
Winter and summer holidays cornering overtaking? Do you think the school bully stopped there waiting for you to be super? To do this, overtaking is not a pipe dream

Last time Chang Dad sent an article on winter vacation planning, everyone quickly got to the point: the winter vacation time is short, and there is a Spring Festival "wrapped up in chaos", so the study plan is the most taboo and complete, and the more efficient should be to pick a special fire attack.

Winter and summer holidays cornering overtaking? Do you think the school bully stopped there waiting for you to be super? To do this, overtaking is not a pipe dream
Winter and summer holidays cornering overtaking? Do you think the school bully stopped there waiting for you to be super? To do this, overtaking is not a pipe dream
Winter and summer holidays cornering overtaking? Do you think the school bully stopped there waiting for you to be super? To do this, overtaking is not a pipe dream
Winter and summer holidays cornering overtaking? Do you think the school bully stopped there waiting for you to be super? To do this, overtaking is not a pipe dream

However, there are also some parents who are still unwilling:

The focus is on how to arrange one or two tasks, many learning tasks are too late to do in the semester, just point to the winter vacation power, curve overtaking!

Although the words are correct, but have you ever thought of a problem: overtaking, means to exceed the people who are stronger than you, but everyone's winter vacation time is the same long, the people in front of you can not be idle, waiting, lying down to make you super, you want to yell at everyone: don't roll, wait for me, this is also impossible!

Winter and summer holidays cornering overtaking? Do you think the school bully stopped there waiting for you to be super? To do this, overtaking is not a pipe dream

And, how can we be superhuman to be able to surpass it? At the cost of sacrificing children's sleep, rest, and entertainment time, do you make up more lessons and brush up more questions than others, so that the holidays are more tiring than school?

Prematurely using primary school students as middle school students and junior high school students as high school students, the result is that the strings are stretched too early and too tightly, and finally when it is time to exert force, it collapses.

Winter and summer holidays cornering overtaking? Do you think the school bully stopped there waiting for you to be super? To do this, overtaking is not a pipe dream

So what to do? Is there no hope of overtaking? Don't talk about overtaking, catch up!

In a word: if you want to overtake in curves, first do cognitive upgrading!

Learning is a long-term project, short-term counterattack is unrealistic, long-term transformation is still possible. And if you want to achieve a fundamental breakthrough, it is definitely not to rely on the amount of heaping, but to calm down and think more about how to improve learning ability and completely improve inefficient learning methods, which is equivalent to giving children a "long-term weapon" for sustainable development, so that his next learning career can benefit from this, which is much more important than going to extracurricular classes and brushing problems!

Fake diligence can not make the score and ability have the slightest shake, and only yourself are moved in the end! So I would like to say, don't expect too much from the winter vacation cornering, otherwise the start of school will basically disappoint you, and improving your learning ability can do more with less, helping you to really surpass or counterattack in the near future.

Below I will list a few common cognitive misunderstandings and teach you the right approach.

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Inefficient learning method one

Read and focus repeatedly

When you look at it, you know everything, and you won't ask anything

When many children are studying, they will repeatedly read the content of the textbook chapters, reading can not be said to be not careful, the attitude can not be said to be not serious, and they will pick up various highlighters to make annotations when they encounter key points.

We also have an old saying in China: read a hundred times, its righteousness is self-evident, if parents see their children reading words like this, it is estimated that they will be very pleased, after all, this is the typical good student in our minds.

Winter and summer holidays cornering overtaking? Do you think the school bully stopped there waiting for you to be super? To do this, overtaking is not a pipe dream

And this practice is very common all over the world, an American professor of cognitive psychology once did a survey, found that more than 80% of students will choose the "repeated reading" method of learning.

Winter and summer holidays cornering overtaking? Do you think the school bully stopped there waiting for you to be super? To do this, overtaking is not a pipe dream

However, cognitive psychologist Professor Bjork and his wife have found after years of research that the more energy a person spends constructing and extracting a memory, the stronger the memory. And like repeated reading, marking the key points, just in the short term "familiar" with this knowledge, and then passively accept the information, does not involve active extraction of memory, so in fact belongs to the time of watching everything knows, after reading a question will not be, is a completely inefficient learning method.

Moreover, children often use this method, and the brain's ability to retrieve and extract information from memory is not well exercised, and the learning ability will become worse and worse.

Was it a shock to see this? After all, many parents are encouraging their children to "watch repeatedly" and have never felt that there is anything wrong with them before. But in fact, the child uses such a way, and a lot of time and effort is wasted, which is equivalent to wandering in the shallow learning area and not opening the real active learning at all!

Winter and summer holidays cornering overtaking? Do you think the school bully stopped there waiting for you to be super? To do this, overtaking is not a pipe dream

So what does a truly effective way to learn look? That is, it is necessary to follow the "necessary difficulty principle".

For example, it is very easy for us to take a branch and write on the sand, but when the wind blows, it is not formed. And we carved the words on the stone, which was very difficult to carve, but after years of wind and rain, it was still clear and recognizable. In other words, when it takes a little effort to remember, it will be remembered very firmly, and if it is too easy to remember, then it will be forgotten quickly.

