
Yi Zhou Shadow Affair | John Carpenter won the Golden Carriage Award at the Cannes Film Festival

author:Huayi Brothers Movie

► Shadow of the week

The 9th Beijing International Film Festival held a press conference

Announcement of the jury, shortlisted films and opening and closing films

Yi Zhou Shadow Affair | John Carpenter won the Golden Carriage Award at the Cannes Film Festival

The 9th Beijing International Film Festival held a second press conference to announce the chairman of the international jury and the members of the jury of the main competition unit "Temple of Heaven Award". The chairman is the American director Rob Minkov, and the jury members are Chilean director Silvio Gaiyozzi, Chinese director Cao Baoping, Russian director Sergei Devatswoy, Hong Kong actor Liu Jialing, Iranian director Majid Majidi and British director Simon West.

At the press conference, the Organizing Committee of the Beijing Film Festival also announced the 15 shortlisted films of this year's "Temple of Heaven Award", of which the Chinese and Kazakh co-production "The Musician" starring Hu Jun and Yuan Quan will be the opening film to kick off the film festival.

Yi Zhou Shadow Affair | John Carpenter won the Golden Carriage Award at the Cannes Film Festival

In addition, the poster of the 9th Beijing International Film Festival was also announced on the official micro-blog last week.

The official poster of the Cannes Film Festival "Director's Fortnight" has been unveiled

Horror guru John Carpenter won the Golden Carriage Award

Yi Zhou Shadow Affair | John Carpenter won the Golden Carriage Award at the Cannes Film Festival

The official poster of the parallel section of the 72nd Cannes Film Festival "51st Directors' Fortnight" has been unveiled. This year's "Directors' Fortnight" will open on May 15, and the opening film will be the comedy "Deer" written and directed by French director Quentin Dupijo. The film is played by the famous French actress Jean Dujardin, who won the Oscar for best actor for "The Artist", and the female lead is played by Adèle Harnell, who won the 40th French César Award for Best Actress for "First Love Warrior".

Yi Zhou Shadow Affair | John Carpenter won the Golden Carriage Award at the Cannes Film Festival

In addition, this year's "Director's Biweek" has announced that this year's Golden Carriage Award will be awarded to John Carpenter, the "master of horror" who has directed classic horror films such as "Moonlight Panic" and "Halloween".

Korea Baeksang Art Awards announces nominations

"Burning" and "Poison War" won six nominations

Yi Zhou Shadow Affair | John Carpenter won the Golden Carriage Award at the Cannes Film Festival

The 55th Korea Baeksang Art Awards, known as the "Oscars of Korea", announced the list of nominees for this year. In terms of movies, "Burning" directed by Li Cangdong and "Drug War" directed by Li Haiying won 6 nominations respectively. In addition to being nominated for Best Picture and Best Director, "Burning" was nominated for Best Actor, Steven Yuan was nominated for Best Supporting Actor, Jeon Jong-sui was nominated for Best Newcomer Actress, and the film was also nominated for Best Cinematography.

Yi Zhou Shadow Affair | John Carpenter won the Golden Carriage Award at the Cannes Film Festival

This year's Baeksang Art Awards will be nominated for local feature films released in South Korea from April 1, 2018 to April 4, 2019, and the final results will be announced on May 1, 2019.

The Firebird Award at the Hong Kong International Film Festival was announced

"The First Parting" won the Best Picture in the Rookie Section

Yi Zhou Shadow Affair | John Carpenter won the Golden Carriage Award at the Cannes Film Festival

The 43rd Hong Kong International Film Festival Firebird Awards were recently announced, and the film "The First Parting" directed by mainland director Wang Lina won the best film in the rookie film competition (Chinese) unit, and Huang Yao, the actress who played the actress in the film "Over the Spring", won the best actress award.

