
Miss Hui Ye's explosive OVA launch: B station to watch the film no longer exists, actually some people are looking forward to the introduction?

author:Kishi Huishin

Two or three years ago, many people would complain that watching a film at station B was just around the corner, because they could see a lot of wonderful content, or retain the only remaining features of the small broken station, even if the B station changed into the feeling of "getting out of the second dimension". However, this only remaining feature was quickly broken, not to mention that watching the film is just around the corner, even normal content is difficult to see, here refers to the normal content that teenagers can also watch under proper guidance, and even a little higher ordinary GHS, which is the so-called kill must die.

Miss Hui Ye's explosive OVA launch: B station to watch the film no longer exists, actually some people are looking forward to the introduction?

And in the Japanese comics often appear to kill and die back, there must be three places - hot springs, pools and seaside, since the ancient seven or eight laws can always make the work find a reason to go to these three places for plot development, sometimes the official in order to promote the sales of the original work or make money through the disc, put these contents in the OVA or OAD, then the content restrictions will be greater release, after all, TV animation also has a lot of restrictions, can not easily cross the line, but in the OVA or OAD can have a wider creative space.

Miss Hui Ye's explosive OVA launch: B station to watch the film no longer exists, actually some people are looking forward to the introduction?

Super popular love fan "Miss Hui Ye wants me to confess" officially announced the news of the OVA release recently, and it is bundled with the 22nd volume of the manga for sale, the promotion of PV will especially do things (GHS), "dream story that is considered impossible to animate", "forbidden OVA" and other promotional slogans are just the beginning, combined with the PV screen is the highlight, that kind of Q bomb is wonderful, so we conclude that this is an OVA full of killing and death, which can attract otaku to start.

Miss Hui Ye's explosive OVA launch: B station to watch the film no longer exists, actually some people are looking forward to the introduction?

Among them, PV mentions that RS is unbanned, like "Blood Eater" OVA has taken this as an ordinary picture, there is no paladin at all, as for whether miss Hui Ye OVA can do this, Xiaobian still does not believe that the production team will make this super popular love fan like this, even in the official derivative version of the comic, it will always be hovering between the edges and will not cross the line, so this PV text description part is the reason for the mysterious, we can only believe that the picture that appears in the PV will not be less.

Miss Hui Ye's explosive OVA launch: B station to watch the film no longer exists, actually some people are looking forward to the introduction?

Xiaobian turned over several video comment areas of the B station to upload the PV, and many people will ask if this can be reviewed? If it is last year and before, this degree of OVA should not be a big problem, "In the Dungeon Seeking Encounters Is There Something Wrong" The first season of OVA Onsen Hui was not introduced, and the second season of OVA Beach Hui was introduced, which is really a bit wonderful, but the third season of OVA Onsen Hui does not have to think about it, because there are still several unaired spring new fans, and the times have changed.

Miss Hui Ye's explosive OVA launch: B station to watch the film no longer exists, actually some people are looking forward to the introduction?

Therefore, like this kind of OVA full of killing and death, you can still expect the B station to introduce and play in the past, but now, let alone just around the corner, you don't have to think about how likely it is.