
Urging to buy a house to no avail? The country is in earnest! After July, real estate will usher in 5 new trends!

author:I'll entertain you

With the scorching summer sun shining, the real estate market has also ushered in an unprecedented transformation. Since July, the new policies launched by the state have been like a clear stream, washing every corner of the entire industry. This change is not only an adjustment at the policy level, but also a reshuffle of the entire industry ecology. How will this change affect our lives and investment choices? Let's take a look at these five new trends!

Urging to buy a house to no avail? The country is in earnest! After July, real estate will usher in 5 new trends!

First, the rental and sales at the same time, the market diversification

In the past, buying a house was almost every family's top priority, but with the introduction of the country's policy of renting and selling at the same time, renting has begun to become the choice of more and more people. This policy not only revitalizes existing listings and allows many vacant listings to re-enter the market, but also brings new life to the rental market. Developers have shifted their business models from pure sales to both rental and sales, making the market more diversified.

Urging to buy a house to no avail? The country is in earnest! After July, real estate will usher in 5 new trends!

Imagine a future where you no longer have to be burdened with a heavy mortgage, you only need to pay a certain amount of rent, and you can enjoy the same living experience as buying a house. Such a lifestyle undoubtedly brings more options to families who are unwilling or unable to buy a new home.

Urging to buy a house to no avail? The country is in earnest! After July, real estate will usher in 5 new trends!

Second, the affordable housing policy warms low-income families

In this real estate policy adjustment, the promotion of the affordable housing policy is also a highlight. We strongly support the housing problems of low-income families by providing housing at below-market prices. This not only reflects the government's concern for people's livelihood, but also indicates the fairness and rationality of the real estate market in the future.

Urging to buy a house to no avail? The country is in earnest! After July, real estate will usher in 5 new trends!

Driven by affordable housing policies, more and more low-income families will have the opportunity to own their own homes. They no longer have to run around for a place to stay, and they no longer have to endure the pressure of high rents. Such a change will undoubtedly make the whole society more harmonious and stable.

Urging to buy a house to no avail? The country is in earnest! After July, real estate will usher in 5 new trends!

Third, the restructuring of real estate enterprises and the reshuffle of the market

With the change of the real estate market, the living environment of real estate enterprises has also experienced a great test. The problem of capital chain has become a common phenomenon, coupled with the continuous change of the market environment, many companies are facing the pressure of restructuring or even bankruptcy. This reshuffle has made some powerful real estate companies stand out, and at the same time, some companies that do not adapt to market changes have left the market.

Urging to buy a house to no avail? The country is in earnest! After July, real estate will usher in 5 new trends!

For home buyers, this means that they need to be more cautious when choosing property developers in the future. Only by choosing those strong and reputable real estate companies can we ensure that our rights and interests are not harmed.

Urging to buy a house to no avail? The country is in earnest! After July, real estate will usher in 5 new trends!

Fourth, the rental market is active, and the concept of buying a house has changed

Driven by policies, the rental market has gradually become active. More and more young people are choosing to rent a house, and they no longer regard buying a house as their only goal, but pay more attention to the quality of life and living experience. This change in perception will undoubtedly have a profound impact on the real estate market.

Urging to buy a house to no avail? The country is in earnest! After July, real estate will usher in 5 new trends!

For developers, they need to pay more attention to the quality of products and service improvement to meet the needs of tenants. They also need to pay more attention to changes in the rental market to adjust their business models and business strategies.

Urging to buy a house to no avail? The country is in earnest! After July, real estate will usher in 5 new trends!

Fifth, the construction of affordable housing has accelerated, and the market has become fairer

Driven by policies, the construction of affordable housing is also accelerating. The government plans to increase the market share of affordable housing to 20% by the end of next year. This means that more low-income families will be able to enjoy the housing security provided by the government in the future.

Urging to buy a house to no avail? The country is in earnest! After July, real estate will usher in 5 new trends!

As home buyers, we need to be more careful in our selection of property developers and listings; As tenants, we need to pay more attention to the quality of life and living experience; As real estate developers, we need to pay more attention to the improvement of product quality and service to cope with market changes.

Urging to buy a house to no avail? The country is in earnest! After July, real estate will usher in 5 new trends!

Are you ready for this change? What do you think of this revolution in the real estate market? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss!

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