
Chinese parents have been "accompanying" for an average of 12 years, why do you always pay zero in the new semester?

Chinese parents have been "accompanying" for an average of 12 years, why do you always pay zero in the new semester?

The first week of school made Lulu's mother worry...

Accustomed to the relaxation of the summer vacation, Lu Lu's homework was not completed in 5 hours.

Coming home from school, probably because of the freshness, Lu Lu actively began to copy words, writing very carefully, and if she was not satisfied, she had to erase them and start over. But she was very inattentive, and she would go to the toilet and pour water to drink. Back and forth, it took 2 hours just to simply copy.

Chinese parents have been "accompanying" for an average of 12 years, why do you always pay zero in the new semester?

By the time she pulled out her math homework, her eyelids were already fighting. The result is that I can't think of a problem for half a day. At this time, Lu Lu's mother woke up: she had taught her children last semester, and she had to complete the homework that required her brain.

The study habits that have been cultivated so hard seem to disappear in a summer vacation. Do you have to correct your child's problems from scratch and cultivate the habit of learning and homework? I feel tired thinking about it.

Chinese parents have been "accompanying" for an average of 12 years, why do you always pay zero in the new semester?

Lulu's father comforted her: "Just started school, in another week or two."

She said: "I went to pick up the child early today, and when I looked out the window, the other children were energetic and sitting straight, but Lulu kept yawning and playing with the newly purchased eraser." This child's heart dispersed as soon as he took a vacation, and he used to report that the closing class still had some effect, but now he can't get it back..."

01 The Strange Circle of Accompanying Reading

The root cause is the child's dependence

In addition to receiving her heart, Lu Lu's mother also fell into a strange circle in her learning habits. She bought a lot of books on parenting and learning methods, and she thinks and practices every day. When she meets the parents of the "cow baby", she will also humbly ask for advice.

And it's often laborious to practice. For example, children are not willing to do difficult homework first, like "first sweet and then bitter"; do not understand the memory curve, refuse to memorize words 3 times; have no concept of time, read books hate to be interrupted, and often delay homework.

Chinese parents have been "accompanying" for an average of 12 years, why do you always pay zero in the new semester?

In the third grade, LuLu couldn't keep up. Reluctantly, she began to "take over" the child's learning completely, she made detailed planning for the child, and officially opened her "accompanying reading" career...

The results are immediate. After surviving the painful run-in period of "homework to 12 o'clock" and "memorizing to tears", Lu Lu's results successfully caught up with the large troops.

Chinese parents have been "accompanying" for an average of 12 years, why do you always pay zero in the new semester?

In the summer, Lu Lu's mother hopes to let her children be free, only assign the amount of homework per day, and ignore everything else. In addition to soft heart, more is tired. And the child's learning state, actually a holiday to hit the prototype ...

When she was two weeks away from the summer vacation, she suddenly found that LuLu was only less than half complete. It turns out that good habits and self-control are so fragile without the supervision of the mother.

From kindergarten to junior high school, Chinese parents have been "accompanying" for an average of 12 years, and the length of time and front line is very rare in the world. Our children, if not the smartest, can't be the most stupid, so why do parents need to worry about it for so long?

02 New challenges, new requirements

It is not easy to develop the ability to learn

Now the competition is getting more and more fierce, the temptation is getting bigger and bigger, and once it starts, it can't be stopped.

Television and novels that "plagued" our generation in the past still seem very friendly and restrained. At that time, even if a person is energetic, the TV show will end, the novel will end, and he will have to stop and do something serious.

Chinese parents have been "accompanying" for an average of 12 years, why do you always pay zero in the new semester?

Now it was as if all the limiters had been unlocked. As long as you have a mobile phone, you can connect to the internet to see unlimited content:

In today's headlines, the content is unlimited;

Young people like vibrato, slide down to see the next video, never ending;

In the game, the button at the end is often not "end", but "another round".

Beneath the infinite content, there is endless guidance: grasping for psychological weaknesses and making you keep clicking "Next". Even adults can easily be eroded by these apps for a few hours a day, let alone children?

On another level, these short and fast content lack depth and will also make children "stupid". Watching paragraphs, pictures and short videos for a long time will make children lazy to think and impatient. This is also the reason why more and more people do not like to read famous classics.

Chinese parents have been "accompanying" for an average of 12 years, why do you always pay zero in the new semester?

Chinese play on average on their phones for 5 hours a day

In addition, the mainland is about to fully implement the new college entrance examination, adopting a new model of "college entrance examination + academic examination + comprehensive quality", and the college entrance examination is no longer a few examinations, but a race that begins from the first year of high school. The counterattack in the third year of high school will become a calendar.

Chinese parents have been "accompanying" for an average of 12 years, why do you always pay zero in the new semester?