Yi Zhou Shadow Affair | John Carpenter won the Golden Carriage Award at the Cannes Film Festival
Yi Zhou Shadow Affair | John Carpenter won the Golden Carriage Award at the Cannes Film Festival

The jury of the unit consisted of director Jiang Wen, actor Leung Ka Fai and film scholar Jiao Xiongping. In addition, the "International Film Critics League Award" of this year's Hong Kong International Film Festival was awarded to the Indian film "Holy Mountain".

Joker released poster and teaser trailer

It will be released in North America on October 4

Yi Zhou Shadow Affair | John Carpenter won the Golden Carriage Award at the Cannes Film Festival

The film "Joker", based on the DC comic of the same name, recently exposed the world's first poster and trailer for the first time.

The story of the movie "Joker" will be independent of the DC Extended Universe, set in the 1980s, telling the story of a talk show comedian who has gradually lost his mind due to the difficulties of life, who begins to commit a crime madness in Gotham City, and eventually becomes Batman's nemesis "Joker".

The film was directed by Todd Phillips, the director of The Hangover, who wrote the screenplay alongside screenwriter Scott Silver. Jacqueline Phoenix plays the protagonist "Joker" in the film, and other starring actors include Robert de Niro and Sagitte Baez. The film is scheduled to be released on October 4, 2019.

Hellboy: Rise of the Blood Queen reveals new stills

The film will be released in North America on April 12

Yi Zhou Shadow Affair | John Carpenter won the Golden Carriage Award at the Cannes Film Festival

New stills have been revealed for Hellboy: Rise of the Blood Queen, which will be released in North America on April 12. The film is directed by Neil Marshall, director who has previously directed the American dramas "Westworld" and "Game of Thrones". In addition to David Hubble, who starred in Stranger Things, Ian McChorthorn will play the supernaturalist Professor Bloom, while Mila Jovovich will play the film's main villain, the Blood Queen.

► Coming soon

"I Care About You"

April 12, 2019 (China)

Yi Zhou Shadow Affair | John Carpenter won the Golden Carriage Award at the Cannes Film Festival

Based on Teresa Teng's song "I Only Care About You", the film "I Care About You" is directed by Bi Guozhi and starring Yu Feihong and Takao Osawa.

Focusing on urban women, the film spans Beijing and Hokkaido, telling the story of a woman who grows and redeems herself in the face of different choices. Yuan Yuan, a well-known female designer in China played by Yu Feihong, returned from studying in Japan. However, Yuan Yuan, who seems to be a winner in life, always hides a knot in his heart that is difficult to let go. When encountering a career bottleneck, the sudden appearance of a Japanese girl breaks Yuan Yuan's originally calm life, and a mysterious past about Hokkaido also unfolds.

"When the Prayer Ends"

Yi Zhou Shadow Affair | John Carpenter won the Golden Carriage Award at the Cannes Film Festival

Based on the work of the same name by the famous Japanese mystery novelist Keigo Higashino, the film "When the Prayer Ends" is the finale of the "Kaga Kyoichiro Series", directed by Katsuo Fukuzawa, starring Hiroshi Abe, Co-starring Naoko Matsushima, Junpei Mizobata, and Reina Tanaka, telling the story of Kyoichiro Kaga, a criminal police officer played by Hiroshi Abe, who discovers the truth about his mother while investigating a female murder case.

The story of "When the Prayer Ends" is not only full of suspense and fascinating, but also adds delicate and real family bonds, the film is deeply moving and intriguing.

The Game of Desire

Yi Zhou Shadow Affair | John Carpenter won the Golden Carriage Award at the Cannes Film Festival

Actor Guo Tao's directorial debut "Desire Game" is set in the future, telling that in 2020, Guo Tao played a prominent figure in the field of intelligent technology, who decided to stay away from the hustle and bustle after experiencing the pain of losing his daughter, but an accident made him inexplicably become a "murder fugitive". In the process of exploring the truth, he found that the wife played by Mei Ting and the good brother played by Fan Wei were inextricably linked to this matter, and a brain-burning war about technology began.

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