Active return to thought, based on the principle of "necessary difficulty", has been summarized by cognitive psychologists and recognized as the most efficient underlying learning principle. For example, children can follow the table of contents to recall instead of repeated reading, and at night before going to bed, the key knowledge is repeated in the brain like a movie, which helps the child to systematize and organize the knowledge and read the book thin.

This applies to a variety of learning scenarios such as review and pre-study, and also applies to various subjects, really "eating through" the knowledge points, rather than just learning a hilarity.

Inefficient learning method two

I speak you listen

Chant to the child and force the input of knowledge

A friend said such a metaphor, which is estimated to represent the thoughts of many parents. He said that the little monk in the TV series "Tianlong Babu" did not have to practice himself, and he could become the first in the world by relying on others to deliver his skills. If only his own children could also open the plug-in, make a contribution, you can pass on all the learning you have learned in your life to him, do not have to bother with chicken babies, and you can also have a harmonious family atmosphere of motherly kindness and filial piety.

Winter and summer holidays cornering overtaking? Do you think the school bully stopped there waiting for you to be super? To do this, overtaking is not a pipe dream

After all, in reality, most of them are left to parents to talk like a river, gushing endlessly, the child is always sluggish, the eyes are unfocused, and the parents are eager to boil the knowledge point into soup and directly drink it to the child!

Since we realize that the effect of this learning is poor, we should adjust the methods and methods in time and stop torturing each other.

For example, change the number of roads and let the child tell you.

Let the child tell the parents after learning on their own, the child is proactive, and the parents can easily grasp the child's learning situation, and then check the defects and fill in the gaps in a targeted manner. This is the classic Feynman method of learning. As long as you master the core of this learning method, your child's learning effect can be visibly improved!

Inefficient learning method three

Optics does not practice false handles

Learn vaguely and forget it cleanly

For a long time, many parents have believed that the easier and less stressful the child is when learning things, the better the learning effect. Therefore, to coax children to be happy, eat and drink well, like exam tests that make children stressed when they hear it, it is simply a learning killer, it is best not to engage.

However, a growing body of research confirms that the kindness of parents can do bad things. Such a state of "happy zero burden" will make children fall into the dilemma of inefficient learning.

Yale Professor Henry Roediger and Purdue Professor Jeffrey Karpicke jointly conducted an experiment:

Suppose there are 3 groups of students, reading the same article, where -

Group A: Repeat the study 4 times, but without a test;

Group B: Repeat the study 3 times, test 1 time;

Group C: 1 study, 3 quizes.

When you take the exam after 1 week, which group do you think will score better? Group A or Group B, or Group C?

The results showed that group C, that is, the group that learned to test 3 times a week, remembered about 60% of the knowledge points on average after one week; group A, that is, the group that learned 4 times but did not test, could only remember about 40% of the knowledge points after a week. The gap can be said to be amazing.

Group B, that is, the group that learned 3 times and took the test 1 time, had lower grades than Group C, but it was much higher than group A.

Winter and summer holidays cornering overtaking? Do you think the school bully stopped there waiting for you to be super? To do this, overtaking is not a pipe dream

What does this mean? It shows that even if it is only a test, the effect of memory consolidation is immediate.

Proper use of the test is a good way to improve the learning effect, in line with the principle of active recall, which can more fully mobilize the brain and improve learning efficiency. This method of learning is also known as the test learning method.

The test learning method can not only consolidate the memory effect of old knowledge, but also enhance the learning effect of new knowledge, so that children can integrate, realize the transfer of new and old knowledge, and promote comprehensive understanding and application ability, which is also known as the test enhancement effect. Of course, the test learning method, although with the word "test", does not only refer to the official examination.

Usually at home to write homework to do exercises, or family tutoring children can be used. For example, daily use dictation instead of transcription, so that children need brain power to retrieve and extract the memory of related glyphs, the memory of new words is more solid, do not believe that you can try, dictation 3 times better than copying 20 times. At the same time, after the child learns a certain knowledge, he must be familiar with the question type and test point, and review it regularly, so that it is possible to consolidate it.

Winter and summer holidays cornering overtaking? Do you think the school bully stopped there waiting for you to be super? To do this, overtaking is not a pipe dream

Speaking of this, I think everyone understands, repeated reading, summarizing the key points, lecturing to children, concentrating on learning... These learning methods based on intuition and personal experience have been proved by scientists' rigorous and authoritative research experiments: even if children learn in this way, even if they pay more effort, it is difficult to achieve the desired results!

It's really heartwarming isn't it? Because of this, Chang Dad rushed to write this article about the holiday before the Spring Festival to remind everyone. You can check whether your child is using these inefficient learning methods, if you have it, hurry up and make changes, take advantage of the holiday to make a breakthrough and improvement in cognition, even if the school can not surprise everyone, at least give yourself the possibility of amazing future!

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