A brief diagram of the new college entrance examination rules, source Sohu Education

How to resist temptation and cope with new challenges has become the common proposition of this generation of parents. Our advice is to get rid of the meritocracy and focus on cultivating learning ability. Children who master learning have the following characteristics:

Awareness of proactive planning. Rationally face learning, arrange time, and achieve a balance between learning and entertainment, in order not to give up easily in the long run of life;

Efficient approach. In addition to saving time, the correct method can also enhance children's self-confidence and maintain a good learning state;

Eager to grow. For them, learning is not a pain, and they enjoy the joy of growing up.

03 Good habits

It's just one part of the learning ability

During an offline class in Beijing, the lead teacher said: "It is important to cultivate learning habits, but it is only part of the child's learning ability. Learning is a super system, and without a clear structure and upgrade path, it is easy to waste effort. ”

For example, when cultivating children's reading ability, it is necessary to mobilize children's memory, concentration and other abilities, so as to continuously consolidate the foundation.

Chinese parents have been "accompanying" for an average of 12 years, why do you always pay zero in the new semester?

A pyramid system of learning power

The learning ability cultivation with an upgrade path can expand the boundaries of children's abilities step by step and better lay a solid foundation. How to let children take the initiative to learn and learn scientifically? Hear what she has to say:

Chinese parents have been "accompanying" for an average of 12 years, why do you always pay zero in the new semester?

Hello everyone, I am Sunny Day Mother, Guo Yushan.

After graduating from Peking University, I was once a poor student, with grades counting down in the class, procrastinating homework, and lack of concentration. At one time, he was identified by his teacher as a child who "can't learn", and at that time he was really tired of learning. When I was 11 years old, I asked my parents, "Why do people want to learn?" Why do people live? ”

They were the first parent-child counselors in China, and after thinking about it for two days, they actually gave me an "offer": to join their team. They wanted me to be exposed to the adult world outside of my current life.

Chinese parents have been "accompanying" for an average of 12 years, why do you always pay zero in the new semester?

At that time, I needed to go to the camp to work as a teaching assistant volunteer, and after contacting many people, I found that in fact, every child and every family had a lot of problems. Because I have to do a lot of things outside of studying, I need to learn the textbook in a limited time, and my grades cannot be bad.

Because if the grades were not good enough, the first was that Mom and Dad's team would not continue to "hire" me, which meant that I had no pocket money; the second was that the teacher would forbid me to participate in extracurricular activities. This gave me pressure and a sense of purpose, and in the process of delving into the learning method, my grades improved rapidly, from the bottom to the top few in the class.

Chinese parents have been "accompanying" for an average of 12 years, why do you always pay zero in the new semester?

My study of learning methods and contact with a large number of families and teenagers have laid the foundation for future parent-child counseling and learning research. After mastering the method, learning became no longer painful, and the thirst for knowledge motivated me to keep improving.

In 2008, I was admitted to Hong Kong Baptist University, and in 2015, I entered Peking University to study for a master's degree, and I have been engaged in research in education and psychology. Now, I am still a mother of 3 children, and in the process of raising children, I have a deeper understanding of learning.

Chinese parents have been "accompanying" for an average of 12 years, why do you always pay zero in the new semester?

In the process of raising 3 children, I found that learning ability is not so difficult, it has nothing to do with IQ, and it has nothing to do with school.

Combining 11 years of family counseling and 20 years of volunteer experience, I systematically deconstructed my learning ability and split into 13 core competencies. After 12 months of repeated polishing and testing, this set of "Pyramid Ability System: Play super learning ability" is online!

Chinese parents have been "accompanying" for an average of 12 years, why do you always pay zero in the new semester?

04 You can't miss this course

Five reasons

Famous people commented on her

Chinese parents have been "accompanying" for an average of 12 years, why do you always pay zero in the new semester?

She is a guest consultant on more than 100 authoritative platforms

Chinese parents have been "accompanying" for an average of 12 years, why do you always pay zero in the new semester?

She is a Peking University master with a strong professional background

Chinese parents have been "accompanying" for an average of 12 years, why do you always pay zero in the new semester?

She is the author of the best-selling book "Gameplay Parenting"

Chinese parents have been "accompanying" for an average of 12 years, why do you always pay zero in the new semester?

Buy classes and send emotional management classes

In this set of courses, she led everyone to train from the basic ability to three levels of advanced play, through 20 lessons (16 video lessons + 3 online Q&A lessons), master the theory, use skills, and quickly and effectively improve children's learning ability.

Chinese parents have been "accompanying" for an average of 12 years, why do you always pay zero in the new semester?

16 regular lessons + 3 online Q&A lessons deconstructed

13 core competencies consolidate 4 foundations

Two-stage advanced gameplay

Let the child grasp it all at once and never forget it

Chinese parents have been "accompanying" for an average of 12 years, why do you always pay zero in the new semester?

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