
The expansion of the SCO is imminent, and Modi went to the G7 to change his mind and skip the SCO summit for the reason that it is related to China

author:Tayanagi Talk

In July, the most important event should be the SCO summit. Judging from the agenda of the meeting, this year's SCO summit will be held in Astana on July 3-4, and there is a high probability that high-level Chinese and Russian leaders will attend. One of the tasks to be accomplished at this summit is that Belarus will officially become a member of the SCO.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has already made a trip to Minsk in advance and explained to Lukashenko in person that Belarus will definitely be accepted at this summit. At the same time, he also revealed that the BRICS decided to suspend the recruitment of new people.

If the suspension of the BRICS is a stone that has stirred up a thousand waves, then Indian Prime Minister Modi's refusal to attend the SCO summit has given Russia a "slap in the face".

The expansion of the SCO is imminent, and Modi went to the G7 to change his mind and skip the SCO summit for the reason that it is related to China


It can be said that Russia is the country that has been most active in promoting Belarus' accession to the SCO, and all the agreements on Belarus' "joining the group" have been implemented. So why did Modi miss the SCO summit at this time?

First of all, according to a spokesman for the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Indian delegation will be led by Foreign Minister S Jaishankar, and Modi's non-attendance at the SCO summit may be due to tensions between China and India. The implication is that India does not want to engage with China.

In fact, India has repeatedly prevaricated the tension between China and India. When China called for the resumption of direct passenger flights between China and India, the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs demanded that the Sino-Indian border issue be resolved first, otherwise everything would be impossible. When Russia proposed to hold a trilateral meeting between China, Russia and India, India again refused, declaring that the Sino-Indian border tensions must first be comprehensively resolved.

The expansion of the SCO is imminent, and Modi went to the G7 to change his mind and skip the SCO summit for the reason that it is related to China


It is not difficult to see from this that the Indian government is bound to talk about Sino-Indian relations, but this is obviously just an excuse.

Secondly, judging from what happened before and after, it can be found that this is related to the United States. Modi's re-election this time is not pretty, and immediately after being elected, Modi personally went to Italy to attend the G7 summit, and the meaning of currying favor with the United States and the West is very obvious. It was after returning from Italy that Modi changed his mind and informed Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev that he did not plan to attend the SCO summit.

In addition, in the past few days, Russia has revealed that Modi will visit Moscow in July to meet with Putin. Subsequently, the United States immediately attacked India, first threatening to affect US-India cooperation, and then releasing the "2023 World Report on Freedom of Religion or Belief" to criticize India.

The expansion of the SCO is imminent, and Modi went to the G7 to change his mind and skip the SCO summit for the reason that it is related to China


To sum up, Modi's drawing of a clear line with the SCO is clearly an explanation to the United States and a manifestation of India's pro-American attitude towards the West.

In the end, India has always been half-hearted, although it is inside the SCO, its heart is towards the Western club, and it has always been a "-stirring stick" within the BRICS and the SCO.

Modi's absence from the SCO summit, the tension between China and India and the curry favor with the United States are all superficial reasons, but the fundamental reason is that India has always acted as a "traitor" of the West and does not want the BRICS and the SCO to become bigger and stronger.

The expansion of the SCO is imminent, and Modi went to the G7 to change his mind and skip the SCO summit for the reason that it is related to China

SCO Summit

Take the BRICS expansion as an example. At last year's BRICS summit to discuss the admission of Saudi Arabia and other new members, India was the first to oppose it, demanding strict rules for other countries to join without formal expansion.

In the view of the Modi government, if the BRICS is expanded, India's position and voice will be diluted. Moreover, the West has been worried that the BRICS may compete with the G7, and India is also willing to act as a "goalkeeper".

This time, the SCO discussed the expansion of members, and Modi made a whole moth halfway, which is also a similar logic, wanting to act as a "roadblock". However, India's actions are destined not to last long, and will only allow itself to be kicked out of the game, and there will be no benefit from any end.


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