgrade

The eye-catching sales results are not only the results brought about by Dongfeng Nissan's new products, but also the brand culture and marketing upgrades, which also bring about a promotion effect that cannot be ignored. In Dongfeng Nissan Corporate Culture 2.0, how to create the behavioral values of "creating value together and seeking common well-being", Dongfeng Nissan implements "embracing customers" as a behavioral value into the brand's development strategy, and practices the development of the brand through every work, every process and every communication.

Broaden the electric track Dongfeng Nissan e-POWER accelerates the layout of electric drive

Relying on the value of "embracing customers", Dongfeng Nissan has still realized the evergreen foundation of the brand under the sluggish market conditions, creating a unique competitive industrial chain from multiple channels of products, research and development, manufacturing, procurement, marketing, channels and services, and promoting the harmonious and sustainable development of manufacturers, consumers, distributors and suppliers.

Broaden the electric track Dongfeng Nissan e-POWER accelerates the layout of electric drive

At the same time, based on the value of "embracing customers", Dongfeng Nissan will also focus on the single direction of products, shift to the construction of an "ecosystem", and shape the future development strategy from the aspect of brand culture with the "people, cars and life" smart travel ecosystem, providing a goal for the future sustainable development of Dongfeng Nissan.


Expand the new energy track e-POWER technology landing

In addition to marketing and branding, technology is also the basis of the enterprise, as a world-renowned car company, "Technology Nissan" is Nissan's label, in the field of fuel vehicles not only has a series of achievements such as high-performance supercar GTR, VC-TURBO super variable engine, etc., in the new energy era, Dongfeng Nissan also came up with e-POWER and Zero Emission two technical pillars to support the development of Dongfeng Nissan in the field of new energy.

Broaden the electric track Dongfeng Nissan e-POWER accelerates the layout of electric drive

In particular, Dongfeng Nissan's e-POWER technology, which has just been put on the market, has made Nissan go out of the technical path different from Toyota and Honda. From the perspective of e-POWER technology, it is neither pure electricity nor hybrid, and even different from traditional extender hybridization. In fact, Nissan's e-POWER technology is a subversive fusion technology, with four major advantages: fast, smooth, quiet and provincial.

This system consists of an engine, a motor, a battery and an inverter, in which the engine is only responsible for generating electricity and the electric motor is only responsible for driving, and the division of labor is clear. The thermal efficiency of the engine is as high as 43%, the efficiency of the generator has reached 90%, and the high-efficiency power generation system can achieve the ability to eliminate the need for large-capacity batteries as energy backup.

Broaden the electric track Dongfeng Nissan e-POWER accelerates the layout of electric drive

With a battery capacity of only 1.5kWh, the e-POWER battery does not look comparable compared to the 40.5kWh battery pack of the ideal ONE on the market. However, this small battery has a very high technical content, efficient flash charging and flashing ability, so that this small battery can support the daily needs of e-POWER vehicles, and the small battery also brings a lighter curb weight, which can greatly reduce the unit power consumption.

With the blessing of a number of "black technology", the fuel consumption of e-POWER China's first model in the urban area is only 3.9 liters, and the extreme fuel consumption has achieved an amazing result of 2.4 liters /100 kilometers, filling a tank of fuel, e-POWER China's first model can continuously travel more than 1700 kilometers.

Broaden the electric track Dongfeng Nissan e-POWER accelerates the layout of electric drive


Conclusion: The arrival of e-POWER technology makes Dongfeng Nissan more aggressive in the field of new energy, using the two major technical routes of e-POWER and Zero Emission Nissan Pure Electricity, Dongfeng Nissan will further develop the new energy track, above the height of more than one million sales in 2021, fully demonstrate Dongfeng Nissan's control of the market and the foundation of technology, and bring more high-quality services to consumers.

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